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Questions that evolutionists and billions of years proponents cannot answer but disprove their theories.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
that post is strange even for you.
If you know Christ then you know evolution and billions of years are a lie. So you do not know Christ.
I can't imagine how someone could come to the conclusion that the best witness for Christ is to close your mind, become locked in an intractable loop, ignoring the very people that they seem only to pretend they are trying to reach and putting that loop on heavy rotation. That is truly strange.

Christ did not ignore what others had to say like the examples I see from literalists here all the time.

The Bible shows us that Christ taught. He didn't turn Himself into an absurd caricature that seems to serve only to drive people away and court ridicule and division as if that is the real goal.

That sir, is strange.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
that post is strange even for you.
If you know Christ then you know evolution and billions of years are a lie. So you do not know Christ.
No, if you are an honest Christian and understand one whit of science then you know that God is not a liar which means that Genesis cannot be read literally. You do not have to abuse the Bible to be a Christian. You do not have to call God a liar to be a Christian.


Well-Known Member
No, if you are an honest Christian and understand one whit of science then you know that God is not a liar which means that Genesis cannot be read literally. You do not have to abuse the Bible to be a Christian. You do not have to call God a liar to be a Christian.
Scientists are deceived ny a great deceiver so they have false theories of origins.

God is not a liar and the Bible is quite clear that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago.

Whether you intended to or not, you just admitted that God exists and that He created all things
You wrote "God is not a liar" so God must exist.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Scientists are deceived ny a great deceiver so they have false theories of origins.

God is not a liar and the Bible is quite clear that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago.

Whether you intended to or not, you just admitted that God exists and that He created all things
You wrote "God is not a liar" so God must exist.
You keep claiming that He is. I don't think that you intend to, but that is the message when one has locked themselves in a box under a rock in a sense.

You are a man with an opinion and apparently a lot of spare time and what seems like a limited imagination on how to best serve with that time.

Do you really think repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over without listening to anything anyone has to say is good witness?

It is just YOUR opinion and rejecting it and how you deliver it is not rejecting Christ. If you think it is, you have much deeper problems to deal with.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Scientists are deceived ny a great deceiver so they have false theories of origins.
So now God is a great deceiver. That is not very nice of you.
God is not a liar and the Bible is quite clear that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago.

But you just said he was in your first sentence and now you are repeating it. You are claiming that God planted endless false information, from intergalactic distances down to the evidence within a cell that Genesis was false. Or are you going to claim that Satan made interstellar distances and made our cells? You seem to be giving more power to Satan than you are giving to God.
Whether you intended to or not, you just admitted that God exists and that He created all things
You wrote "God is not a liar" so God must exist.
No, you know that is not true. You are pretending that the context of our discussion does not exist. Quote mining is a form of lying and you should not do that.

Plus, even if I said that "God exists" with all of my heart that would not mean that he does. I could just be like you are, that is very very very mistaken.


Well-Known Member
So now God is a great deceiver. That is not very nice of you.

But you just said he was in your first sentence and now you are repeating it. You are claiming that God planted endless false information, from intergalactic distances down to the evidence within a cell that Genesis was false. Or are you going to claim that Satan made interstellar distances and made our cells? You seem to be giving more power to Satan than you are giving to God.

No, you know that is not true. You are pretending that the context of our discussion does not exist. Quote mining is a form of lying and you should not do that.

Plus, even if I said that "God exists" with all of my heart that would not mean that he does. I could just be like you are, that is very very very mistaken.
Your reasoning is all backwards do to your false assumptions and circular reasoning
Scientists, who believe in evolution and billions of years, are deceived.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Your reasoning is all backwards do to your false assumptions and circular reasoning

Since you have never been able to demonstrate circular reasoning I will accept this as you stating that you are wrong again. If you cannot support your claims you enable others to reinterpret them for you. Thank you for admitting that you are wrong.
Scientists, who believe in evolution and billions of years, are deceived.
Then prove it. If you cannot do so after being asked for evidence in countless posts you are only stating the opposite.

We Never Know

No Slack
Your reasoning is all backwards do to your false assumptions and circular reasoning
Scientists, who believe in evolution and billions of years, are deceived.

"Scientists, who believe in evolution and billions of years, are deceived"

Myself or no one I know 'believe' in evolution. We 'accept' the evidence that has came from many years of observation, research and testing of the physical world.

With a god there is nothing physical to observe, research or test. IOW there is nothing but belief and stories.

There is nothing wrong with believing/having faith in a god for its a personal choice and a hope of better things to come.... But IMO those beliefs shouldn't be forced on anyone or treated as if they hold more credibility than science.

I don't debate/argue about a god because IMO its no different than someone saying they believe that in a galaxy 8 billion light years away there is a planet where little green people live and thrive.
Neither a god or those little green people can be proven or disproven. Both exist based on belief, not evidence.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Christ sometimes preached, sometimes He rebuked, sometimes He taught, but He never taught the lies of evolution or billions of years
He didn't even know the Earth was round or that germs caused disease. How would he know anything about evolution or cosmology?


Veteran Member
Scientists are deceived ny a great deceiver so they have false theories of origins.
You are trying to deceive us about scientists. We know better than to be fooled by you. How does it feel that you are powerless to convince any of us well educated folk? Aren't you supposed to have God on your side?
God is not a liar and the Bible is quite clear that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago.
God isn't who we are talking to, it's you. And what you post is deceptive and contrary to fact and reason.
Whether you intended to or not, you just admitted that God exists and that He created all things
You wrote "God is not a liar" so God must exist.
Untrue. Of course he was referring to what you think God is based on your interpretation of the Bible. Context.


Well-Known Member
You are trying to deceive us about scientists. We know better than to be fooled by you. How does it feel that you are powerless to convince any of us well educated folk? Aren't you supposed to have God on your side?

God isn't who we are talking to, it's you. And what you post is deceptive and contrary to fact and reason.

Untrue. Of course he was referring to what you think God is based on your interpretation of the Bible. Context.
No interpretation just what it says.
All will become believers but many after it is too late.


Veteran Member
No interpretation just what it says.
Sorry, it's not a factual book of stories. To deside that it must be read and understood literally IS an interpretation. It's the wrong interpretation since the stories are contrary to fact and knowledge.

And still no evidence and explanation that your beliefs are true in reality. No facts that show us God exists outside of your imagination. It's as if you can't answer our questions, so why should we believe your claims?
All will become believers but many after it is too late.
A threat that means nothing. It is another element of Evangelical Christianity that is even more absurd. To assume any of the concepts in Christianity as true is absurd. The need for God to impregnante a woman so she will have a son that God then allows to be killed as a sacrifice to himself just so human sin can be atoned. Gee whiz, an efficient God would just make is happen magically, a snap of the fingers. The Christian the of Jesus and his sacrifice is too Rube Goldberg to be believable. And then those who think the Rapture is real adds a new wrinkle where God is going to ends the world and kill off non-believers, and appaenly even liberal Christians.

Yeah, critical thinkers aren't convinced. But we are entertained.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You two may agree on that. But you believe that God is a liar and he doesn't.
I don't know what you're talking about. There is so much in the Bible that makes sense to those who appreciate life and the Creator. There are those described in the Bible who didn't understand everything but were blessed by God. I find it a blessing to have been taught the Bible as well as what God wants, also shown the inconsistency and morbidity of the actions by people and events as the world stands now. Anyway, have a good evening.
Job 19:25 - For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
Psalm 71:2 - Save me and rescue me, for you do what is right. Turn your ear to listen to me, and set me free.
I look forward to the time that I and other righteous ones as considered by God (you and I are not the decision-makers) will be free. But He has set me free to a large extent. Not there yet -- but hope to be. Take care.