Active Member
ya! i have been corrected about the belief already. i was given a few videos to watch and they brought up adapting. now does adapting exist? like when you poison a ant and it develops a tolerance does this mean the ant adapted to circumstances or that it created a mutation? would it be fasle for me to say that a mutation was created?Well, someone's surely said this already but people don't believe in evolution, they except the evidence or they don't. Belief is for things that have no evidence, namely in religions. However, as to why I accept the soundness of evolution is that scientists have provided concrete evidence. We have fossil records, dna tests, and numerous examples of species that have evolved just in the last few houndred years. For example, look up london subway misquitoe's. An entirely new species of mesquitoe have evolved in an artificial enviornment there, the london subway system. They can no longer breed with the parent masquito population on the serface and have different apearance and feeding habits. Then there's all the bacteria and other single cell lifeforms we've seen evolve before our very eyes, and the proto bio matter that scientists have synthesized from non organic matter. Bottom line, evolution is fact, there's no belief involved.
again these are just thoughts. just looking for feedback.