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Question for Atheists...


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I must question. You seem to think you know so much about the sun being a terrible design but what do you really know? You lack the ability to even make one. Perhaps your view will change after a few more Discoveries.
So you're basically admitting that you are basing your view on blind faith, not what you see.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
It's very interesting that you add this to your posts. Who are you trying to convince? Do you really imagine that one person on some message forum seeing things in one way is going to convince anybody else?


My own religion
of course I understand that. This is a discussion where philosophy is appropriate.

I know philosophers like to think so.

You can't know that for your version of knowledge, because knowledge is only that which is independent of thought in your system, so you don't know that.

As long as it doesn't click in you and you don't understand, when you know something subjective, we will be going in circles.


Veteran Member
Your quote: The quest for knowledge is a work for the human collective. A single human life time is too short to discover everything for yourself.
My Answer: You have chosen to limit yourself. Why do you do that? Is it easier for others to do the work then convince you to Believe?

You make no sense.
In fact, the opposite is true....
"limiting" would be to NOT use and learn the accumulated knowledge of humanity.

How is it "not limiting" not to and instead try and learn and discover everything yourself?
Again, you make no sense.

Did you build your own internet device? Did you make all the parts yourself? Did the coding? Did all the research necessary to come up with all the physics etc involved in computer building?

Off course you did not. Instead, you just went to the store and bought one. A machine that is literally the result of the accumulated knowledge and discoveries past on to us by literally millions of individuals who all had their own contribution to the collective knowledge we have in science.

How is it "limiting" to take advantage of that accumulated knowledge????
It seems to me that "limiting" would be the exact opposite of that.....................................

It is not about agreement. This is why I say you do not seek.

It's about evidence.

As for myself, I am placing Real Truth out there. It is not a goal to get agreement. I am pointing. Each makes their free choices. That's part of the system. I make no demands. On the other hand, I do question. What is it that you seek?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
"Real Truth", capitalized and everything.
Those capital letters are the first hint that makes my BS alarm go off.

People who feel a need to do that are trying to be impressive for no other reason then not having any evidence to support their case. So they try emotional reasoning instead like trying to inspire "awe" with their "ULTRA REAL TRUTH" :rolleyes:

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member

What caused you to stop believing in the supernatural?

Believing in the supernatural is not rational but at one time, I couldn't see that. It seemed the most rational thing in the world to believe in the supernatural. I did so without question. Rational meaning to develop your thoughts based on reason and logic. I suppose I lack a rational mind but didn't know it. The only requirement to be rational, I thought, was to have a brain.

Or perhaps you never believed in them. Good for you. You were born with a more rational mind.

I suspect I kept asking why and how. Perhaps that simply causes one's mind to become more rational overtime.
For me it was studying epistemology. Realizing that the reasons I had for my belief in god were not sound or valid. We don't decide what we believe, we are either convinced or not based on the how we evaluate the evidence. I became unconvinced based on my new and better understanding of how to evaluate evidence.


Well-Known Member
So you think you have special knowledge that only you understand is factual, and the rest of us are clueless? Do you have extrasensory perception, or clarvoyance, or you think yourself some sort of divine being?

Have you noticed very smart people are not convinced you have wisdom? Do you think you are smarter than everyone else?

You sound like a self-appointed Jesus. How many people have you brought to your idea of truth. There has been none on RF, and there are many who are believers. What explains your underacheivement? Why aren't you getting through to people?

Yet you accuse others of not getting something that you claim to get. You don't articulate that you have any wisdom or svecial knowledge at all. It's like your talent is bluffing, but no one buys it.

Gods aren't known to exist. Demonstrate a God exists, first, then demonstrate that it tells us anything as you claim. We won;t take your word for it, and you know this. Your disrespect is a bad habit. Have you no control over your contempt for us?
You just don't get it, do you? I am not religion. I will not nurture Beliefs. I have copied God in that I have placed knowledge in the world. It waits for those who seek that knowledge. Do you seek? What do you seek?

Am I smart? There is more that I do not know than what I do. Everyone's view has special pieces. I might even learn great knowledge from even a homeless person.

Have I Discovered things most have not? I would say so. On the other hand, It has been a lifetime journey and continues. Discovery takes work. Accepting or rejecting beliefs takes very little effort. It has less to do with how smart and more to do with relentless seeking of the Real Truth. I have always been one who needed to know.

Say I walk up and you are working on your car because it will not run. I look and clearly you do not know what you are doing. You are working on your beliefs of what will fix the car. I comment your beliefs are wrong and point to the local library about a book where you can Discover the Truth for yourself. Is what I do really so bad?

When I point out I have found no religion that really understands God. Is it so bad to speak the truth? When I point out to atheists that their beliefs that God does not exist are wrong. Is it so bad to speak the Truth? When I point everyone where they can Discover God and All about God for themselves, is it wrong to speak the Truth? Truth will not always be an agreeable thing. People also do not always want the truth. Like I said. What do you seek? What do you choose? It doesn't matter what I say or do. Your journey has never ever been up to me.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
So you're basically admitting that you are basing your view on blind faith, not what you see.

It's very interesting that you add this to your posts. Who are you trying to convince? Do you really imagine that one person on some message forum seeing things in one way is going to convince anybody else?
It is not I who is using Blind Faith!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!! I do not understand why this statement bothers you so much. It is a True statement. Is it Truth that you seek or do I step on your toes?


Well-Known Member
You make no sense.
In fact, the opposite is true....
"limiting" would be to NOT use and learn the accumulated knowledge of humanity.

How is it "not limiting" not to and instead try and learn and discover everything yourself?
Again, you make no sense.

Did you build your own internet device? Did you make all the parts yourself? Did the coding? Did all the research necessary to come up with all the physics etc involved in computer building?

Off course you did not. Instead, you just went to the store and bought one. A machine that is literally the result of the accumulated knowledge and discoveries past on to us by literally millions of individuals who all had their own contribution to the collective knowledge we have in science.

How is it "limiting" to take advantage of that accumulated knowledge????
It seems to me that "limiting" would be the exact opposite of that.....................................

It's about evidence.

"Real Truth", capitalized and everything.
Those capital letters are the first hint that makes my BS alarm go off.

People who feel a need to do that are trying to be impressive for no other reason then not having any evidence to support their case. So they try emotional reasoning instead like trying to inspire "awe" with their "ULTRA REAL TRUTH" :rolleyes:
Did I say do not use Accumulated Knowledge?? On the other hand, one acquires more knowledge figuring out just how it works. Further, what do you Discover for yourself? You are dependent on others. You want to deal in Beliefs. You accept or reject what you hear. That is Limiting!!!!

Adversity breeds invention. My computer is one others threw away. I think: What is wrong with it? How does it work? Do I trash it and go buy a new one? No. I Discover what It takes to fix it. Is it about accepting and rejecting? No. It's about Discovering what is!!!

Who has acquired more knowledge. the guy who through it away or the guy who fixed it?

I did have a TV go bad. I figured out the part that was bad. I ordered the part from China since they were the only ones who made it. I waited 6 months and they would never send me one. Is it over? Hmmm? Just how can I guy make one of those things? Let me work on that a bit.

Are you starting to see?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
It is not I who is using Blind Faith!!
You basically said that you did. You said: "I must question. You seem to think you know so much about the sun being a terrible design but what do you really know? You lack the ability to even make one. Perhaps your view will change after a few more Discoveries."

So, instead of looking at what is there and asking relevant question about if its purpose is such and such, you assume its purpose and then dismiss any obvious objections based on more assumption.

Difficult to think of a clearer case of blind faith.

That's what I see. It's very clear!! I do not understand why this statement bothers you so much. It is a True statement.
Why do you think it bothers me? More blind faith? :shrug:

It's just a bizarre thing to add. It serves no obvious purpose. If something is clear to me, I try to explain it, I don't go around telling people how clear it is to me as if that was going to convince anybody....

Is it Truth that you seek or do I step on your toes?
Hardly, your posts are more amusing than anything else. You don't seem to understand what an objective search for truth would even look like.


Veteran Member
You basically said that you did. You said: "I must question. You seem to think you know so much about the sun being a terrible design but what do you really know? You lack the ability to even make one. Perhaps your view will change after a few more Discoveries."

So, instead of looking at what is there and asking relevant question about if its purpose is such and such, you assume its purpose and then dismiss any obvious objections based on more assumption.

Difficult to think of a clearer case of blind faith.

Why do you think it bothers me? More blind faith? :shrug:

It's just a bizarre thing to add. It serves no obvious purpose. If something is clear to me, I try to explain it, I don't go around telling people how clear it is to me as if that was going to convince anybody....

Hardly, your posts are more amusing than anything else. You don't seem to understand what an objective search for truth would even look like.
" step on toes" :D


Well-Known Member
You basically said that you did. You said: "I must question. You seem to think you know so much about the sun being a terrible design but what do you really know? You lack the ability to even make one. Perhaps your view will change after a few more Discoveries."

So, instead of looking at what is there and asking relevant question about if its purpose is such and such, you assume its purpose and then dismiss any obvious objections based on more assumption.

Difficult to think of a clearer case of blind faith.

Why do you think it bothers me? More blind faith? :shrug:

It's just a bizarre thing to add. It serves no obvious purpose. If something is clear to me, I try to explain it, I don't go around telling people how clear it is to me as if that was going to convince anybody....

Hardly, your posts are more amusing than anything else. You don't seem to understand what an objective search for truth would even look like.
Ok, explain why the sun is a bad design. Now, in order to determine the sun is a bad design, you must know the sun's total purpose. What is the total purpose of the sun? Now, if you say the sun has no purpose, then it would be a bad design because it is doing so much. Clearly, it's designed to do more than nothing.

Your quote: You don't seem to understand what an objective search for truth would even look like.
My Answer: If this were true, how could I be Discovering so very much? I am doing much more than accepting or rejecting the Discoveries of others.

That's what I see. Yes, it is very clear!!!


Well-Known Member
How is something that does so much with no purpose necessarily a bad design? Couldn't it be something with no purpose and no design?
They made the comment that the sun was a bad design. I disagree. As far as no purpose and no design, then it could be removed. What happens if the sun were removed? It's purpose would become very clear. As for design, it works so well and for so very long. Random chance never is that smooth. Further, how many random chance events does it take for complex designs to exist? Just look at the light company's power generation. It could never exist randomly.

The sun is an advanced, Highly Intelligent design. Mankind does not have the intelligence to create anything to last billions of years and still work.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
As far as no purpose and no design, then it could be removed. What happens if the sun were removed? It's purpose would become very clear.
That is flawed self-cented thinking. You are appealing to consequences unwanted by us as evidence that there was a intent to the sun being there. If the sun were to disappear in a poof of physics, then we would freeze to death. We would hate it, but our feels are not evidence that someone elses feels were responsible for the sun being there in the first place.

As for design, it works so well and for so very long.
It functions adequately to your goal of being being alive. Again. Your feels are not evidence. Function is neither design, nor purpose.
Random chance never is that smooth. Further, how many random chance events does it take for complex designs to exist?
None. And I am amused that you are calling the Sun, "complex".

The sun is an advanced, Highly Intelligent design
:tearsofjoy: The sun is hydrogen, heat and gravity. It's about the most unsophisticated thing you could have chosen,
Mankind does not have the intelligence to create anything to last billions of years and still work.
Voyager's Golden Records
Digital radio signals


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Ok, explain why the sun is a bad design. Now, in order to determine the sun is a bad design, you must know the sun's total purpose. What is the total purpose of the sun?
Sorry, but it was you that said the purpose of the sun was to provide energy for life on Earth. Are you pulling away from that claim?

If *that* is the purpose, then the sun is making about 6 billion times as much energy as it requires for its purpose. And I would call that incredibly wasteful and thereby bad design.

or, are you suggesting the sun has a different purpose?
Now, if you say the sun has no purpose, then it would be a bad design because it is doing so much. Clearly, it's designed to do more than nothing.
Only if you can demonstrate that it was designed at all. Otherwise, it is simply doing as it does.
Your quote: You don't seem to understand what an objective search for truth would even look like.
And what is the *objective* evidence for a purpose to the sun?
My Answer: If this were true, how could I be Discovering so very much? I am doing much more than accepting or rejecting the Discoveries of others.
Well, the easiest person to fool is yourself. It might behoove you to ask if you have really discovered anything as opposed to convincing your self of something. There is a HUGE difference.
That's what I see. Yes, it is very clear!!!

I'm sure it is clear to you, but how much testing of your hypotheses have you actually done? How much of the actual work of discovery have you done?


Veteran Member
You just don't get it, do you? I am not religion.
I didn’t call you a religion, so you misinterpreted something I said.

I will not nurture Beliefs. I have copied God in that I have placed knowledge in the world. It waits for those who seek that knowledge. Do you seek? What do you seek?
I seek truth. And there are no gods to be found. Sorry. Whatever you think you found is not via fact and sound thinking. Most likely you adopted religious behavior from those around you.

Have I Discovered things most have not? I would say so. On the other hand, It has been a lifetime journey and continues. Discovery takes work. Accepting or rejecting beliefs takes very little effort. It has less to do with how smart and more to do with relentless seeking of the Real Truth. I have always been one who needed to know.
You haven’t posted anything that suggests you have discovered some profound truth. I’d say what you write is quite superficial and pointless.

Say I walk up and you are working on your car because it will not run. I look and clearly you do not know what you are doing. You are working on your beliefs of what will fix the car. I comment your beliefs are wrong and point to the local library about a book where you can Discover the Truth for yourself. Is what I do really so bad?
Because you clearly have no sound advice and I’m not broken. You assume I am broken because I don’t agree with your religious beliefs. You seem to suffer from excessive ego and judgment of others. You are similar to a number of other theists on this board.
When I point out I have found no religion that really understands God. Is it so bad to speak the truth? When I point out to atheists that their beliefs that God does not exist are wrong. Is it so bad to speak the Truth? When I point everyone where they can Discover God and All about God for themselves, is it wrong to speak the Truth? Truth will not always be an agreeable thing. People also do not always want the truth. Like I said. What do you seek? What do you choose? It doesn't matter what I say or do. Your journey has never ever been up to me.
No gods are known to exist and you offer no evidence or explanation that any do. You make you many fatal assumptions. So your statements and questions are irrelevant.
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Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Ok, explain why the sun is a bad design. Now, in order to determine the sun is a bad design, you must know the sun's total purpose. What is the total purpose of the sun? Now, if you say the sun has no purpose, then it would be a bad design because it is doing so much.
You started out saying the sun was to provide energy for the earth/life. It's already been pointed out why it's a bad design for that because most of its energy output doesn't go towards fulfilling its purpose. Now you're switched to some vague idea of "total purpose".

Basically, you're doing exactly what I described as the opposite of a search for the truth. You've started with the conclusion and now you're desperately trying to make the facts fit. Somebody who genuinely wants the truth, starts with the facts (evidence) and draws a conclusion from them.

Clearly, it's designed to do more than nothing.
It's not clearly designed at all. We understand the natural processes that formed it and we know that it's a pretty common type of star. You have provided no evidence or reasoning at all to even suggest that it might have been designed.

Your quote: You don't seem to understand what an objective search for truth would even look like.
My Answer: If this were true, how could I be Discovering so very much?
I see no evidence that you are discovering anything (or 'Discovering', for that matter).

I am doing much more than accepting or rejecting the Discoveries of others.
Yet it looks for all the world like you're just blindly accepting the conclusions handed to you by others.


colors your eyes with what's not there
Just wanting to help. If you feel cognitive dissonance trying to reconcile your belief with your science, you should talk that through to find a solution. I'm willing to act as the wall you can bounce your ideas off.

I feel that cognitive dissonance and understand why I do. There's no solution at this moment, but it's really nice of you to offer to be that wall.

Nope, just an interested layman.

I have a big problem with "consciousness", it's a word without an agreed upon definition.

I'm interest if you are. I'm comfortable with my position of methodological naturalism and I think I can explain why it is the rational position. If you are not interested, also OK.


I'm interested but it doesn't keep me awake at night, it's just there for me to work at it when I have the mental energy to take it up. If you'd like to explain your position of methodological naturalism, I'm interested in hearing it. I will repeat that I don't often engage on the subject of atheism or agnosticism vs belief in a higher power but that doesn't mean the ideas don't interest me.
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Veteran Member
I forgot this part. How do you define consciousness?
I don't.
I may use it according to the (perceived) use in a conversation but it often comes to the conclusion that there is no common or even consistent use.

The only case with some consistency is in medicine but they talk about "being conscious" (awake and reacting to stimuli), not consciousness.
Psychology has its own usage of conscious and unconscious thought.
Philosophers are all over the place.
A good test if someone knows what they are talking about is to ask which animals have consciousness and why they think so.