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Questions that evolutionists and billions of years proponents cannot answer but disprove their theories.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
in a way that's true, because the Bible has an account of how life especially on the Earth started. Not a theory. :) But anyway, we can carry on later maybe. :) Nice talking with you, Hammer. Take care and good night.
How it started; the mechanism, or who started it? Doesn't Genesis offer two, conflicting accounts of creation, neither of which make any sense, given what we know today.

In actual fact, doesn't The Silmarillion, in Ainulindalë, say the world began in the mind of Eru, sung into existence by the Ainur? It's right there in The Book. Not a theory.
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Lightly seared on the reality grill.
You just used one in that post.
That doesn't even make sense as an answer. I was stating the fact that you have provided no examples of scientists using unevidenced assumptions with regard to evidence of evolution. At least none that I've seen. You just keep running away by posting nonsense like this.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
The hypothesis of abiogenesis is undergoing research and development. It is a testable hypothesis. I know abiogenesis is the truth, because it is practically obvious to anyone with some chemistry background beyond high school. Obvious to anyone, who was not indoctrinated with religious dogma. ;)
I doubt any test will ever show that a particle from somewhere burgeons out to form plants and animals and more.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Oh and the theory of evolution actually disproves itself. Starting from the first proposal such as ?? maybe sponges and the like.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Please be so kind as to explain this claim of yours.
Lol ok I will. It disproves itself because it cannot be proved. Meaning it is impossible to prove. It doesn't matter if someone says it has been or can be proved. It has not been and logic should show that when the evidence (such as sponges as said to be maybe one of the first living things) is spoken of it is so out-of-this-world by imagination that it disputes/refutes itself when looked at with an honest eye. I'm speaking now primarily of the start. The beginning through subsequent supposedly early stages of the said process.


Admiral Obvious
Lol ok I will. It disproves itself because it cannot be proved. Meaning it is impossible to prove. It doesn't matter if someone says it has been or can be proved. It has not been and logic should show that when the evidence (such as sponges as said to be maybe one of the first living things) is spoken of it is so out-of-this-world by imagination that it disputes/refutes itself when looked at with an honest eye. I'm speaking now primarily of the start. The beginning through subsequent supposedly early stages of the said process.
I meant explain how your claim is true.
Not why you believe it is true.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
I see. So you think maybe another particle will come up from a thermal vent or drop in from space and evolve?
No. Since A) Life already here would just gobble it up. and B) The planet is a very different place chemically, our atmosphere is one of nitrogen and oxygen and a tiny fraction of Carbon dioxide, not ammonia methane nitrogen and carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide...as it was, before the first photosynthesizing single celled algae like life evolved, and converted all that carbon oxide into oxygen, which by the way is a highly reactive chemical, and would likely have oxidized (and thus ended) early attempts at RNA synthesis, in the thermal vent regions. Oxygen is now dissolved in the oceans.