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Question about the snake in Eden


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Why did God punish the snake to crawl on it's belly?When snakes naturally crawl on thire belly?:)

It's a story written by those who didn't understand why snakes crawled who were trying to teach people who didn't understand why snakes crawled. Seems god did it is the answer all questions.


Abducted Member
Premium Member
Why did God punish the snake to crawl on it's belly?When snakes naturally crawl on thire belly?:)
  • Scientists have not found fossils of the snake family’s four-legged ancestors, though they are certain these tetrapod forebears existed. The new study suggests that those mysterious proto-snakes probably lost their forelimbs early in snake evolution, at least 170 million years ago. But the back legs stuck around for tens of millions of years.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Why did God punish the snake to crawl on it's belly?When snakes naturally crawl on thire belly?:)
Good question. I suspect that it was not a typical snake but rather a serpent in the sense of the beings character. Idk just a thought.
Probably snakes did not previously crawl.

Even if it didn’t actually happen that way, it’s an interesting ancient hypothesis and insight.

“Switch a couple bases in the proper places, you’ll be watching flies grow legs out of their faces.”

Evo-Devo (Despacito Biology Parody) | A Capella Science



Active Member
Well Lucifer is referred to as the dragon when He fought the war in Heaven which would be a serpent also (kind of) so apparently it was a form Satan preferred.

Maybe it’s possible that God limited it to only crawling simply to get the Devil from using it.

Since then he has been using the form of a democrat.


Abducted Member
Premium Member
Well Lucifer is referred to as the dragon when He fought the war in Heaven which would be a serpent also (kind of) so apparently it was a form Satan preferred.

Maybe it’s possible that God limited it to only crawling simply to get the Devil from using it.

Since then he has been using the form of a democrat.
Do you feel that 'Pro-Choice' is sinful?


Veteran Member
  • Scientists have not found fossils of the snake family’s four-legged ancestors, though they are certain these tetrapod forebears existed. The new study suggests that those mysterious proto-snakes probably lost their forelimbs early in snake evolution, at least 170 million years ago. But the back legs stuck around for tens of millions of years.
It's not such a mystery. Snakes are very closely related to
lizards. Some snakes have vestiges of legs, some lizards
have no legs.
There's more , for those with any interest.

Those who want a complete fossil history still
wouldn't be satidfied if they had
every ancestral form.


Abducted Member
Premium Member
Because before then snakes had legs?

It's just a silly story
I fear what happened to snakes is happening to dach
It's not such a mystery. Snakes are very closely related to
lizards. Some snakes have vestiges of legs, some lizards
have no legs.
There's more , for those with any interest.

Those who want a complete fossil history still
wouldn't be satidfied.
Let me bring you up to date......it's happening to dachshunds, now


Well-Known Member
etiological myth
The snake is a cold blooded creature. It does not make its own body heat, like warm blooded animals. Rather the snake warms and cools based on the environment. If it gets warm, it will become more active, and if it gets cold, it slows down.

The snake is also a 1-D creature; line, which is why it is also considered a phallic symbol; lower brain is 1-D. The snake is connected to linear impulse that can be warmed and cooled by the environment, such as is the lower brain warmed or cooled at the beach or at work depending on the dress code.

The snake in Eden is also connected to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Law is a collection of social knowledge of good and evil, along with punishment for violations. Law can sets the social environment to warm or cool, which the impacts linear impulses of the cold blooded snake; instincts. Sex used to be cold but now it is warm. Eating used to be warm; eat and be merry, but now it is cooler; diet.

The snake crawling on the earth, also shows its connection to natural instinct and Mother Nature. The snake is not in the air like a bird; intuition, nor does it have limbs. Arms and legs would make it more 2-D; instinct and emotions. This snake symbolism in Eden is about the rise of civilization and an update in human consciousness. Linear instinct is repressed and sublimated by law. This causes loss of natural instinct. The snake is forever stuck on the ground, shows it never fully evolves to natural instinct as a platform for emotions, but stays cold blooded and not warm blooded. Law is cold blooded.

If you have ever been around snakes, they usually eat one large item and then are docile for weeks as they digest; rat or mouse. They are not mean spirited hunters, feeding each day, but rather only act periodically, based on need. They do not have the best eye sight. They depend on tasting the air for food when it is needed. A mistake often made is to touch a pet or food, and then play with the snake. The snake will sense the pet or food smell and may try to catch the food smell and get your hand; justice is blind but acts on scent.

This last symbolism is also how instinct was not good or evil, but can be confused as being evil, when misfired by unintentional triggers. The rise of civilization led to natural humans living, in unnatural situations and man made environments. This causes humans to exceed proper limits. Like the snake of instinct, the world was wrapped in food smell and the blind snake strikes out; good and evil appear.


No religious beliefs
This is my version of the story. Imagine many many years ago, a group of children are sitting round a campfire with their grandfather. The conversation goes like this.

Child: Grandad, why don't snakes have legs?

Another child: And why did Mommy cry in pain when she had our little brother?

Grandfather: <Settles more comfortably and takes a sip from his drink> Well children, this is how it happened. Many years ago, we all lived in a wonderful garden, and life was easy. Then .....

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Why did God punish the snake to crawl on it's belly?When snakes naturally crawl on thire belly?:)
Apparently God wanted lizards playing second fiddle in a bet he made with Satan but still lost to a sidewinder that can move 18 mph.