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Question for Muslims


Well-Known Member
"yet ye know him;(self explanatory)for he dwelleth with you,and shall be in you" the Spirit is going to be in them

Response: In other words, you don't have an answer as to why you're quoting the verse. Kind of odd to do something and not know why you've done it. Thanks anyway.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Response: In other words, you don't have an answer as to why you're quoting the verse. Kind of odd to do something and not know why you've done it. Thanks anyway.

Quote Fatihah
Response: Muhammad(pbuh) is referred to several times in the bible. The verses in question are several. For starters, in John 16:7, we read:

"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you: but if I depart, I will send him unto you".

Here, the coming of the comforter is conditional. That condition being that Jesus must go away. That being said, it can not be the Holy Ghost because the Holy Ghost was already there and was even there when Jesus was born.

Its pretty straight forward Fatihah,you say Muhammed is mentioned several times in the Bible when its clear he is not mentioned at all.


Well-Known Member
Quote Fatihah
Response: Muhammad(pbuh) is referred to several times in the bible. The verses in question are several. For starters, in John 16:7, we read:

"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you: but if I depart, I will send him unto you".

Here, the coming of the comforter is conditional. That condition being that Jesus must go away. That being said, it can not be the Holy Ghost because the Holy Ghost was already there and was even there when Jesus was born.

Its pretty straight forward Fatihah,you say Muhammed is mentioned several times in the Bible when its clear he is not mentioned at all.

Response: I'm reading a statement. Where's the proof? Not to mention the fact that you still don't have an explanation to why you quoted those verses. How a person does something and not know the reason why is mind boggling.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Fatihah,"you know him",is it likely they would know Muhammed 600 years later?"he dwells with you" again,unless Muhammed could travel back in time its unlikely he dwelt with them,"and he will dwell in you" this is the nail in the Coffin,it is quite clear this is a spirit or holy ghost and not a person.


Well-Known Member
Fatihah,"you know him",is it likely they would know Muhammed 600 years later?"he dwells with you" again,unless Muhammed could travel back in time its unlikely he dwelt with them,"and he will dwell in you" this is the nail in the Coffin,it is quite clear this is a spirit or holy ghost and not a person.

Response: Who is "they" and why are you speaking about Muhammad (pbuh) dwelling in "them" in the first place?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Response: Who is "they" and why are you speaking about Muhammad (pbuh) dwelling in "them" in the first place?

I'm not,thats the whole point,i am saying that Muhammed isn't in John or Deutronomy and isn't mentioned in the books of the Bible full stop.


Well-Known Member
I'm not,thats the whole point,i am saying that Muhammed isn't in John or Deutronomy and isn't mentioned in the books of the Bible full stop.

Response: You also said:

"Fatihah,"you know him",is it likely they would know Muhammed 600 years later?"he dwells with you" again,unless Muhammed could travel back in time its unlikely he dwelt with them,"and he will dwell in you" this is the nail in the Coffin,it is quite clear this is a spirit or holy ghost and not a person".

So you were in fact speaking about Muhammad(pbuh) dwelling in "them." And yes, Muhammad is referred to in the Bible. Since you've yet to make an attempt to refute my argument with any logical rebuttle, this clearly shows that your claim that he's not is just an act of desperation.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Response: You also said:

"Fatihah,"you know him",is it likely they would know Muhammed 600 years later?"he dwells with you" again,unless Muhammed could travel back in time its unlikely he dwelt with them,"and he will dwell in you" this is the nail in the Coffin,it is quite clear this is a spirit or holy ghost and not a person".

So you were in fact speaking about Muhammad(pbuh) dwelling in "them." And yes, Muhammad is referred to in the Bible. Since you've yet to make an attempt to refute my argument with any logical rebuttle, this clearly shows that your claim that he's not is just an act of desperation.

Please show where Muhammed is mentioned in the Bible,can Muhammed be the comforter or the Holy Ghost,no,lets look into it a little more as i think like the song of Soloman you are trying to put Muhammed where he just does'nt fit but you are not the first and i doubt the last either.
Most Muslims who make this claim base it around one word Paracletos a Greek word for advocate or helper whereas some Muslims try to interpret this as periclytos which is praised one,Ahmad.
This is incorrect and a desperate attempt to include Muhammed in the Books of the Bible and it does'nt stand up,much like Muhammed in the song of Soloman,but i still cannot understand why some Muslims reference the Bible if its so corrupted.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE England my lionheart]Please show where Muhammed is mentioned in the Bible,can Muhammed be the comforter or the Holy Ghost,no,lets look into it a little more as i think like the song of Soloman you are trying to put Muhammed where he just does'nt fit but you are not the first and i doubt the last either.
Most Muslims who make this claim base it around one word Paracletos a Greek word for advocate or helper whereas some Muslims try to interpret this as periclytos which is praised one,Ahmad.
This is incorrect and a desperate attempt to include Muhammed in the Books of the Bible and it does'nt stand up,much like Muhammed in the song of Soloman,but i still cannot understand why some Muslims reference the Bible if its so corrupted.[/QUOTE]

Response: It has been demonstrated in another thread to you that Muhammad(pbuh) is in the bible and that Muhammad(pbuh) is mentioned by name. Refer to "Is the prophet mentioned by name in other scriptures" thread. No need for two threads of the same topic.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
[QUOTE England my lionheart]Please show where Muhammed is mentioned in the Bible,can Muhammed be the comforter or the Holy Ghost,no,lets look into it a little more as i think like the song of Soloman you are trying to put Muhammed where he just does'nt fit but you are not the first and i doubt the last either.
Most Muslims who make this claim base it around one word Paracletos a Greek word for advocate or helper whereas some Muslims try to interpret this as periclytos which is praised one,Ahmad.
This is incorrect and a desperate attempt to include Muhammed in the Books of the Bible and it does'nt stand up,much like Muhammed in the song of Soloman,but i still cannot understand why some Muslims reference the Bible if its so corrupted.

LOL ok;)

Response: It has been demonstrated in another thread to you that Muhammad(pbuh) is in the bible and that Muhammad(pbuh) is mentioned by name. Refer to "Is the prophet mentioned by name in other scriptures" thread. No need for two threads of the same topic.[/quote]


But their scriptures say that the "Comfortor" is the Holy Spirit. You haven't shown anyone that the Bible teaches about Islam, you've merely asserted that the Bible is wrong.

I'm not sure you got my point. It's just as valid to say that when the Bible is interpreted consistently with the Book of Mormon, the Bible is consistent with the Book of Mormon... or that when the Bible is interpreted consistently with Zoroastrian scriptures, the Bible is constistent with Zoroastrian scriptures... or even that when the Bible is interpreted consistently with Moby Dick, the Bible is consistent with Moby Dick.

In mathematical terms, if "A given B" is true, then B is true. There's nothing surprising or informative in this.


do you believe in more than one holy spirit?


New Member
According to Christianity, Jesus was the word, meaning the truth and the way. When he was leaving he promised his followers that he would not leave them orphans, that he would provide them a comforter- someone or something that would provide for them the truth and the way. For Christians that is the Holy Spirit. For Muslims it is the Quran. I don't see a difference. I was also suprised to find out that Muslims believe that the Christian Holy Spirit is actually the angel Gabriel who was the one to recite the Quran to Mohammed(pbuh). Maybe the Muslim and the Christian comforters are the same. Jesus promised to provide the truth and both ways may be acceptable.


and after me will come Ahmad, so follow him, this is in the gospel according to John, Ahmad, is another name of Muhammad.