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Post the funniest videos you have ever seen.


It's all about the Light
I got the bug for Monty Python's masterpiece on another thread, I couldn't help myself. Here is Killer Bunny - I think I almost peed myself when I first saw this part (and lots of other parts in this classic)

YouTube - Holy Grail - Killer Bunny


Active Member
I got the bug for Monty Python's masterpiece on another thread, I couldn't help myself. Here is Killer Bunny - I think I almost peed myself when I first saw this part (and lots of other parts in this classic)

I wish to lay claim to being (at least one of) those responsible for previously posting Killer Bunny in another thread. Having therefore been potentially complicit in introducing you to such violence...please excuse the following violence done to my native culture and tongue by three Englishmen pretending to be from Pax Paradise Horsetrailia.

YouTube - Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl - Philospher's Song


It's all about the Light
I wish to lay claim to being (at least one of) those responsible for previously posting Killer Bunny in another thread. Having therefore been potentially complicit in introducing you to such violence...please excuse the following violence done to my native culture and tongue by three Englishmen pretending to be from Pax Paradise Horsetrailia.

You're excused, Wombat. :)