I took a portion of my time in life and devoted it to studying evolution, i like to wiegh propabilities, look at the odds, and see if it is possible in any case.
My beleif- The Theory of Evolution is False, although some creatures do change over time, but not in a evolutionary way.
I was standing outside by my house and i saw a tree. Where does a tree come from? From a seed? and the seed comes from a tree? Which came first? What is the chance that the tree just happened to have roots, that happened to know how to obsorbed water, and the tree happened to have a trunk, which happened to know how to transfer water to the leaves, and it just happened to have leaves, that knew how to obsorbed light from the sun, and it just happened to know how to store it, and so on, and so on.
To beleive in evolution is to believe that almost everything "just happened." Evolution cannot explain the begining. At what point did something exist? Did all things come from that same Big Bang point? What chance was there that life would arise out of all of this?