I also use the terms "unintended consequences," implying
unknown, and "long term," implying generations. However, I don't expect someone living in an age of instant anything to understand.
Of course you can't see the paradox. Like Draka above, you are stuck in a "tangled hierarchy," like one hand drawing the other. The "severe consequences" are self-referring. You want to "redraw" society's values according to your values which are drawn by society. You're like an atheist criticizing the Christian values from which his values are ultimately derived. (Gawd, how many times have I seen
that in RF?) It's an absurd position to be in.
Edit: And yes, I
am unconcerned with the kind of negative consequences you talk about. There's nothing new there.
- Freedom as license is the precursor to abject slavery.
- Egalitarianism is a pipe dream.
- Not all relationships are equal.
- Government is not obligated to protect lifestyle.
- Society has enough problems. Why should it be weighted down by the legal, political, and social ramifications of unnecessary change, change that is unnecessary and may even be detrimental to real social progress? (Occam's razor)
- Should an undisciplined, self-absorbed and vicious minority be allowed to dictate society's standards?
In a way, I hope activists get their way. It might take a few generations before the unforeseen consequences come to fruition, but I am confident that people will regret forgetting the adage "be careful what you wish for."