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Question for all

Hey all,
I'm doing a paper for an English class about the truth about God. I have to go around and find out different beliefs from individuals. It would be awesome if any of you would answer some questions and list your first name and age (if willing) as well.


1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

Thanks! :)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
For some people,"god" is a placeholder term for a kind of experience that comes about when there is a complete breakdown of object/subject perception.

Raised agnostic.

I believe what I believe based significantly on experience.

Phil, 52


Brother Napalm of God's Love
1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

God is wholly other, the ground of our being who loves us and calls us into compassionate relationships with one another and with Godself.

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

I have been a member of the LDS church, a Baha'i, an Anglican (which continues), member of the RLDS / Community of Christ (which also continues) and a Quaker. Currently I am a Priest in an Independent Anglican / Old Catholic Church

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

I believe that all of who and what I have been influence and inform my beliefs today but i would aver that those which have affected me the most are LDS / Anglican / CoC / Quaker.

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

Because this is where I am now and who i am now.
Last edited:


Premium Member

1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

Thanks! :)

God is just thought, god is part of all creation in different amounts, god is necessary for life but god does not want anything from us. I also believe that it is all a belief and all beliefs are true.

Roman Catholic

The problems of the religion caused me to search out for a religion that I could live with.

I really don't yet I am still working on it. What you have is what my beliefs are today tomorrow maybe different I like to keep my options open.

44 Male

Bob D


Treasure Hunter
Hey all,
I'm doing a paper for an English class about the truth about God. I have to go around and find out different beliefs from individuals. It would be awesome if any of you would answer some questions and list your first name and age (if willing) as well.


1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

Thanks! :)

1. I believe "God" is a term people made up to help explain things which are unexplainable. There are questions which cannot be answered, yet people really want to know everything, so they made up God to provide answers to these questions.

2. Not really. My parents both believed in god, so I was always just told things about god, such as that he is there and whatnot, probably a Christain based God, but we never went to church or anything. Mom and dad just told me God created the world, and to be good so I could go to heaven. Mom and Dad knew everything, so I believed them. Then when I was about 12 or 13 I decided I didn't believe in god anymore. I hadn't ever questioned it until then, but when I started thinking for myself I decided that god didn't seem like a real thing.

3. I kind of answered that in #2...

4. I believe what I believe because I thought about it long and hard, and I just don't think there is any sort of god or spirits or ghosts. I think humans are just like all other animals on this planet. We all exist by chance, and there is no significance in anything. Nothing is "good" or "bad" Every set of morals are just created by humans because they want to have some sort of order. I don't know how to really explain why I believe this... I just do... It seems logical to me.

Hannah, 19 (and I'm a Nihilist if that is relevant... if you can't tell by my answers)


Troublemaker from Ulster
naniela_dragonstar said:
Hey all,
I'm doing a paper for an English class about the truth about God. I have to go around and find out different beliefs from individuals. It would be awesome if any of you would answer some questions and list your first name and age (if willing) as well.


1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

4. Why do you believe what you believe?


1. I consider myself a Panendeist. I basically state that the universe is a part of Deity, but not all of. Got exists within and without. I believe that all is in and a part of our concept of God. I also believe that this God is not anthropomorphic, and has been describes in many of it's facets, through our naming of deity. Hence, I make studying all religion my habit and passion.

It can also be a sub-category of deism, which is a rational and experiential concept of God, as opposed to a scriptural concept (a.k.a Theism).

2. Southern Baptist

3. It has shown me what I do not believe.

4. Because it makes sense to me, and resonates strongly with how I feel about deity

Sam, 19


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

All that exists, whether we perceive it or not, is the body of the One. I can't go into more detail, because I don't know any more details. ^_^

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

Not really. My parents were agnostic; they never tried to sway me either way. That left me to develop my own set of beliefs.

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

My beliefs are always changing.

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

It makes logical sense to me, that mythologies and gods are the least important things about religion; practical wisdom and philosophy are.


Premium Member
1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is? I am not sure if I can answer this question. I'll try- God is love and God is truth.

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?
No. I grew up with no religion whatsoever.

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?
No, not really.

4. Why do you believe what you believe?
Because I am a deluded fool who must believe in something greater than myself (Humankind). Just kidding. I can't answer this question, either.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Hey all,
I'm doing a paper for an English class about the truth about God. I have to go around and find out different beliefs from individuals. It would be awesome if any of you would answer some questions and list your first name and age (if willing) as well.
Megan, 28

1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?
Heh, be careful what you wish for. I've got a whole thread devoted to explaining my beliefs. It's linked in my sig if you're interested.

The nutshell version is that I believe the cosmos is the physical body of a living, sapient being: God.

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?
Not really. My dad was a deist. The rest of the family was Christian, though.

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?
The vague Christianity, not a bit. Papa's deism has been profoundly influential, though, simple as it is.

4. Why do you believe what you believe?
It's my best effort at comprehending personal experience.

You're welcome!


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
I'm doing a paper for an English class about the truth about God. I have to go around and find out different beliefs from individuals. It would be awesome if any of you would answer some questions and list your first name and age (if willing) as well.


1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

Thanks! :)

Name: Amanda
Age: 20

Answer 1: It is hard for me to fully describe what I believe God to be. I feel God is a spiritual being that is all around us. I believe that God gives us the ability to be strong and to have Faith. Like I said though. It is so hard for me to just answer this question. God is just that, God, a being with no specific gender that guides us through the hardships in life. (I am one of those open-minded people too so I am quite open to anything... my thoughts on things tend to change sometimes.)

Answer 2: I grew up as a Mormon. I changed my ways and became confused. I am still Searching for the right path...

Answer 3: The Mormon Faith changed my ways, most definitely. I had bad experiences in my church and didn't find much love in it. I felt unwanted. I also didn't believe a lot of the beliefs they did. I did a lot of it for my family. They changed significantly over the years as well.

Answer 4: What I believe now has always been within my heart. Even when I was baptized into the Mormon church, I felt like I didn't fit in. I believe what I believe because it feels right to me. Deep within my heart, I feel it is right for me.


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

God definitely exists, but according to Baha'i teachings is completely unknowable through any human initiative! Fortunately, He has, in His love for humanity, periodically sent us Divine Messengers to educate us about Him and His laws and teachings, and to renew religion. Through their instruction we know God is All-loving, All-merciful, and All-compassionate!

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

Yes; I've always been religious.

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

Obviously! I've been a member of the Baha'i Faith for over 37 years, and in all that time I have NOT ONCE found any reason to regret this decision--indeed, quite the contrary! :)

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

The short answer?: Great good fortune! :) :) :)

The more detailed answer: As the result of extensive (and extended) prayer, reading, investigation, research, and observation, since coupled with, as I mentioned, over 37 years as a Baha'i endeavoring to live the Baha'i life to the best of my abilities!

Best regards, :)


Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?
Bishop Don Cupitt sums it up pretty well for me:
God is the sum of our values, representing to us their ideal unity, their claims upon us and their creative power. ... Just as you should not think of justice and truth as independent beings, so you should not think of God as an objectively existing superperson. That is a mythological and confusing way of thinking. The truth, we now see, is that the idea of God is imperative, not indicative. To speak of God is to speak about the moral and spiritual goals we ought to be aiming at, and about what we ought to become. ... The true God is not God as picturesque supernatural fact, but God as our religious ideal.

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?
Christian, Southern Baptist
3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?
Definitely, though I hold little from that time. The effect was an incentive to question it entirely and reach a radically different conclusion.
4. Why do you believe what you believe?
It provides the best fit for the reality I experience. I am quite certain we do not have direct, conscious control over what we believe.


Active Member
I don't believe in a God creator. Can accept multiple Gods
Grew up Christian.
Yeah turned me Buddhist LOL
Buddhism I feel is the Only religion, that if practiced correctly, will lead to enlightenment.


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
I'm doing a paper for an English class about the truth about God. I have to go around and find out different beliefs from individuals. It would be awesome if any of you would answer some questions and

List your first name and age (if willing) as well.
Kasi, 16.

1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?
In as much detail as possible? I think there needs to be 26 hours in a day ;)

But in short, I don't like the term 'God'. WAY too vague.
Personal God = No
Impersonal God = Yes
Explainable with Science = Yes
Currently Explainable with Science = No

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?
Not unless you count Atheism. Mother's an agnostic but she's pretty atheist-side agnostic.

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?
Yep, I still don't believe in God.

4. Why do you believe what you believe?
Because I have had personal religious experiences. I have had none that certainly disprove the idea of a personal God, but i'm pretty sure that my interpretations of them are such that I am convinced :)

No sweat.
