Sadly, the only way to counter brute force is to make it ineffective. Figuring out the best way to do that requires superior intelligence, and the courage to implement whatever measures are decide upon. These are not characteristics that liars, cheaters, and thieves tend to possess in any great measure. So our current politicians are not likely to pose much of an effective opposition to Putin's forced aggression.
The solution was to not allow ourselves to be hoodwinked into such a state of blinding greed and selfish stupidity where such weak men can attain positions of power and piles of wealth. But that ship has sailed, and we may now have to pay the consequences. In which case the only way to counter brute force is with with brute force. But that'd a be a very dangerous strategy given the fact that this is basically a big game of "chicken", now.
So no alternative ideas, then, to those your despised politicians are now putting forward. I thought as much.
I agree. It seems to me our politicians are doing the only things they can, given where we are. They, are, after all, advised by some of the best military and diplomatic brains on the planet and most of them are sensible enough to listen to them. (Trump wasn't).
If there is one thing that I believe, with hindsight, was a big strategic error, it was Angela Merkel's knee-jerk decision that Germany would give up nuclear energy, after the Fukushima incident. It was that which led to a fatal energy supply weakness in Europe. Her successor has quite rightly and boldly decided Nordstream 2 will not open, but even so Germany and other parts of Europe are still far too dependent on gas from Russia. That considerably weakens the sanctions that can be applied to Putin. (The country that has shown the most far-sightedness in this respect is France, which gets 70% of its electricity from nukes.) I generally admired Merkel but she called that wrong. As a physicist, she should have been far less scared of nuclear power. And as an ex-GDR citizen, she should have been a lot more circumspect about Russia's motives.
The other thing that will have to change, and will be deeply unpalatable to weak politicians, is telling the people of Europe they will have to put their hands in their pockets and fund bigger defence budgets from here on. Trump was actually right about that.