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Questions that evolutionists and billions of years proponents cannot answer but disprove their theories.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
you need to start with nothing then get that to become all the matter, every and forces of nature
Then you have to get that to become the first living creature
and then prove that became all the living things in the world that have ever lived.

BTW, where are the magnetic monopoles?
Running away and desperately trying to change the subject again. This really is getting hilarious!

I can play that game too! Why does your god exist (rather than another god, multiple gods, no gods at all, or nothing at all)?

Note that "God has always existed" is not an answer to the question I just asked.


Well-Known Member
Running away and desperately trying to change the subject again. This really is getting hilarious!

I can play that game too! Why does your god exist (rather than another god, multiple gods, no gods at all, or nothing at all)?

Note that "God has always existed" is not an answer to the question I just asked.
Where are the pop 3 stars?
Where are the magnetic monopoles?


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Where are the pop 3 stars?
Where are the magnetic monopoles?
Why is there such an abundance of heaven elements in the early universe, especially nickel?
There you go again....



Veteran Member
Which kind of evolution.
Microevolution which is really just variation within created kinds?
Do you know whre th idea of "microvolution" came from? It came from creationists who used to insist ther was no evolution at all, but then started realizing their absolutist claims of "kinds" being set species that God created could not account for the huge diversity of life. Also these same people started pushing back the 6000 year old universe to 10,000, or even 12,000 years to account for the microevolution they finally admitted happened. But the funny thing about stretching out the age of the universe is that the ONLY reason they claim a young earth is to fit the Ussher timeline. So since they admitted the literalist timeline is bogus why bother holding onto the young earth model at all?

So here you are admitting that evolution happens. So can you explain how this microevolution happened so fast as to result in millions of different species in just a few thousand years several hundred "kinds" on the Ark. Maybe you can tell us how many "kinds" thre was on the Ark, how seven people fed them, and cleaned up, and where the food came from after the waters receded (where'd all that water come from, and where did it go?). I think @Blu wants to hear your explanation on that one.

Are you going to start pushing back your timeline to make microevolution work in your model? You need to account for millions of species from a small group of animals.

And while you're at it, expain why genetic mapping shows no genetic bottleneck that your Flood model should indicate.
Not macroevolution which is on kind evolving into another kind.
"Kind" means nothing.

If you think it does, define it for us.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Where are the pop 3 stars?
Where are the magnetic monopoles?
Why is there such an abundance of heaven elements in the early universe, especially nickel?
Why is Venus rotating backwards?
Why does your god exist (rather than another god, multiple gods, no gods at all, or nothing at all)? Note that "God has always existed" is not an answer to that question.

Why haven't you addressed your profound misunderstanding of evolution (#1,578)?

Please explain to me why anybody should be bothered to answer any of your ill-informed questions when you just run away from any hint of a challenge to your own views?


Well-Known Member
Do you know whre th idea of "microvolution" came from? It came from creationists who used to insist ther was no evolution at all, but then started realizing their absolutist claims of "kinds" being set species thloio at God created could not account for the huge diversity of life. Also these same people started pushing back the 6000 year old universe to 10,000, or even 12,000 years to account for the microevolution they finally admitted happened. But the funny thing about stretching out the age of the universe is that the ONLY reason they claim a young earth is to fit the Ussher timeline. So since they admitted the literalist timeline is bogus why bother holding onto the young earth model at all?

So here you are admitting that evolution happens. So can you explain how this microevolution happened so fast as to result in millions of different species in just a few thousand years several hundred "kinds" on the Ark. Maybe you can tell us how many "kinds" thre was on the Ark, how seven people fed them, and cleaned up, and where the food came from after the waters receded (where'd all that water come from, and where did it go?). I think @Blu wants to hear your explanation on that one.

Are you going to start pushing back your timeline to make microevolution work in your model? You need to account for millions of species from a small group of animals.

And while you're at it, expain why genetic mapping shows no genetic bottleneck that your Flood model should indicate.

"Kind" means nothing.

If you think it does, define it for us.
It comes from sanity.
So yes young earth creationists are sane.

Maybe they have the windows closed in when women give birth just in case the new born has wings and flies away,

Where are the magnetic monopoles?
Where are the pop 3 stars?
Why is there an abundance of heavy elements in the early universe, especially nickel?
Why does Venus rotate backwards?
Why does Uranus rotate on its side?


Veteran Member
It comes from sanity.
So yes young earth creationists are sane.

Maybe they have the windows closed in when women give birth just in case the new born has wings and flies away,

Where are the magnetic monopoles?
Where are the pop 3 stars?
Why is there an abundance of heavy elements in the early universe, especially nickel?
Why does Venus rotate backwards?
Why does Uranus rotate on its side?
So you have no answers to my questions. Seems you are stumped. So since you are stumped why should anyone take you seriously? Everyone else has fact-based answers, if the questions can be answered by reason (not faith and flawed interpretations of ancient stories).


Well-Known Member
So you have no answers to my questions. Seems you are stumped. So since you are stumped why should anyone take you seriously? Everyone else has fact-based answers, if the questions can be answered by reason (not faith and flawed interpretations of ancient stories).
God created it all.
Maybe that is why they have the windows close when a woman gives birth, just in case the new born has wings and flies away,
The Wonderful Egg. A dinosaur hatched from an egg and had wings which its parents did not. 1950s book to indoctrinate kids.

Where are the magnetic monopoles?

Where are the pop 3 stars?

Why is there an abundance of heavy elements in the early universe, especially nickel?

Why does Venus rotate backwards?

Why does Uranus rotate on its side?


Well-Known Member
You proved it to yourself, with your low standards. You haven't met the standards of critical thinkers, logic, and debate.

So you admit you can't meet these normal standards, like those used in court? And that your cliams can be dismissed by the rest of us?
I have given a number of irrefutable proofs.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I already proved God exists.
I have given a number of irrefutable proofs.

Were you dreaming at the time? You don't seem to understand the meaning of the word 'proof' let alone its applicability. None of your 'proofs' stood up to a single second of rational thought and all were easily refuted. Then you just ran away from the refutations.....


Well-Known Member

Were you dreaming at the time? You don't seem to understand the meaning of the word 'proof' let alone its applicability. None of your 'proofs' stood up to a single second of rational thought and all were easily refuted. Then you just ran away from the refutations.....
Maybe that is why they have the windows close when a woman gives birth, just in case the new born has wings and flies away.

The Wonderful Egg. A dinosaur hatched from an egg and had wings which its parents did not. 1950s book to indoctrinate kids.

Where are the magnetic monopoles?

Where are the pop 3 stars?

Why is there an abundance of heavy elements in the early universe, especially nickel?

Why does Venus rotate backwards?

Why does Uranus rotate on its side?
What is Titan retrograde?

Why is the microwaves from the Cosmic Background Radiation not polarized in primordial B mode?


Maybe that is why they have the windows close when a woman gives birth, just in case the new born has wings and flies away.
Or perhaps in empathy for the woman being exposed.
The Wonderful Egg. A dinosaur hatched from an egg and had wings which its parents did not. 1950s book to indoctrinate kids.

Where are the magnetic monopoles?

Where are the pop 3 stars?

Why is there an abundance of heavy elements in the early universe, especially nickel?

Why does Venus rotate backwards?

Why does Uranus rotate on its side?
What is Titan retrograde?

Why is the microwaves from the Cosmic Background Radiation not polarized in primordial B mode?
Funny, you use terms and words not found in religions or bible but are evolved from scientific discovery (the evolution of knowledge) to argue about evolution.

If you need answers for all of those terms and questions, you will need to learn beyond belief of a religion. Are you up for the challenge of doing the work?

It's similar to the folk that require bones to fill in the gaps of species evolution: how many against the process actually pick up a shovel and go look for them?


Veteran Member
I have given a number of irrefutable proofs.
No, you offered flawed interpretations. If you give up with what you posted so far, then you have lost. What you have posted isn't factual, nor conclusive. You can't even answer the simple questions I asked you. If you have absolute knowledge then you would be able to answer. You aren't even trying.