I don't get one (colored in magenta), please. Please elaborate.
You can't step in the same river twice because it is constantly changing. It ebbs and flows as its cities wax and wane and the tides upon it come and go. Fish become more plentiful and algae dies.
This is how we see reality and it's caused by the language we speak and in which we think. This language becomes "analog" as soon as you start defining things in words that are also defined such that every word has ranges of ranges of meaning. With nothing solid (no reality) on which to build we each must build models of what we believe is reality. We experience our perceptions, all input, in terms of these models. If something is important enough to capture our attention we process it through our visceral knowledge and beliefs. We see an analog world full of things like a fish species becoming more numerous and we might estimate these numbers anecdotally or mathematically or scientifically but the reality is no such thing as "fish" or "carp" exist. The reality is each of those thing we call "carp" is an individual who merely shares a lot of genetic material with other individuals we call "carp". This individual can normally reproduce with other adult individuals we call "carp". Just as each collision of every particle within the carp is "digital" so too is the carp itself. Whether increasing or decreasing numbers of "carp" are the norm they are still individuals and the population changes one at a time.
Water flowing in a river will get caught up in eddies and violent collisions but the whole river is still composed of individual molecules. It is impossible to predict which molecule will be consumed by a thirsty animal or which molecules will be drawn up by the moon passing over head but every particle has its own unique history and unique fate. There isn't so much a "river" at all but a line of lower land along which most molecules will take the shortest possible path to the sea. Each consideration is digital and most things we call "analog' are a product of language and the way we think.
But our language is in no way natural. We once had a universal digital language that was a creation of the digital brain where most neurons are either "on" or "off". Unfortunately we outgrew it and had to invent pidgin languages that were analog like ours and used the same vocabulary as ancient Language. Our new languages aren't tied to reality or the wiring of the brain. Indeed the brain is modified by each individual in order to learn modern languages. We can't directly see the operation of our own brain like ancient people and animals because our means to think just doesn't allow it. We have to see our nature through the kaleidoscope of our own beliefs. We "think" about how our brain works rather than observing it directly. We have abstractions and induction to understand reality. This is all necessarily analog because we think using analog concepts, words, and premises.