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Pro-life Super Bowl Ad: Question for RF


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
OMG, what a horrible, tasteless, offensive, blatantly divisive and political ad - NOT.

This really makes some militants look pretty foolish.


Depends Upon My Mood..
We got into a questiion about promoting women to stay in high risks pregnancies..

Which was a "debate" ..Other than that no one has objectied to a mom having her super star footballl player do a fake ram to knock her over.




Well-Known Member

Unfortunately not. The original intent of Abortion rights was to educate people and abolish it. It was never meant to be a permanent choice.

The exception for this of course being a choice of life between Mother and Child, or in the case of sexual abuse.


Intentionally Blank
This is a question that is on On Faith which I thought would be an interesting discussion topic. I am wondering what all the RF members think about it.

I will post my thoughts latter after class as I also plan on possibly doing a blog post on all the comments I have been reading on atheist/skeptic blogs about Tim Tebow. For now my basic, and sarcastic, response is:

How dare CBS air a paid-for ad promoting ideas that are contrary to other peoples opinions!:rolleyes:
Free speech. CBS should run it, and this ad as well.


Treasure Hunter
I saw the commercial, and if I hadn't already heard about it being controversial, I wouldn't have even known what the hell the point was. It sounded to me like this lady is just saying, "Hey, son. I love you." But I'm really stupid, so maybe other people noticed how horrible the commercial was while I missed the point entirely. It reminded me of one of those weirdo commercials that try to tell you to be nice to people. e.g.: "Respect. Pass it on." I don't know who the hell is paying for the stupid commercial, because no one is profiting from it... Maybe we should stop making worthless commercials and use the money for better things, like homeless shelters, and another guitar hero controller.
oH MY...the back tracking begins..."Who was upset? Not ME! Certainly not ME!"
Good ol' Kathryn. She may be right, she may be wrong, but she's always sure. ;)

The truth is, I felt underwhelmed when the argument was about the ad. I continue to feel underwhelmed now that the argument is about how people responded to the ad.

This was my response to the OP, I don't think in fairness you can say I am back tracking:
Mr Spinkles said:

I don't have a moral pronouncement to make because I think TV networks choose to run ads based on two basic considerations:

  1. They get paid to run the ad.
  2. The ad doesn't cost them viewers.
Like any corporation CBS will make the decision it believes will lead to the highest profits, mindlessly, like a predator selecting the easiest prey. In that sense CBS is "blameless". Any blame/responsibility comes down to the attitudes of viewers. Other people's attitudes will seem right or wrong to you depending on your personal view of the issue.

In other words, I think this eventually comes down to the abortion issue. We aren't going to reach a consensus on the abortion issue in the next 24 hours and therefore we won't resolve the issue of the Focus on the Family ad, and whether or not we feel it is appropriate, either.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Review my posts. Find one where I called the ad offensive and quote it. I dare you.

Storm, wow, you really gotta stop taking everything so PERSONALLY! This is one post I assure you I'm not apologizing for - because I didn't even unintentionally suggest that YOU said the ad was offensive. WHAT I SAID was that now that the ad - the infamous, divisive, inappropriate (not) ad has run, people will start backtracking as if they never opposed it - distancing themselves from the issue. Because now that everyone's seen the ad, it's obvious that there's nothing to it that should offend ANYONE.

Here's an interesting Huffington Post article from February 8th that describes much of the opposition to the ad - not just the CBS decision to RUN the ad, but the CONTENT of the ad.

Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad: Women's Groups Pressure CBS

"A national coalition of women's groups called on CBS on Monday to scrap its plan to broadcast an ad during the Super Bowl featuring college football star Tim Tebow and his mother, which critics say is likely to convey an anti-abortion message.
"An ad that uses sports to divide rather than to unite has no place in the biggest national sports event of the year – an event designed to bring Americans together," said Jehmu Greene, president of the New York-based Women's Media Center.
The center was coordinating the protest with backing from the National Organization for Women, the Feminist Majority and other groups."

There are many, many more articles concerning groups that opposed, not only CBS, but the content of the ad. But I'll let you research that at your own convenience if you really care anything about the issue.

I will be watching to see which groups retract their statements. But I won't be holding my breath.