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President Joe Biden Declares Easter Sunday As Transgender Day Of Visibility

The Hammer

Premium Member
I do love people with mental illness, I have a young Trans friend in a 12-step program that is welcomed, accepted and loved. Its an "outside issue" in 12 step programs. I had him speak at my home group last year. My sister is gay, one of the nicest people I know. She's probably still atheist, but not a Christian hating activist. You assume that I hate because you hate me, you hate Christians in general and I don't care! Fact is the Trans movement is being shoved down everyone's throat! The White House deliberately chose to emphasize this issue on Easter. This would likely not even be an issue if the Left hadn't decided to force everyone in the world to accept peoples lifestyle who cannot accept themselves.

*Insert* "I know black people/have black friends, of course I'm not racist!"


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
If we assume his logic is consistent - which I think is a stretch - it seems that @Colt thinks that acknowledging the existence of trans people on any date that could align with Easter is a problem. Apparently, trans people need to go into hiding from March 22 to April 24.
I’m sure many think that would not be enough time hiding.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Your point? Folk will still be doing that even with transfolk existing. Not everyone is trans majority are cisgender and that wont change. And even transfolk can have children.
Transfolk can adopt children. They can't actually have children aside from some third party procedures like invitro fertilization. They can rear children however.


Admiral Obvious
This is a quote from the scripture IMOP.

Romans 1:18-32​

King James Version​

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Post #57

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I do love people with mental illness, I have a young Trans friend in a 12-step program that is welcomed, accepted and loved. Its an "outside issue" in 12 step programs. I had him speak at my home group last year. My sister is gay, one of the nicest people I know. She's probably still atheist, but not a Christian hating activist. You assume that I hate because you hate me, you hate Christians in general and I don't care! Fact is the Trans movement is being shoved down everyone's throat! The White House deliberately chose to emphasize this issue on Easter. This would likely not even be an issue if the Left hadn't decided to force everyone in the world to accept peoples lifestyle who cannot accept themselves.

This reminds me of some Christian conservatives I know who insisted that they can't be racist against black people because they have "black friends."


Use any and all pronouns including neo and it/it's
Transfolk can adopt children. They can't actually have children aside from some third party procedures like invitro fertilization. They can rear children however.
Few things....not all trans folk have surgery. I haven't had surgery and im trans. Two there's procedures usually done on nonbinary folk that allow for one person to have both a vagina and a penis. On an AFAB person its vaginal preserving phalloplasty or Metoidplasty depending on which the person chooses This person if they keep their ovaries can give birth via c section and can get pregnant. Some trans men choose this as well as to have children. On an AMAB person its called phallus preserving vaginoplasty. This is done mostly on nonbinary folk but again they could get someone pregnant and have a vagina if they keep their testicles

Edit: and some choose to have their testes or ovaries removed but still have children because you can have them before surgery...did you forget that's a possibility?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
The White House deliberately chose to emphasize this issue on Easter.
This would likely not even be an issue if the Left hadn't decided to force everyone in the world
Aha, now we are getting somewhere - it is all a Marxist conspiracy. A few questions if I may.
Have you ever read Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky or even Proudon, Bakunin Kropotkin or Chomsky. I hope so because then you could point out where this diabolic transexual scheme fits into the class war.

Also, I would like to point out that the "left" which you seem to despise so much, was always against Slavery, the oppression of workers, the oppression of women, putting little kids down coal mines, colonialism and fascism. Do you have a problem with that or is it just people with sex lives that you consider unsavoury that gets you agitated?


Admiral Obvious
"Now, therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility."

If you really believe that this was not discussed in the White House beforehand then..................................
So what?

We get it.
You are desperate to be a victim.


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of some Christian conservatives I know who insisted that they can't be racist against black people because they have "black friends."
The Left tries to discredit anyone who disagrees with their agenda by first declaring them racist or bigots. That way truth doesn't matter. If you need for me to be a racist because a boy dressed up like a woman isn't a woman, then suit yourself.


Admiral Obvious
I wonder what happened to the Whitehouse Easter egg roll this year?
What are you going on about?

Today, the White House announced the full program of activities for the 2024 White House Easter Egg Roll, a tradition dating back to 1878. A teacher for more than 30 years, First Lady Jill Biden is continuing her theme of “EGGucation” for the event, transforming the South Lawn and Ellipse into a school community, full of fun educational activities for children of all ages to enjoy.​
This year’s event will be broken into nine sessions, beginning at 7:00 AM ET and ending at 7:00 PM ET. Follow along with the White House Easter “EGGucation” Roll activities with #EasterEggRoll and #EGGucation, and the official @white House, @POTUS, and @FLOTUS social media accounts on X, Facebook, and Instagram.​
The tradition that started it all! Children will use wooden spoons to roll colorful eggs in a race across the South Lawn.​
Children will find hidden eggs and collect special prizes.​
The School House area of the South Lawn will be full of fun educational activities for all to enjoy!​
The School House stage on the South Lawn will feature “egg-citing” kids’ educational acts and performances.​
Children and their families can fuel up for learning with some seasonal snacks!​
It’s time to head to the farm for a school field trip! Children will learn from farmers about how they help feed our families.​
Families will come together for some special story time with children’s book authors and special guests!​
Families will remember this day always with a fun photo! Snap a family picture with the White House in the background or capture a moment with your favorite costumed character.​
PHYSICAL EGGucation (PE) Zone​
Children of all ages will hop, bounce, kick, run, and throw their way through the Ellipse’s obstacle course and favorite schoolyard activities.​
Families will enjoy music from marching bands as they make their way up to the Egg Roll!​
This year, the White House Easter “EGGucation” Roll will feature educational activities, schoolyard fun, and special performances on the South Lawn, which are supported by (in alphabetical order):​
123 Andrés, children’s music performers​
2023 Washington, DC Teacher of the Year Jermar Rountree & 2024 Washington, DC Teacher of the Year Beth Barkley​
American Egg Board​
American Egg Board Farmers Jana Zweering and Molly Weaver​
American Society of Plant Biologists​
“Art of the Brick,” LEGO artist Nathan Sawaya​
Beat Refinery DJ School​
Bill Gordh, Musician and Storyteller​
Britt Waters, Lifestyle/Traffic Anchor for ABC7 Good Morning Washington; Host for the Washington Wizards​
Center of Science and Industry (COSI)​
Children’s Book Author, Andrea Beaty​
Children’s Book Author and Astronaut, Kellie Gerardi​
Children’s Book Authors Brad Meltzer and Chris Eliopoulos​
Coca-Cola Company / DASANI Water​
D.C. United​
Dino’s Alive! Experience/Exhibition Hub​
DJ Bunny​
DJ Diamond Kuts​
DJ Duck​
DJ Mel​
DJ Sophia Rocks​
DJs and twin sisters, Amira and Kayla​
Emily Calandrelli, MIT engineer and host of Emily’s Wonder Lab on Netflix and Author​
Five Below, Inc.​
Founding Farmers​
George Mason University Green Machine, Fairfax, VA​
Gobo Fraggle and Red Fraggle from Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock​
Independence High School Marching Band, Brambleton, VA​
Lawrence Hall of Science: University of California, Berkeley​
Lauren Quigley Creations​
Monet The Immersive Experience / Exhibition Hub​
Major League Baseball​
Montgomery County Fire and Rescue​
MTV Entertainment Studios with Active Minds​
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)​
National Basketball Association​
National Children’s Museum​
National Confectioners Association​
National Football League​
National Park Service​
Operation Gratitude​
PAAS ® Easter Egg Color Kits​
Paul Russell, Recording Artist and Performer​
PBS KIDS Series Creator (Alma’s Way), Children’s Book Author and former Sesame Street actor, Sonia Manzano​
Planet Word​
President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition​
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona​
Sesame Street​
Sesame Street actor, Alan Muraoka, reading with Elmo​
The Majestic Marching Cardinals of Jonesboro High School, Jonesboro, GA​
“The President’s Own” United States Marine Corps Band​
The United States Air Force Band​
The United States Army Band​
The United States Navy Band​
The United States Navy Band Sea Chanters (singing the National Anthem)​
Tolleson Elementary School District Marching Band, Phoenix, AZ​
Tommy McFly, Official Emcee & NBC4 Scene Correspondent and Host of Walk A Mile​
Washington Spirit​
White House Historical Association​
Windows Catering​
YouTube Kids, featuring Jessi Knudsen Castaneda from SciShow Kids!​
The following costumed characters (in alphabetical order) will stroll the White House grounds, including:​
Care Bears Character, Cheer Bear​
Disney’s Winnie the Pooh and Tigger​
Doki the Dog​
Dr. Seuss Character, The Lorax​
Hatching Chick​
Miffy Bunny​
Miraculous Lady Bug and Cat Noir​
Momma, Daddy, Baby Shark and Bebefinn​
Nickelodeon Characters: Marshall, Chase, Skye, and Rubble from Paw Patrol; SpongeBob and Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants; Blue and Magenta from Blue’s Clues​
Paramount Pictures Character, Blue from “IF”​
PBS KIDS Characters: Alma from Alma’s Way, Donkey from Donkey Hodie, Daniel Tiger from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Stu from Lyla in the Loop, Rosie from Rosie’s Rules, Zeke from Work it Out Wombats!, Elinor from Elinor Wonders Why, and Molly from Molly of Denali​
Peanuts Characters: Astronaut Snoopy and Charlie Brown​
Phillie Phanatic, the mascot of the Philadelphia Phillies​
Poe, the mascot of the Baltimore Ravens​
Slapshot, the mascot of the Washington Capitals​
Sony Pictures Character, Garfield from The Garfield Movie​
Swoop, the mascot of the Philadelphia Eagles​
The Oriole Bird, the mascot of the Baltimore Orioles​
Universal Pictures Characters: The Minions​
Warner Brothers Superhero Wonder Woman​



Admiral Obvious
I do love people with mental illness, I have a young Trans friend in a 12-step program that is welcomed, accepted and loved. Its an "outside issue" in 12 step programs. I had him speak at my home group last year. My sister is gay, one of the nicest people I know. She's probably still atheist, but not a Christian hating activist. You assume that I hate because you hate me, you hate Christians in general and I don't care! Fact is the Trans movement is being shoved down everyone's throat! The White House deliberately chose to emphasize this issue on Easter. This would likely not even be an issue if the Left hadn't decided to force everyone in the world to accept peoples lifestyle who cannot accept themselves.
Here you are merely whining that the opposition has stooped down to the bar set by Christians.
I can not wait until they start going door to door with it.
You know, like when Christians are shoving their beliefs down everyone elses throats.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
What are you going on about?

Today, the White House announced the full program of activities for the 2024 White House Easter Egg Roll, a tradition dating back to 1878. A teacher for more than 30 years, First Lady Jill Biden is continuing her theme of “EGGucation” for the event, transforming the South Lawn and Ellipse into a school community, full of fun educational activities for children of all ages to enjoy.​
This year’s event will be broken into nine sessions, beginning at 7:00 AM ET and ending at 7:00 PM ET. Follow along with the White House Easter “EGGucation” Roll activities with #EasterEggRoll and #EGGucation, and the official @white House, @POTUS, and @FLOTUS social media accounts on X, Facebook, and Instagram.​
The tradition that started it all! Children will use wooden spoons to roll colorful eggs in a race across the South Lawn.​
Children will find hidden eggs and collect special prizes.​
The School House area of the South Lawn will be full of fun educational activities for all to enjoy!​
The School House stage on the South Lawn will feature “egg-citing” kids’ educational acts and performances.​
Children and their families can fuel up for learning with some seasonal snacks!​
It’s time to head to the farm for a school field trip! Children will learn from farmers about how they help feed our families.​
Families will come together for some special story time with children’s book authors and special guests!​
Families will remember this day always with a fun photo! Snap a family picture with the White House in the background or capture a moment with your favorite costumed character.​
PHYSICAL EGGucation (PE) Zone​
Children of all ages will hop, bounce, kick, run, and throw their way through the Ellipse’s obstacle course and favorite schoolyard activities.​
Families will enjoy music from marching bands as they make their way up to the Egg Roll!​
This year, the White House Easter “EGGucation” Roll will feature educational activities, schoolyard fun, and special performances on the South Lawn, which are supported by (in alphabetical order):​
123 Andrés, children’s music performers​
2023 Washington, DC Teacher of the Year Jermar Rountree & 2024 Washington, DC Teacher of the Year Beth Barkley​
American Egg Board​
American Egg Board Farmers Jana Zweering and Molly Weaver​
American Society of Plant Biologists​
“Art of the Brick,” LEGO artist Nathan Sawaya​
Beat Refinery DJ School​
Bill Gordh, Musician and Storyteller​
Britt Waters, Lifestyle/Traffic Anchor for ABC7 Good Morning Washington; Host for the Washington Wizards​
Center of Science and Industry (COSI)​
Children’s Book Author, Andrea Beaty​
Children’s Book Author and Astronaut, Kellie Gerardi​
Children’s Book Authors Brad Meltzer and Chris Eliopoulos​
Coca-Cola Company / DASANI Water​
D.C. United​
Dino’s Alive! Experience/Exhibition Hub​
DJ Bunny​
DJ Diamond Kuts​
DJ Duck​
DJ Mel​
DJ Sophia Rocks​
DJs and twin sisters, Amira and Kayla​
Emily Calandrelli, MIT engineer and host of Emily’s Wonder Lab on Netflix and Author​
Five Below, Inc.​
Founding Farmers​
George Mason University Green Machine, Fairfax, VA​
Gobo Fraggle and Red Fraggle from Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock​
Independence High School Marching Band, Brambleton, VA​
Lawrence Hall of Science: University of California, Berkeley​
Lauren Quigley Creations​
Monet The Immersive Experience / Exhibition Hub​
Major League Baseball​
Montgomery County Fire and Rescue​
MTV Entertainment Studios with Active Minds​
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)​
National Basketball Association​
National Children’s Museum​
National Confectioners Association​
National Football League​
National Park Service​
Operation Gratitude​
PAAS ® Easter Egg Color Kits​
Paul Russell, Recording Artist and Performer​
PBS KIDS Series Creator (Alma’s Way), Children’s Book Author and former Sesame Street actor, Sonia Manzano​
Planet Word​
President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition​
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona​
Sesame Street​
Sesame Street actor, Alan Muraoka, reading with Elmo​
The Majestic Marching Cardinals of Jonesboro High School, Jonesboro, GA​
“The President’s Own” United States Marine Corps Band​
The United States Air Force Band​
The United States Army Band​
The United States Navy Band​
The United States Navy Band Sea Chanters (singing the National Anthem)​
Tolleson Elementary School District Marching Band, Phoenix, AZ​
Tommy McFly, Official Emcee & NBC4 Scene Correspondent and Host of Walk A Mile​
Washington Spirit​
White House Historical Association​
Windows Catering​
YouTube Kids, featuring Jessi Knudsen Castaneda from SciShow Kids!​
The following costumed characters (in alphabetical order) will stroll the White House grounds, including:​
Care Bears Character, Cheer Bear​
Disney’s Winnie the Pooh and Tigger​
Doki the Dog​
Dr. Seuss Character, The Lorax​
Hatching Chick​
Miffy Bunny​
Miraculous Lady Bug and Cat Noir​
Momma, Daddy, Baby Shark and Bebefinn​
Nickelodeon Characters: Marshall, Chase, Skye, and Rubble from Paw Patrol; SpongeBob and Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants; Blue and Magenta from Blue’s Clues​
Paramount Pictures Character, Blue from “IF”​
PBS KIDS Characters: Alma from Alma’s Way, Donkey from Donkey Hodie, Daniel Tiger from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Stu from Lyla in the Loop, Rosie from Rosie’s Rules, Zeke from Work it Out Wombats!, Elinor from Elinor Wonders Why, and Molly from Molly of Denali​
Peanuts Characters: Astronaut Snoopy and Charlie Brown​
Phillie Phanatic, the mascot of the Philadelphia Phillies​
Poe, the mascot of the Baltimore Ravens​
Slapshot, the mascot of the Washington Capitals​
Sony Pictures Character, Garfield from The Garfield Movie​
Swoop, the mascot of the Philadelphia Eagles​
The Oriole Bird, the mascot of the Baltimore Orioles​
Universal Pictures Characters: The Minions​
Warner Brothers Superhero Wonder Woman​

Already addressed. Please pay attention.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Can a man pretending to be a women get pregnant?

Yes. And very likely it has happened.

"Man/woman" are social constructs. They are identities related to how we interact and relate to each other. They are malleable things.

For now, people with biologically male body parts are unable to get pregnant regardless of whether they are women or men in their social or personal identities. Should that matter? Of what practical purpose does knowing someone's ability to concieve serve beyond being in a relationship and having kids?

Why is it so important that a person born with specific chemistry that develops their neutral biology into specific reproductive purposes fall into line with things like clothing, pronouns, societal roles, and bathrooms?

Keep in mind that sex organs are analogous to each other: testicles are ovaries, labia are scrotum, and clitorides are penises, just developed differently based on hormones.

I understand that there are religious beliefs that may change a person's perception about this, but in secular society a person's reproductive status is their business.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
The Left tries to discredit anyone who disagrees with their agenda by first declaring them racist or bigots. That way truth doesn't matter. If you need for me to be a racist because a boy dressed up like a woman isn't a woman, then suit yourself.

If you say so, Colt. I don't "need" you to be anything, nor do I expect you to be somebody that your own words have plainly revealed that you are not, namely someone who lives up to the spiritual beliefs they profess. For the record, I called the conservative Christians I referred to in my prior post racist bigots because they refer to black people with the N-word, call black men "boys," and say that black people need to "remember their place" and should not speak to white people unless spoken to. They also state that it is their Christian duty to vote for and loyally support Trump because, first, he is a white man; second, because God anointed him to be the president; and third, because he has restored the racial superiority of white people in this country.


Not of this world
This reminds me of some Christian conservatives I know who insisted that they can't be racist against black people because they have "black friends."
Which reminds me that when a hater of Christian conservatives accuses a Christian of being racist, there is no acceptable argument to prove otherwise.
One the label is applied, the accused is condemned. Just the way anti-Christians like it. It shuts down any hope of rational dialogue.