Well-Known Member
Again, sure they exist and are important in some instances, how is that fact applicable to the Bat/whale prestin convergence?
Ok from the article
1 the observation is that in some portions of the gene perstine (and other genes) bats and dolphins look more similar to each other……than when compered with other mammals, including mammals that are closer relatives. .. this means that in some regions of that gene we have the same amino acid sequence in bats and dolphins but not in other mammals.
Note that I am not saying that the whole gene is identical in bats and dolphins………the gene is similar but not identical in all mammals …… it is just that the similarities between bats and dolphins is grated than between closer relatives (say dolphins and blue whales)………… (so this is the observation made by the authors of the articles)
2 Given that they have the same variations (same amiono acids sequence) in the same genes and in the same places and given that bats and dolphins are not close relatives……. The obvious interpretation is that they suffered from the same mutations independently. (feel free to provide a different interpretation)
3 Given that genomes are typically 3Billon base pairs long , it is unlikely for 2 individuals to suffer independently by the same random mutations in the same place…. This would be like you and I copying a text and having the exact same spelling mistake in the exact same sentence and word, hence I think that nonrandom mutations better account for this observation.
You already accept that non random mutations occure and you already think that they played in important role in the evolution of organisms so why do you think that this specific observation is better explain by random mutations rather than non random mutatons?
My original point was that some observations are better explained by non random mutations, I simply presented this particular case as an example………… but even if I fail………. That will simply show that this specific example fails…….. it is still a fact that non random mutations occure and that they play an important role………. We agree on this general……..any disagreement would be on the specific examples.