Prostitution is wrongfully banned in most countries in the world. Prostitution would not only provide extra business in these countries, but also extra jobs. If prostitution were legalized, there needs to be some serious rules laid down. Prostitution should only be conducted in brothels, and prostitutes should be encouraged to use protection and should obtain a permit.
The only reason why prostitution is not legal in most countries is because the rulers of said countries want to control our every move, including our sexuality. They do not want us to think for ourselves and be total zombies, bowing down to them and doing their every wish. There is nothing wrong with prostitution, and if it were legalized it would benefit society and allow people to make their own decisions.
The only reason why prostitution is not legal in most countries is because the rulers of said countries want to control our every move, including our sexuality. They do not want us to think for ourselves and be total zombies, bowing down to them and doing their every wish. There is nothing wrong with prostitution, and if it were legalized it would benefit society and allow people to make their own decisions.