I find the word "denier" offensive. Search the term “denier.“ It was in connection with the Holocaust that I first heard the term “denier,” I think, in the 1980s or 1990’s. My primary concern, however, is that climate has been put off-limits to any rational discussion. People who do not subscribe to the most radical action are considered to be heartless and mean. My search came up with denier
(link) in dictionary.com:
It is definitely a pejorative term. And the posts above are dominated by hysteria. I believe in "denying" when we are being panicked into surrendering our lifestyles. If we could see the dystopia looming in the future, there would be a lot more skeptics. And is there any proof that pulling the plug on our economy would have any impact on climate? None.
Indeed the rhetoric about "tipping points" illustrates this, so that if catastrophes continue unabated they will argue they were not wrong, just not hysterical enough. And then get more and more restrictions.