Just doing my part to keep everyone's feet on the ground. However,
people do love a prophet.
It gives them some expectation for the future and they don't have to use their brains to figure it out for themselves. Most people don't like figuring things out for themselves. They prefer someone else to hand them their beliefs and their ideas... even their futures. Doesn't bother me as much as it makes me anxious. Once you got too many people walking around on faith, it makes people a little unpredictable. It's hard to judge whether a person is their "own man" or just someone elses sheep.
This applies to some more than others. I think
most people set aside their faith for reason a majority of the time.
They only worry about the words of prophets when they want to smugly brush aside someone elses' annoying rationality. "So and so said I'm going to heaven and you're not. So and So said God is going to kick your butt". lol That kind of thing. Prophets. You can make a lot of money as a prophet on the Psychic Network; though, most people just want to know if they got money or women in their future; cause like I said, people aren't interested in figuring things out for themselves.