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Post the funniest videos you have ever seen.


"Oscar the grouch"
Then perhaps you will enjoy (or already be aware of)-
'Casey the punisher'
Clip of schoolboy Casey retaliating against a schoolyard bully. The clip has gone viral/global Whoopi Goldberg discussing it on her show, the Koreans turning it into an online game and massive media coverage in Australia.


Here's my problem with the entire subsequent debate and media discussion...>nobody<...has given any consideration to or questioned the role of the school in dealing with bullying. In all the subsequent interviews and discussion nobody has asked if there was prior report of the bullying to the school, nobody has asked if the school had a ‘Bullying Audit’ and/or a Bullying Programme (both are first lines of responsible defence against such behaviour).
It seems that everyone is content that Casey was justified and/or a hero...and that the adults in his life had no clear and direct responsibility...............until the next bully gets slam dunked on his head and dies.

This is what happens when skinny bullies mess with kids who didn't eat their chocolate cake


Active Member
Since we Americans are so violent I will post videos of your liking nice boring and comical. Man you're worse than the british when it comes to comedy.

Or, as an alternative, you could Youtube-'Ronnie Johns - Chopper - Harden the %#$^ Up';)


Then perhaps you will enjoy (or already be aware of)-
'Casey the punisher'
Clip of schoolboy Casey retaliating against a schoolyard bully. The clip has gone viral/global Whoopi Goldberg discussing it on her show, the Koreans turning it into an online game and massive media coverage in Australia.


Here's my problem with the entire subsequent debate and media discussion...>nobody<...has given any consideration to or questioned the role of the school in dealing with bullying. In all the subsequent interviews and discussion nobody has asked if there was prior report of the bullying to the school, nobody has asked if the school had a ‘Bullying Audit’ and/or a Bullying Programme (both are first lines of responsible defence against such behaviour).
It seems that everyone is content that Casey was justified and/or a hero...and that the adults in his life had no clear and direct responsibility...............until the next bully gets slam dunked on his head and dies.

That's amazing. Casey is at least twice the size of the bully.... what an idiot. That bully should pick on someone is own size so he doesn't get a power drive into the cement.

This reminds me of my best friend, who was into weightlifting and football in high school - huge guy - weighed about 235 and he was pure muscle. But he got picked on all the time by guys smaller than him. I never understood that. So I fought the bullies. After high school he was very successful in the Army. Go figure.


Active Member
That's amazing. Casey is at least twice the size of the bully.... what an idiot. That bully should pick on someone is own size so he doesn't get a power drive into the cement..

It needs to be kept in mind that there are 3-4-5 of the bullies buddies out of frame, phone videoing the incident and ready to back up their Mighty Mouse mate. One steps in at the end but is warned off by an older girl.

Such is the way of the bully...travel and operate in packs.

This reminds me of my best friend, who was into weightlifting and football in high school - huge guy - weighed about 235 and he was pure muscle. But he got picked on all the time by guys smaller than him. I never understood that. So I fought the bullies. After high school he was very successful in the Army. Go figure.

Yea...the 'gentle giant' is often the target of someone suffering small man syndrome. The biggest man I ever met was at Judo practice...I couldn't figure out why he would ever need to learn self defence...but it turned out his size made him a constant target for smaller men seeking to prove themselves. During practice one evening I was dancing around with this guy and watching his feet for his next move...I became distrated by the fact that his feet looked to be a foot long. At that moment he rolled backwards, stuck a footlong foot in my gut, and sent me sailing towards the plywood wall of the hall.

I did my 'breakfall' as I went upside down through the wall and when I stopped seeing stars decided I needed to know self defence to participate in self defence classes;)


"Oscar the grouch"
Wow Vendetta, your remarks toward me were completely uncalled for!

So was your comment about American humor being violent. Can't put a nationality on humor. Some people find things funny. Kittens on a pole or a baby drooling maybe funny to you but lame to someone else. I am merely saying since I will be more mindful not to post "violent" funny videos. So call it even.