So, what in your mind did President Trump have to do with the plan that President Biden put in place. Be specific....I know that is hard for you but at least try.
A POTUS doesn't do such planning by himself - they have people to do that for them, and these people generally do not change when Presidents move out of office, barring some major administrative upheaval which very much did
not happen in the US military after Biden took office.
Those plans were drafted, drawn up, and implemented by the US military. And I find it highly unlikely that military bureaucrats would just throw away months of effort and planning just because a new guy moved into the White House. Would
you find that plausible?
Or do you actually believe any US President would not only personally draft a redeployment plan for thousands of troops, vehicles and heavy equipment, but then throw it in the bin the minute they were out of office?
If anybody screwed up here, it was your military leadership and staff, for assuming that a puppet government that was only kept alive with massive US military support
wouldn't immediately fold after the US announced it would withdraw completely.