From my recollection, when God was permitted in the classroom, the problems were chewing gum, running in the hallways, and in a worse case scenario, smoking in the bathrooms. But in those days an inch slab of wood on the seat of the pants quickly corrected any behavioral misconduct. Today since God has been removed schools are becoming war zones. Since my work takes me into several different schools, I have had the opportunity to witness firsthand the disrespect that our teachers are subjected to, and their hands are tied for the most part as to how they may correct the problem. Take Indianapolis for example, the students are no longer sent to sit in the hall when they disrupt class, they are sent to jail cells within the school. Yes, that,s right, our elementary, middle, and high schools now have jail cells. That may be politically incorrect. We will call them time out rooms. Not only that, but these schools now require a police station within the schools, and a constant police presence to squelch the violence. Yes that is correct, our hall monitors don't carry pencils and papers to take names any more they carry guns. Yes removing god's presence from schools have done wonders in making our schools better places of learning. That is if you can make it out alive. And you aint seen nothing yet.