Let's speak of history, okay?
Can we agree that empires are bad, very, very bad and that we need to dismantle them?
There was the Ottoman Empire that was replaced by the British Empire.
When the horrific WW2 was over we Europeans dismantled our colonial empires, and we did it in a very tidy and ordered way. My country did it tidily because it had very few colonies, but the decolonization of the British Empire was very complex because we are speaking of immense territories.
It was decided that in the land that was called Syria-Palaestina in the ancient times, there had to be a Jewish nation states and several Arabic-speaking states like Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and so on.
The problem was that the borders questions didn't make anyone agree, back then.
And that is weird, because when we made peace with Yugoslavia or Austria, we got alone perfectly. And we lost so many regions, but we kept others.
The problem is that there has never been a peaceful and pacifist approach between Israel and the Arabic-speaking states in drawing that map.
Can you tell me why?