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Proof of evolution -at last-


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
What is your is knowledge in science to make any judgements concerning the evolutionary relationship between birds and dinosaurs?
From what I have read, bones of some sort attributed to dinosaurs were found and there were vestiges of feathers. THEREFORE -- you figure it out, what conclusions some have come to. In other words, according to some, that means that -- the "early ancestors" of birds were - dinosaurs. I no longer believe that dinosaurs EVOLVED by natural selection to eventually become -- birds. Since, again, there are no genetic links proving without doubt that dinosaurs evolved to become birds, I no longer accept the surmises of some scientists who believe and promote the theory of evolution by natural selection. If you have any other information showing that they definitely evolved to become birds, please do present it. (Thanks.)


Premium Member
From what I have read, bones of some sort attributed to dinosaurs were found and there were vestiges of feathers. THEREFORE -- you figure it out, what conclusions some have come to. In other words, according to some, that means that -- the "early ancestors" of birds were - dinosaurs. I no longer believe that dinosaurs EVOLVED by natural selection to eventually become -- birds. Since, again, there are no genetic links proving without doubt that dinosaurs evolved to become birds, I no longer accept the surmises of some scientists who believe and promote the theory of evolution by natural selection. If you have any other information showing that they definitely evolved to become birds, please do present it. (Thanks.)

From what you read . . . >>> remains a joke unless you can express yourself in terms of scientific references and evidence.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Interesting . . . ? Yet no knowledge in genetics to even remotely understand anything concerning the genetics of evolution.

Do you have scientific references to justify your foolish claims???

More foolishness there is no proof in science, and again your intentional ignorance of science.
Interesting. Are you telling me that the information of gaps of genetics between gorillas, bonobos and humans are not true?


Veteran Member
If you want to talk about the proper interpretation of Scripture then a person must understand the author who is God and the Interpreter who is the Holy Spirit. If a person doesn’t have the Holy Spirit they will not be able to interpret what God meant when He said things.
Let me guess, you claim to be one of these special people. And so any other Christian who disagrees with you must not have this special ability, yes? So Christians who accept evolution and does interpret Genesis literally don't understand God and the Holy Spirit?

And you avoided another of my hard questions. Here it is again:

I asked you how you justify dismissing the valid conclusions of experts in science. On what basis do you claim an authority over experts in science?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
From what you read . . . >>> remains a joke unless you can express yourself in terms of scientific references and evidence.
Ah ... I see. So because I don't provide proof that dinosaurs do or don't evolve to become birds is not good enough. :) for you, of course. Even though there is none. Or maybe you think there is. Thanks for letting me know. When I HAVE provided links to support the lack of proof you have always demeaned it by calling me uneducated or demeaning the information itself. :)


Veteran Member
Some of the Bible is literal, some is figurative, when you’re adopted into the family you learn the difference. If you aren’t in the family how do you think you can understand? I would say you have no idea right now but if and when you enter Gods family all of the sudden things become very clear and obvious.
You didn't explain who told you how to interpret the Bible literally. Was it family? You were indoctrinated as a child?
Let me guess, you claim to be one of these special people. And so any other Christian who disagrees with you must not have this special ability, yes? So Christians who accept evolution and does interpret Genesis literally don't understand God and the Holy Spirit?
I don’t even think there is a concrete definition and understanding of what is meant by evolution. It seems like an every changing definition and interpretation.
I will say this though, there is no true believer in Christ who doesn’t trust that the Bible is in fact the Word of God. No I don’t believe any person who is born again denies the Genesis account of Creation as written.
You didn't explain who told you how to interpret the Bible literally. Was it family? You were indoctrinated as a child?
How many time do I have to tell you??? The Holy Spirit is my teacher. I was a drug addict and alcoholic and God delivered me, saved me, gave
me Eternal Life through Jesus Christ. My eye were opened, I understood the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit has revealed the truth.


Veteran Member
I don’t even think there is a concrete definition and understanding of what is meant by evolution. It seems like an every changing definition and interpretation.
It's because you show no signs of being informed on the science. Ignorance isn't an excuse.

I will say this though, there is no true believer in Christ who doesn’t trust that the Bible is in fact the Word of God. No I don’t believe any person who is born again denies the Genesis account of Creation as written.
There is a huge diversity of Christian believers, about 44,000 sects. This includes liberals who accept gay marriage and evolution to moderates to far right to extremists like the KKK. All these people think Jesus saves them, including the KKK.


Veteran Member
How many time do I have to tell you??? The Holy Spirit is my teacher.
Is that right? Male or female? What form does it take when it teaches you? Tell us more.

I was a drug addict and alcoholic and God delivered me, saved me, gave
me Eternal Life through Jesus Christ. My eye were opened, I understood the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit has revealed the truth.
Ah, the "I hit bottom and I found Jesus" conversion story. There are many of these. It's amazing how many very fervent true believers have a story about hitting bottom and then found religion. Psychology explains this phenomenon.

I never hit bottom or did drugs, so could my problem be that I just had better judgment and discipline in my life and never needed an emotional crutch that religion offers?
Ah, the "I hit bottom and I found Jesus" conversion story. There are many of these. It's amazing how many very fervent true believers have a story about hitting bottom and then found religion. Psychology explains this phenomenon.
I found a person, Jesus Christ not religion.
I never hit bottom or did drugs, so could my problem be that I just had better judgment and discipline in my life and never needed an emotional crutch that religion offers?
The best testimonies and most powerful are my brothers who have been faithful to God from childhood and have remained faithful to God all there lives. These friends are pillars, they don’t have the baggage of the past like I had. They were wise and their lives show it.


Veteran Member
The best testimonies and most powerful are my brothers who have been faithful to God from childhood and have remained faithful to God all there lives. These friends are pillars, they don’t have the baggage of the past like I had. They were wise and their lives show it.
So you can't describe the Holy Spirit? Maybe it's not real.