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Prove you Exist.


Well-Known Member
doppelgänger;1075452 said:
What if little gremlins are in my computer circuitry sticking bits into the RAM prompting the monitor to display "your" supposed words only to me?

Gremlins only break your computer, they never have time to make it work.


Admiral Obvious
Whenever I want you all I have to do is dreeeeeaaaaammmm


Well-Known Member
doppelgänger;1075519 said:
I'd say giving my computer false data would be breaking it.

Yeah, I break my computer the same way every time I accidentally surf to a transcript of one of George W. Bush's speeches.


Wonder Woman
doppelgänger;1075562 said:
George W. Bush is what happens if you feed a "conservative" after midnight.

Is THAT what happened??? Goodness, I hope someone shut off the water that runs to the White House! :eek::help:


Well-Known Member
doppelgänger;1075562 said:
George W. Bush is what happens if you feed a "conservative" after midnight.

If only Dubya was a conservative, we wouldn't have trillions in new debt. He would have extended the streak of three surplus budgets that we enjoyed in 1998, 1999, and 2000. Instead, we got a bridge to nowhere and a war against nothing.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
What is the purpose of this thread, some kind of off-track defense of the existence of god?
To have someone give a formal logical proof that anything exists. i thought I was pretty clear in that. Perhaps I thought that someone who calls themselves Logician could do that.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
This is probably one of the silliest arguments which is why we don't even bother with it in philosophy however the obvious answer without getting into great detail is, give me all your money if I don't exist I can't take it if you won't give it to me it means you think I exist.
It's not philosophy I want it's a formal logical argument I'm after.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Logic is a branch of philosophy. It is a system of axioms and laws that attempts to formulate a rigorous treatment of reason. Therefore, I don't understand what you mean by a formal logical argument that is not a philosophy nor a reason. Do you mean a syllogism?
Deductive logical arguments have three stages:
  1. premises
  2. inference
  3. conclusion
A deductive logical argument always requires a number of core assumptions called premises.
Once the premises have been agreed, the argument proceeds via a step-by-step process called inference.

In inference, you start with one or more propositions which have been accepted; you then use those propositions to arrive at a new proposition.

Hopefully you will arrive at a proposition which is the conclusion of the argument - the result you are trying to prove.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
I offered him Descartes classic syllogism. I have no idea what he wants, and neither does he I surmise. A syllogism is however, a deductive logical argument.

Descartes committed a logical fallacy. When he said "I think, therefore, I am," he assumed the existence of what he was trying to prove.