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Question from a friendly atheist to faithful Christians, Muslims and Jews:

Kirby D. P.

Question from a friendly atheist to faithful Christians, Muslims and Jews:

Is there any item within God’s doctrine (defined sins, requirements of faith/observance, standards fort punishment/reward in any afterlife, etc.) according to your own personal understanding of that doctrine, that you either disagree with or wish were not so? If so, what is it/are they?


Not your average Mormon
Question from a friendly atheist to faithful Christians, Muslims and Jews:

Is there any item within God’s doctrine (defined sins, requirements of faith/observance, standards fort punishment/reward in any afterlife, etc.) according to your own personal understanding of that doctrine, that you either disagree with or wish were not so? If so, what is it/are they?
I don't disagree with any of my Church's "doctrines" as I believe they are truths that have been revealed by God to men, but there are quite a number of "policies" in my Church that I see as being flawed. As long as human beings are involved in spiritual matters, I think this will pretty much always be the case.

P.S. It's nice to see a "friendly" atheist in our midst. "Friendly" is a good quality that I think we all like to see. Welcome!

Kirby D. P.

Hi, Akivah. If you're good with your understanding of God's policy, how does that policy (as you understand it) line up with, or conflict, with doctrine as held forth in the Torah?

And hello, Katzpur. I am not 100% clear on Mormon views on sin. Like many other Christian sects, do Mormons (and/or do you) consider things like homosexuality and extramarital sex as sin? (PS -- I'm not asking because I indulge in either, they are just the two first easy examples that come to mind.)

Kirby D. P.

I see we Pagans are ignored once again...:(
Oh, Kori. Please don't BE like that! I LOVE pagans. I don't personally believe in anything supernatural, nor do I find any solace in rituals that speak of supernatural forces even symbolically. But I adore the richness, beauty and (frankly) lack of hypocrisy of most pagan practices.


Well-Known Member
Question from a friendly atheist to faithful Christians, Muslims and Jews:

Is there any item within God’s doctrine (defined sins, requirements of faith/observance, standards fort punishment/reward in any afterlife, etc.) according to your own personal understanding of that doctrine, that you either disagree with or wish were not so? If so, what is it/are they?
"wish were not so"? Sure. I would love to try certain non-kosher foods, but roolz iz roolz.


Dark Valkyrie...what's not to love?
Oh, Kori. Please don't BE like that! I LOVE pagans. I don't personally believe in anything supernatural, nor do I find any solace in rituals that speak of supernatural forces even symbolically. But I adore the richness, beauty and (frankly) lack of hypocrisy of most pagan practices.

Trying to sweet talk me? The damage is done! :cryingcat:

Anyway I think people of those Religions do have disagreements more than one would think but fear keeps them silent.


Question from a friendly atheist to faithful Christians, Muslims and Jews:

Is there any item within God’s doctrine (defined sins, requirements of faith/observance, standards fort punishment/reward in any afterlife, etc.) according to your own personal understanding of that doctrine, that you either disagree with or wish were not so? If so, what is it/are they?

Not really...
But I'm non-denom, So I'm not obliged to any doctrine.

Kirby D. P.

Hi, Rosends. If rules are indeed rules, do you have a rule of thumb or some other standard by which you can sift which rules you obey and which you can eschew? "No bacon" and "no lobster" are pretty straightforward and easy (and, not to taunt you, but PHENOMENALLY delicious), but I assume you have knowingly worn a blended fabric at one time or another. Or at least resisted the injunction to put a known homosexual to death. Or someone who worked on Saturday. (If I'm wrong, please correct me.)

But, I ask my question because I suspect, on balance, people follow a certain faith up to the point wherein the doctrine of that faith jibes with the pre-existing ethics of the individual, and dispense with those parts of doctrine that aren't appealing. Adherence to kashruth is an interesting situation: it prevents the observant Jew from enjoying bacon and oysters, but it gives them access to the solidarity of the Jewish community and assuages aversions to unclean foods inculcated from childhood.

I dislike a great proportion of doctrine among the Abrahamic faiths and I THINK (though I can't say for sure) I would do so even if I were faithful. I was wondering if there are those among believers any large number who submit to their sectarian doctrine, believing in it fully, but who resent or at least dislike parts of it.

Kirby D. P.

Not really...
But I'm non-denom, So I'm not obliged to any doctrine.
Hi, Thana. By "nondenominational" I take you to mean you believe in SOME god, but so specific tradition has any special claim to a full understanding if it/him/her/them.

If that is the case, are you of the opinion that said god(s) care about human affairs? And, of course, if I am mistaken about your perspective, please fill me in. Thanks.


Hi, Thana. By "nondenominational" I take you to mean you believe in SOME god, but so specific tradition has any special claim to a full understanding if it/him/her/them.

If that is the case, are you of the opinion that said god(s) care about human affairs? And, of course, if I am mistaken about your perspective, please fill me in. Thanks.

I'm Christian. Non-denom just means I don't subscribe to any denomination. So no specific doctrine/teachings, I just take the bible as is and everything else is optional.

Kirby D. P.

I'm Christian. Non-denom just means I don't subscribe to any denomination. So no specific doctrine/teachings, I just take the bible as is and everything else is optional.
Ah, so. Is your acceptance of "the bible as is" literal? Or more... inspirational?


Dark Valkyrie...what's not to love?
I'll bite. (sorry to cut in, SecularWonder) Which traditions (if any) do you follow?

Well I have to finish an application to Asatru, however I am me when it comes to Norse. I have no problem disagreeing with things in my Holy Books.

Scott C.

Just one guy
Question from a friendly atheist to faithful Christians, Muslims and Jews:

Is there any item within God’s doctrine (defined sins, requirements of faith/observance, standards fort punishment/reward in any afterlife, etc.) according to your own personal understanding of that doctrine, that you either disagree with or wish were not so? If so, what is it/are they?

I don't disagree with anything that I believe comes from God. I might not understand it, but how can I disagree with God whom I believe to be all wise and loving? But do I wish that some things were not true? I think of God's commandments. I believe that all commandments are for our own good, but yes there are moments of temptation when I wish that God didn't care if I did this or that.

Kirby D. P.

there are moments of temptation when I wish that God didn't care if I did this or that.

Hey, Scott C. LOVE the scuba pic.

As I have said earlier in this thread, I am WOEFULLY unversed in the specifics of Mormon doctrine, so please forgive me if I lump your tenets in with all other Christian beliefs.

Let's take you, personally, out of the equation. Let's then take a given Christian precept: "homosexual sex is evil" (it doesn't have to be that. it could be any particular faith-informed belief) or "people who fail in regard to standard X, Y or Z go to Hell."

If God asked your opinion, are there any of these that YOU would recommend he changed?