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Questions that evolutionists and billions of years proponents cannot answer but disprove their theories.


Active Member
Why is there an abundance of heavy elements in the early universe, especially nickel?
Probably from supernovae. The source of your information is A.L. Strom et al., 2023, Astrophys. J. Lett., 958 (1), L11, ShieldSquare Captcha .

The galaxies that Strom et al. observed have redshifts z = 2-3, implying that we see them as they were about 10-11 billion years ago, or 2.5-3.4 billion years after the origin of the universe. This gives enough time for stellar nucleosynthesis to produce measurable amounts of heavy elements.

I should also be interested to learn how you fit this time-scale into your theory of cosmology.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
All reasoning for evolution and billions of years is circular reasoning and not science.

I doubt it. Remember you are the one that constantly uses circular reasoning. If I had someone willing to bet with me I would give that person ten to one odds.
This is it in a nutshell.

We know evolution and billions of years are true (conclusion is the assumption) and since we know evolution and billions of years are true (conclusion is the assumption) and such and such exists, it must have evolved because we know evolution and billions of years are true (restating the assumption as the conclusion).

And I would have won. No, we know evolution is true because all of the scientific evidence supports it. You remember what scientific evidence is. That is the concept that you do not understand and are too afraid of to learn.
Furthermore, any evidence that contradicts evolution and billions of years must be false because we know evolution and billions of years are true.
Oh my, such projection. You are conflating scientists with people that work at creationist sites. One has to swear that one will not follow the scientific method at places like AiG.

I would have easily have won my bet. Are you still afraid to learn what is and what is not evidence?


Veteran Member
All reasoning for evolution and billions of years is circular reasoning and not science.
This is your claim, where is your evidence and coherent explanation?

That was a rhetorical question because you are wrong, and educated folks, like those on this forum, know it.
This is it in a nutshell.

We know evolution and billions of years are true (conclusion is the assumption)
False. We know the universe is billions of years old because space telescopes allow us to observe the past and age of the universe. And evolution is known because it is a conclusion based on many types of evidence, like the fossil record, genetics, geology, and observed species evolving.
and since we know evolution and billions of years are true (conclusion is the assumption) and such and such exists, it must have evolved because we know evolution and billions of years are true (restating the assumption as the conclusion).
This isn't accurate or coherent. If this is what you think science is I suggest you go back to the 7th grade and learn. The odd thing is that this is how religious belief works.
Furthermore, any evidence that contradicts evolution and billions of years must be false because we know evolution and billions of years are true.
There is none. Your flwed interpretation of the Bible isn't evidence.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
This is it in a nutshell.

We know evolution and billions of years are true (conclusion is the assumption) and since we know evolution and billions of years are true (conclusion is the assumption) and such and such exists, it must have evolved because we know evolution and billions of years are true (restating the assumption as the conclusion).

Furthermore, any evidence that contradicts evolution and billions of years must be false because we know evolution and billions of years are true.
Simply untrue. That is how creationists think and they admit it in their 'statements of faith'. They 'know' that their interpretation of the bible must be right, so they are the ones who are staring with their conclusions and claiming everything must fit in with that.

Real science doesn't work like that and saying that it does is bearing false witness. You may be just repeating it in good faith because you trust those who told you, but whoever originated it was either lying or speaking from complete ignorance.

Matthew 7:5


Well-Known Member
Simply untrue. That is how creationists think and they admit it in their 'statements of faith'. They 'know' that their interpretation of the bible must be right, so they are the ones who are staring with their conclusions and claiming everything must fit in with that.

Real science doesn't work like that and saying that it does is bearing false witness. You may be just repeating it in good faith because you trust those who told you, but whoever originated it was either lying or speaking from complete ignorance.

Matthew 7:5
Well there are a lot of interpretations of the Bible out there and that is reflected in statements of faith.
However the Bible is quite clear and so there is just one faith.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Well there are a lot of interpretations of the Bible out there and that is reflected in statements of faith.
Is it? They insist on a literal interpretation of the creation myth. That only represents rather small cult. Most mainstream Christian denominations accept evolution and the science about the age of Earth and the universe.

However the Bible is quite clear and so there is just one faith.
So why do we have endless different denominations, cults, and sects that think so differently....?


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Well there are a lot of interpretations of the Bible out there and that is reflected in statements of faith.
However the Bible is quite clear and so there is just one faith.
And you still seem to have missed the point. You criticised science for doing what creationist pseudoscience does quite openly without even much attempt to hide it. You said:

We know evolution and billions of years are true (conclusion is the assumption) and since we know evolution and billions of years are true (conclusion is the assumption) and such and such exists, it must have evolved because we know evolution and billions of years are true (restating the assumption as the conclusion).
Furthermore, any evidence that contradicts evolution and billions of years must be false because we know evolution and billions of years are true.​

Which is untrue about science, however this is perfectly true about creationist pseudoscience:

We know literal bible creation story is true (conclusion is the assumption) and since we know the bible creations story is true (conclusion is the assumption) and such and such exists, it must have been specially created because we know the bible creations story is true (restating the assumption as the conclusion).
Furthermore, any evidence that contradicts bible creation story must be false because we bible creation story is true.
And they make thins perfectly plain when they insist on their 'statements of faith' and the like. They literally don't allow anybody to contribute unless they sign up to thinking like that.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that you can not really blame the Bible for being wrong when the person making claims about the Bible is wrong much more often then they are right....
I have told you that an unbeliever cannot understand the Bible.
It is a clear as crystal.


Admiral Obvious
I have told you that an unbeliever cannot understand the Bible.
It is a clear as crystal.
Yes you have.
Which you seem to have twisted into some of (ir)rational belief that because you are a believer you by default have to understand the Bible.

Problem is that your posts reveal you know less about the Bible than my 12 year old grandchild.

And I am willing to bet my five year old grandchild can give you a serious run for your money.


Veteran Member
Well there are a lot of interpretations of the Bible out there and that is reflected in statements of faith.
Your viws reveal two things: 1. that you don't undrstand science. 2. that you don't understand the history of both parts of the Bible, nor who wrote the parts, nor how it was compiled, nor how it was edited in copying, and translated over he last few thousand years to fit various agendas.
However the Bible is quite clear and so there is just one faith.
Judaism? Or the splinter sect that became Catholicism? Or the many tens of thousands of sects that came after Martin Luther protested some 1400 years later?


Veteran Member
Just Satan deceiving people so they will not see the truth.
And what maks you certain it isn't you given how much you deny facts and observations that are explained by science?

I have told you that an unbeliever cannot understand the Bible.
Yet there are millions of Christian believers who accept evolution and science as a whole. Are you saying these believers don't understand the Bible? If so, how is your claim here correct and not a contradiction?
It is a clear as crystal.
Not according to all the Christian believers who disagree with your interpretation. Explain.


Well-Known Member
And what maks you certain it isn't you given how much you deny facts and observations that are explained by science?

Yet there are millions of Christian believers who accept evolution and science as a whole. Are you saying these believers don't understand the Bible? If so, how is your claim here correct and not a contradiction?

Not according to all the Christian believers who disagree with your interpretation. Explain.
Of course they are
And when you say Christians Christ said that the majority that believed on Him were not saved and will be in hell.


Veteran Member
Of course they are
And when you say Christians Christ said that the majority that believed on Him were not saved and will be in hell.
And where is this clearly stated?

All Christians I have talked to think they are going to heaven, and hell only applies to non-believers of the Jesus story. So why deny your fellow Christians heaven?

Do you think you are one of the saved? If so, why?