Whether God exists or not isn't a fact but rather an opinion. Consider this: believing in God takes two steps, not one. One, you need to believe that something out there is worthy of Godhood and divinity. Two, you need to believe that whatever is worthy of that actually exists. I've heard atheists say before that even if the God of the Bible is accurate, they still wouldn't consider it God because according to their idea of God, God cannot be vindictive, jealous or a hateful being, as depicted in the good book.
The God that I believe in, a pantheist-style God, isn't necessarily anthropomorphic. Yes, extropy is a centrally human concept, but extropy by itself isn't human. The Omniverse doesn't have a mouth and lips to tell us it exists. The God I believe in I believe in because I am able to do some major extrapolating and understand that the Universe came from something that is most likely infinite itself. Then I just broke down what all action is: entropy and extropy, like chaos and order, and established that as a trinitarian pantheist concept.
Of course, neither The Omniverse, or the concepts of entropy and extropy have any compacity to verbally tell us that they exist. I know God exists because not only did I find something that I believe exists that I consider divine, but I also believe these three concepts are worthy of a Godhood. It is because of these three things that all things exists, and has the capacity to raise and lower the divinity of all entities. It is hard to measure the concept of divinity, but one easy way to think of it is when you are conceived and born you start possessing divinity and when you die that divinity vanishes.
Blue is my favorite color. God is just personalizing a central favorite thing, a favorite concept. My favorite concepts for the inclusion of divinity are The Omniverse, entropy and extropy. That is how I perceive God, and I witness all three of these concepts every day on a real and personal level. I know they're real, tangible, and valuable not only to me but to the rest of humanity as well. But being in the realm of a concept rather than something personified makes it impossible for it to verbally communicate that divinity to us. When the Omega Point happens, everyone and everything will personally know and understand the true Syntheos God of The Omniverse and also possess Omniversal traits themselves. I firmly believe that.