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Post the funniest videos you have ever seen.


Wonder Woman
Okay, if you don't crack up hard on this one there's something wrong with you.



Wonder Woman
Ok...."something wrong" with me.

Have sneaking suspicion it's for real.:eek:

Oh my goodness, it's extreme parody. Landover Baptist Church is a fake church in a fake town. Basically, it's this atheist guy who mocks the kind of mindset of evangelical churches. Especially like the Westboro Baptist Church. Here, check this out:



Active Member
Oh my goodness, it's extreme parody. Landover Baptist Church is a fake church in a fake town.

Hmmmm....I dunno...I'm still not convinced.
(and still not "Oh my goodness" serious :p)

Basically, it's this atheist guy who mocks the kind of mindset of evangelical churches.

Well...I'm still taking a Fundamentalist Literalist Evangelical reading of the material presented...and it looks/sounds real to me...Gospel True....especially the bit about chasing Wiccans up trees....those fat faced little suckers can really climb! :yes:

Here, check this out:

Photoshopped forgery coverup........just like fossils....the original is real I tell ya!


Wonder Woman
Hmmmm....I dunno...I'm still not convinced.
(and still not "Oh my goodness" serious :p)

Well...I'm still taking a Fundamentalist Literalist Evangelical reading of the material presented...and it looks/sounds real to me...Gospel True....especially the bit about chasing Wiccans up trees....those fat faced little suckers can really climb! :yes:

Photoshopped forgery coverup........just like fossils....the original is real I tell ya!

Ha ha ha. :p "Fat faced little suckers" huh? Really now? Them be fightin' words! :tuna:


Not a video, but well worth the effort (wipes the tears):


Oh, Microsoft.