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Questions that evolutionists and billions of years proponents cannot answer but disprove their theories.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
There is no evidence for evolution just assumptions with no real answers born of circular reasoning,

Genesis and the Genome (pdf)


Well-Known Member

Genesis and the Genome (pdf)
Same old circular reasoning.

Evolution is falsified just by this small detail.


Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Life can be remarkably variable -- and flexible.
Multicellularity in primitive life can get pretty tricky. Unicellular organisms, like Dictyosteliid slime molds or certain poymorphic Bryozoid zooids can come together, specialize, and morph into multicellular organisms, with specialized cells and structures.
Yes slime moulds are very interesting. In fact they display problem solving capabilities.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
There is no evidence for evolution just assumptions with no real answers born of circular reasoning,

This refutes evolution.

So you didn't bother to answer my questions and just jumped right back into the campaign again.

Did Jesus teach or did He campaign. Did He listen or do what you are doing? Did He answer questions or ignore people like they are objects?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
There is no evidence for evolution just assumptions with no real answers born of circular reasoning,

This refutes evolution.

Why do you keep saying this? You've made this assertion a hundred times, but never defended it.

If this article refutes evolution, why does the author, not to mention the entire staff of the magazine, still believe in it?
You have no idea how science works, what evidence is, or how to evaluate it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You don't know what circular reasoning is. If you read the article, you did not comprehend it.
If evolution were so easily falsified, why has it not been dropped, like spontaneous generation or flat Earth belief?
Why do everyone but the religious still believe in it? Why is belief strongest among the educated?


Veteran Member
I realize you don't think abiogenesis is part of the process of what is deemed to be evolution.

It factually isn't. And every time you claim otherwise, you are engaging in willful ignorance and strawmanning.
You KNOW it isn't because plenty of people have already explained to you how and why it isn't. I know, because I'm one of them.

Your willful ignorance is not an argument. If anything, it's mere intellectual dishonesty which is of no consequence whatsoever. The only thing you achieve with it, is that people stop taking you seriously. It only makes your side look bad.

But it is. You simply cannot have evolution without a start, and that start would be supposedly from the theory of abiogenesis.
No. For the trillionth time: that start is "life exists". Period.


Veteran Member
As I look at it now, combining two chemicals in whatever form scientists think they may have been and have them multiply by some force is beyond physical reason. The initial elements themselves are not simple as if they just got there. But that's how I think now and frankly there is no evidence to prove otherwise. Or explain otherwise. It didn't just happen by fortuitous meeting of elements producing life eventually supposedly evolving by chemical/mechanical/physical/biologic means to plants and animals and humans. That is how I see it now. Take care.
Nobody who cares about intellectual discourse is interested in how the intellectually dishonest and the willfully ignorant "see it".


Veteran Member
Lol ok I will. It disproves itself because it cannot be proved. Meaning it is impossible to prove. It doesn't matter if someone says it has been or can be proved. It has not been and logic should show that when the evidence (such as sponges as said to be maybe one of the first living things) is spoken of it is so out-of-this-world by imagination that it disputes/refutes itself when looked at with an honest eye. I'm speaking now primarily of the start. The beginning through subsequent supposedly early stages of the said process.
By that retarded "logic", every scientific theory "disproves itself" because no theory can ever be "proven".

Count on creationists to dismiss the whole of science with an absurd handwave, while using practical applications of science to communicate their willfully ignorant fallacious nonsense at light speed over the interwebs.

Good grief............


Well-Known Member
So you didn't bother to answer my questions and just jumped right back into the campaign again.

Did Jesus teach or did He campaign. Did He listen or do what you are doing? Did He answer questions or ignore people like they are objects?
Christ sometimes preached, sometimes He rebuked, sometimes He taught, but He never taught the lies of evolution or billions of years