Ever sense I began to really cling on to Being I have lost interest in in many things. Now, Im quite young and im already starting not to care about girls, I never did like school, I dont want a job and Im not even motivated to get my lisense. My family doesnt like what im going threw and sometimes my dad will tell me what im doing is only hurting me and that im going crazy. I have seen a few psychiatrist and none have helped me. Whats going to happen to my future. I feel like sitting down, absorbing myself into Being and never comming back. But then what? My family will be so sad and my future will fall apart. What did you all do to cope with your spiritual problems. Im very aware that im unbalanced with this, but I dont want to be balanced either, i dont care to be. If completly absorbing myself in Being is extreme, then I want to be the most extreme with it. If its not, then I want to be the least. I just want to be closer to Being, but there seems to be a high cost for such a choice.