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Questions that evolutionists and billions of years proponents cannot answer but disprove their theories.


Veteran Member
There are just adaptations within created kinds, aka micro evolution.

I already explained this to you. You are correct. It's the law of monofyly. Species never outgrow their ancestry.
This is exactly what evolution predicts.
Cats don't produce dogs.
Cats produce more cats and subspecies of cats, which remain cats.
Mammals produce more mammals and subspecies of mammals (like cats and dogs), which remain mammals.

No one has ever observed one created kind turning into another created kind.

Indeed. If we would observe one kind turning into another kind (like cats producing dogs), evolution would be disproven.
So this supports evolution theory.

Hilarious, right, that you think this somehow is evidence against evolution instead....

See this is why you should learn about the theory before trying to argue against it. It would help to prevent to say stupid ignorant things like that.

To assume that more changes will do that is projection outside of the measured or observe range.

Nobody assumes that except those who insist on arguing strawmen, like you

It is very bad science to do so.

Indeed it would be. So it's a good thing it doesn't happen then....

For example, the force needed to pull a spring is proportional to its distance.
F = kx
until breaks.
End proof.
Owkay. lol.


Veteran Member
People have bred dogs for many years and some a very large.
But what limits them from making even larger dogs?

Eventually? Physics.

Because eventually that dog line will become less fit and prone to many problems. That is the spring breaks.
Sure, sure. Point?

Projection outside of measured of observed ranges is pseudo science.
So macro evolution is falsified .

Yeah, the strawman you put up is indeed falsified.
Meanwhile, actual evolution theory remains solid as ever.


Veteran Member
so, if selective breading does no work, what will make a very large dog?

Why are you so obsessed with giant dogs?

There are no super giant dogs

There are no crockoducks either. Point?

This is observed in all species.
I have just falsified forever macroevolution.

No, you just argued a strawman.

I have already falsified abiogenesis,
I have already falsified the Big Bang.

How did the moon come into being?
Are you capable of sticking to a topic?


Veteran Member
However the Bible is quite clear and so there is just one faith.
How do you account for the Jewish faith then? After all, it's their Tanakh, not the Christians'.

How do you account for the distinction between Eastern Orthodoxy in its various forms, and Western Christianity?

Within Western Christianity how do you account for the schism between Catholic and Protestant?

Within Protestant Christianity, how do account for the difference between science-accepting and anti-science insisting (like yourself)?
I notced you didn't answer Blu's questions. If there is a problem and you lack answers then let us know.


Veteran Member
However the Bible is quite clear and so there is just one faith.
How do you account for the Jewish faith then? After all, it's their Tanakh, not the Christians'.

How do you account for the distinction between Eastern Orthodoxy in its various forms, and Western Christianity?

Within Western Christianity how do you account for the schism between Catholic and Protestant?

Within Protestant Christianity, how do account for the difference between science-accepting and anti-science insisting (like yourself)?
I notced you didn't answer Blu's questions. If there is a problem and you lack answers then let us know.


Veteran Member
I notced you didn't answer Blu's questions. If there is a problem and you lack answers then let us know.
Behold the mighty prophecy of TagliatelliMonster's words of wisdom.
Verily, I say unto you that @SavedByTheLord shall not directly respond to questions.
Verily, I say unto you that @SavedByTheLord shall completely ignore any and all direct arguments and evidence.
Verily, I say unto you that @SavedByTheLord shall instead repeat his mantra of off topic broken record questions and attempt to change the topic and move the goalposts.
O ye believers, you shall see I bring you true words of wisdom and you shall know that I am THE LORD when all these things shall come to pass.
O ye believers, do not follow in the footsteps the unbelievers for they have been deceived by the Father of Lies, by the Great Deceiver, by my arch enemy known as Bubble Of Makebelief. Fall not for the evil of BUM.

O ye believers, I raise my pint in honor of your intellectual integrity and shall pour some of my blessed mead on the ground as a symbol for the neural networks lost to the BUM.
If however, a disbeliever has a change of hearts and breaks free from the Great Deceiver, then we shall feast in his/her honor with Tagliatelli and Meatbals and swim in rivers of beer.



Well-Known Member
Behold the mighty prophecy of TagliatelliMonster's words of wisdom.
Verily, I say unto you that @SavedByTheLord shall not directly respond to questions.
Verily, I say unto you that @SavedByTheLord shall completely ignore any and all direct arguments and evidence.
Verily, I say unto you that @SavedByTheLord shall instead repeat his mantra of off topic broken record questions and attempt to change the topic and move the goalposts.
O ye believers, you shall see I bring you true words of wisdom and you shall know that I am THE LORD when all these things shall come to pass.
O ye believers, do not follow in the footsteps the unbelievers for they have been deceived by the Father of Lies, by the Great Deceiver, by my arch enemy known as Bubble Of Makebelief. Fall not for the evil of BUM.

O ye believers, I raise my pint in honor of your intellectual integrity and shall pour some of my blessed mead on the ground as a symbol for the neural networks lost to the BUM.
If however, a disbeliever has a change of hearts and breaks free from the Great Deceiver, then we shall feast in his/her honor with Tagliatelli and Meatbals and swim in rivers of beer.



Veteran Member
As always evolutionists cannot admit they have nothing.
It is a fallacy to believe that any form of projection, especially linear projection, outside of the measured or observed range is valid.
There are just adaptations within created kinds, aka micro evolution.
No one has ever observed one created kind turning into another created kind. To assume that more changes will do that is projection outside of the measured or observe range.
It is very bad science to do so.
For example, the force needed to pull a spring is proportional to its distance.
F = kx
until breaks.
End proof.
Oopsy, you just repeated the exact same thing again, instead of responding to the points put before you.


Veteran Member
Sure there is an analogy to a spring breaking.
People have bred dogs for many years and some a very large.
But what limits them from making even larger dogs?
Because eventually that dog line will become less fit and prone to many problems. That is the spring breaks.
Projection outside of measured of observed ranges is pseudo science.
So macro evolution is falsified .
End proof.
You think this is a proof? Yikes.


Well-Known Member
You think this is a proof? Yikes.
The observation is that no one has ever seen one kind change into another kind.
An analysis of the genetics proves that too.

But what limits them from making even larger dogs?
Because eventually that dog line will become less fit and prone to many problems. That is the spring breaks.
Projection outside of measured of observed ranges is pseudo science.
So macro evolution is falsified .


Veteran Member
The observation is that no one has ever seen one kind change into another kind.
As every other poster on this thread has pointed out to you, nobody who understands evolution expects to see one "kind" turn into another "kind."

First of all, "kind" isn't a scientific term. Maybe you mean "species" but who really knows.
Secondly, if it were observed that "one kind changed into another kind," that would falsify evolution.

An analysis of the genetics proves that too.
An analysis of genetics shows a nested hierarchy of varying degrees of relatedness between all creatures on earth.
But what limits them from making even larger dogs?
Where are people going to keep these super giant dogs you're so obsessed with?
Because eventually that dog line will become less fit and prone to many problems. That is the spring breaks.
That's because traits are being artificially selected for by humans seeking out traits that are desirable to them, rather than nature selecting traits that help the dog survive in the wild (which they can't do).

You know, artificial selection wouldn't work at all if natural selection was bogus, right?
Projection outside of measured of observed ranges is pseudo science.
So macro evolution is falsified .
All you've demonstrated here is that you have no idea what macroevolution is in the first place.