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Public displays of affection.


Well-Known Member
Given that RF has a diverse member base, spanning multiple continents and all different sections of the Religious and Cultural spectrum, I wonder:

What are your views on public displays of affection?
Where do you draw the line: hugging, holding hands, kissing etc?


Well-Known Member
I say it is all fine with me, as long as it does not lead to anything else.[if you know what i mean. But really i am fine with public display's of affection, what anyone should worry about is public display's of violence. cheer's!


Agnostic Pantheist
Given that RF has a diverse member base, spanning multiple continents and all different sections of the Religious and Cultural spectrum, I wonder:

What are your views on public displays of affection?
Where do you draw the line: hugging, holding hands, kissing etc?
Looking at my history, I don't think I'm in any position to judge other people. Now that I'm a bit older and married I guess there's a limit to what I do, but ironically I'm watching the friends episode where students are having sex in the paleontology section of the library ATM, yeah... that reminds me of myself a few years ago.


Veteran Member


Premium Member
This is very cultural. What you see in Europe or in India is much different that here. I also see quite the difference between "Look at me, look at me!" than just walking along holding hands, or sitting close.


Well-Known Member
This is very cultural. What you see in Europe or in India is much different that here. I also see quite the difference between "Look at me, look at me!" than just walking along holding hands, or sitting close.

Aye, I'm very interested in how different cultures view it. One of my sisters has a Ghanian fiancee, and he told me that back "home" couples don't even hold hands in public.

Where would you draw the line?


Premium Member

Aye, I'm very interested in how different cultures view it. One of my sisters has a Ghanian fiancee, and he told me that back "home" couples don't even hold hands in public.

Where would you draw the line?

That's most likely true for Ghana, although I have never been there. In India, you NEVER see it. Amongst friends, yes. Boys will hold hands with boys, as will girls with girls. The irony to that one is that westerners think they're all gay, especially the boys, and some go all agog that India is so open to homosexuality. :) Personally, as a Hindu, I think it belongs in the bedroom. At the temple I attend, you can never tell who's married to who, unless you see them arrive together or leave together.
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Well-Known Member
Given that RF has a diverse member base, spanning multiple continents and all different sections of the Religious and Cultural spectrum, I wonder:

What are your views on public displays of affection?
Where do you draw the line: hugging, holding hands, kissing etc?

It doesn't bother me. I wouldn't care if people had sex in public. As long as they aren't blocking a doorway or holding up a line or something. That said, it is called public for a reason, if you expect privacy go somewhere private, because that is definitely going on youtube.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I really couldn't care neither. Would probably brighten a lot of peoples' day.

Although I'm sure many parents walking with their ever-inquisitive kids will have some explaining to do in relation to how a Stalk fits into all this. xD

But in all seriousness though, do you have any concerns over minors witnessing people bonking in plain sight like that?


Well-Known Member

Although I'm sure many parents walking with their ever-inquisitive kids will have some explaining to do in relation to how a Stalk fits into all this. xD

But in all seriousness though, do you have any concerns over minors witnessing people bonking in plain sight like that?

Sex shouldn't be a mystery. Their kids should already know what sex is anyways, if they have to explain it to them on the street than they waited too long to explain it.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Where do I draw the line?

At the extent of my awareness. I don't care if you do it, but don't do it around me. The end.


Premium Member
What's the psychological reason for making it taboo?

Cultural modesty has been around for awhile. So has shyness. Just because something isn't done doesn't necessarily mean it's taboo. But yes, lots of activities or observations of same have some sort of psychological reason. There are also lots of other factors involved as well, like weather, for instance. I'm just going out on a limb here, but it's probably not seen much in -40 temperatures.
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Well-Known Member
the better question why is sex considered so bad in the first place, I mean my family alway's told me sex was evil and women were nasty, it messed me up for a long time.



Although I'm sure many parents walking with their ever-inquisitive kids will have some explaining to do in relation to how a Stalk fits into all this. xD

But in all seriousness though, do you have any concerns over minors witnessing people bonking in plain sight like that?

I imagine after the first several times, the allure and fascination would wear off. As long as they aren't, like, hitting on your kids or something, or snuck into a kindergarten playground specifically during recess or something.