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Questions that evolutionists and billions of years proponents cannot answer but disprove their theories.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
God of course would have chosen the right ones of each kind that would produce the greatest diversity immediately after the flood.
You may not appreciate how limp, how totally lacking in credibility, it sounds to try to explain all your factual problems away by magic.

Using His Almighty power, God would have also increased that diversity
Why would God do that? You've consistently claimed evolution doesn't work.

. It is obvious from the word of God, that God made some genetic changes to man
Where? What biblical passage says anything of the kind?

Many species bear offspring at a young age and so their diversity would have increased quickly.
That reads like you're flailing around for excuses, making stuff up. Zero cred.

The animals were sent throughout the world and this would have given them very different environments thus further increasing diversity.
Without evolution, how could it increase their diversity?


Well-Known Member
You may not appreciate how limp, how totally lacking in credibility, it sounds to try to explain all your factual problems away by magic.

Why would God do that? You've consistently claimed evolution doesn't work.

Where? What biblical passage says anything of the kind?

That reads like you're flailing around for excuses, making stuff up. Zero cred.

Without evolution, how could it increase their diversity?
God did modify the genetics after the flood. Before the flood people lived sometimes over 900 years.
After the flood, the lifespan drops quickly until no one lives past 120 years.

And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. - Gen 6:3

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
God did modify the genetics after the flood. Before the flood people lived sometimes over 900 years.
After the flood, the lifespan drops quickly until no one lives past 120 years.

And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. - Gen 6:3
Cool story bro. Too bad that there is no evidence for it. Worse yet there is only evidence against the flood. Do you remember how you ran away from the picture that refuted you?

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
God did modify the genetics after the flood. Before the flood people lived sometimes over 900 years.
Let's agree on a good clear rule: every time you attribute some act to God, at the same time you provide the biblical reference that demonstrates your claim is correct.

After the flood, the lifespan drops quickly until no one lives past 120 years.
The oldest human on record lived to (from memory) 122 years. I don't believe humans in the past lived to multiple hundreds of years ─ or at least years such as we use, some 365 days and a few hours long.


Well-Known Member
Let's agree on a good clear rule: every time you attribute some act to God, at the same time you provide the biblical reference that demonstrates your claim is correct.

The oldest human on record lived to (from memory) 122 years. I don't believe humans in the past lived to multiple hundreds of years ─ or at least years such as we use, some 365 days and a few hours long.
You memory serves you well. However the person you refer to is not a verified age.



Veteran Member
God did modify the genetics after the flood.
Show us th verse in the Bible (since thre are no facts) that says this. Or are you making this up because you are trapped in claims without evidence?
Before the flood people lived sometimes over 900 years.
Where are the facts that show this is true, and not some made up element from ancient lore that you think is true?
After the flood, the lifespan drops quickly until no one lives past 120 years.
Gee whiz, the lifespan of humans has increased in the last few centuries due to science discovering deadly bacterias and virus, and creating medicines and better sanitation, things your Bible fails to mention. You still haven't explained why deadly bacterias are something your God created.
And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. - Gen 6:3
Where does the Bible say to intrpret it literally? What does the Bible say to readers when there is somthing in the stories that go against facts and observations? Anything?


Veteran Member
Some bacteria is beneficial .
Notice you evade that some is fatal to humans, and not a single word about why God would do that to humans, especially before science could recognize bacteria existing, and then creating antibiotics?

Ar you admitting you lack clarity, and understanding of God, and have no answers for us?
And death and sickness are the result of the fall.
This is a religious belief, not a fact. So this answers nothing for truth seekers.

But even if you were correct, you still can't answer why God would create a scenario where the Fall had to happen. How was that a smart decision? If God really, really, wanted humans to liv in paradice wouldn't God have created Adam and Eve capable of obedience? And not created Satan to tempt them? Don't you think God knew that A&E could NOT withstand temptation, or was God surprized?

Either God is incompetent, or a sociopath.
And God wanted to clean the whole earth. He could have done it some other way, butGod chose water.
And it still didn't work. Sin prevailed. Didn't God know it wouldn't work?
Lutherans and Catholics are not saved because they trust in works.
Well that's a clear condemnantion of your fellow Christians. Catholics were the ONLY Christians for 2400 years, and they don't count as True Christians? What took so long? Lutherans were a product of the reformation, but still not good enough for you? So much for "love thy neighbor".

And if trusting is works is bad, what is it they are doing wrong? What is wrong with works?

I take it you don't perform works yourself?
So they count as unbelievers. So there atrocities counts toward the unbelievers like Hitler, Mao, Stalin and the abortionists.
OK, belief that Jesus is their savior doesn't matter? Do you think Christians who reject your type of literalist interpretation are unsaved, too? Show us where it says this in the Bible, or are you making up content for yourself, as if God?


Well-Known Member
Notice you evade that some is fatal to humans, and not a single word about why God would do that to humans, especially before science could recognize bacteria existing, and then creating antibiotics?

Ar you admitting you lack clarity, and understanding of God, and have no answers for us?

This is a religious belief, not a fact. So this answers nothing for truth seekers.

But even if you were correct, you still can't answer why God would create a scenario where the Fall had to happen. How was that a smart decision? If God really, really, wanted humans to liv in paradice wouldn't God have created Adam and Eve capable of obedience? And not created Satan to tempt them? Don't you think God knew that A&E could NOT withstand temptation, or was God surprized?

Either God is incompetent, or a sociopath.

And it still didn't work. Sin prevailed. Didn't God know it wouldn't work?

Well that's a clear condemnantion of your fellow Christians. Catholics were the ONLY Christians for 2400 years, and they don't count as True Christians? What took so long? Lutherans were a product of the reformation, but still not good enough for you? So much for "love thy neighbor".

And if trusting is works is bad, what is it they are doing wrong? What is wrong with works?

I take it you don't perform works yourself?

OK, belief that Jesus is their savior doesn't matter? Do you think Christians who reject your type of literalist interpretation are unsaved, too? Show us where it says this in the Bible, or are you making up content for yourself, as if God?
Catholics have not been around for 2400 years.
and of course they were not the only Christians.
I trust in no works whatsoever .


Veteran Member
Catholics have not been around for 2400 years.
and of course they were not the only Christians.
I trust in no works whatsoever .
Typo, 1400 years Catholics were the ONLY Christians until Martin Luther came along (not counting the Great Schism, just more confusion and disagreement in Christianity. I’ll bet you dismiss them as Christians too). You should know enough history to have understood my point. But perhaps not since you had no answers to any of my questions. I must have stumped you and you lack adequate knowledge to discuss these issues.
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Well-Known Member
Typo, 1400 years Catholics were the ONLY Christians until Martin Luther came along (not counting the Great Schism, just more confusion and disagreement in Christianity. I’ll bet you dismiss them as Christians too). You should know enough history to have understood my point. But perhaps not since you had no answers to any of my questions. I must have stumped you and you lack adequate knowledge to discuss these issues.
There were non Catholic Christians for all 2000 years and today the idea that a Christian is either Catholic or Protestant is not true.

Esteban X

Active Member
There were non Catholic Christians for all 2000 years and today the idea that a Christian is either Catholic or Protestant is not true.
But how could they manage without you precious perfect KJV Bible, all they had would have been copies of copies of translations of translations of copies of translations of lost originals, that were themselves copied and translated numerous times to become the KJV. So how can you believe the KJV is accurate?


Well-Known Member
But how could they manage without you precious perfect KJV Bible, all they had would have been copies of copies of translations of translations of copies of translations of lost originals, that were themselves copied and translated numerous times to become the KJV. So how can you believe the KJV is accurate?
As usual, many make the same mistake as they forget that God is Almighty and there is nothing impossible .

The word of God is verified by the over 80,000 witnesses of manuscripts, fragments, lectionaries, commentaries, etc in many languages from many centuries ane across a vast area. These have little variation and are quite consistent,

Esteban X

Active Member
As usual, many make the same mistake as they forget that God is Almighty and there is nothing impossible .

The word of God is verified by the over 80,000 witnesses of manuscripts, fragments, lectionaries, commentaries, etc in many languages from many centuries ane across a vast area. These have little variation and are quite consistent,
What about the other 80,000+ manuscripts, fragments, lectionaries, commentaries, etc in many languages from many centuries ane across a vast area that are widely at variance and totally inconsistent? Why are the only correct ones are the ones you happen to agree with? Are you God that you can make that determination?


Well-Known Member
What about the other 80,000+ manuscripts, fragments, lectionaries, commentaries, etc in many languages from many centuries ane across a vast area that are widely at variance and totally inconsistent? Why are the only correct ones are the ones you happen to agree with? Are you God that you can make that determination?
And you have analyzed them.
Please post anything that supports your claim.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
As usual, many make the same mistake as they forget that God is Almighty and there is nothing impossible .

The word of God is verified by the over 80,000 witnesses of manuscripts, fragments, lectionaries, commentaries, etc in many languages from many centuries ane across a vast area. These have little variation and are quite consistent,
No, that is not "evidence". The so called manuscripts are merely handwritten copies of older works. And there are errors. Quite a few in fact. Most, but not all, are minor.


Veteran Member
There were non Catholic Christians for all 2000 years
Thanks for pointing out the lack of consistency in Christianity. Why do you suppose there are so many Christians who disagree? Why isn't the Bible clearer?

It's thought the original Christians were the Essenes, a Jewist sect. It took many centuries before Chrisianity was organized into what became Catholicism. As we all know Catholicism was the centralized form of Christianity from the 4th century onwards. The various protestant sects came after Martin Luther's letter nailed to the door of the church. How do you explain this history, and why hasn't Christianity had a stable and consistent form over time? Was that God's plan, in your belief?
and today the idea that a Christian is either Catholic or Protestant is not true.
Really? Are you referring to AFTER the Troubles in Northen Ireland? Look up The Troubles. Certainly you must be referring to after the Holocaust since you declared Catholics and Lutherans as non-believers. If they are the same today, there must have been some change. What is it?

Well Catholics will disagree, and protestants will too and don't recognize the pope as an authority. So why don't you acknowledge a real difference? What is your motivation to reject this fact?
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Veteran Member
Some bacteria is beneficial .

And many aren't. And many are both.

And death and sickness are the result of the fall.


And God wanted to clean the whole earth. He could have done it some other way, butGod chose water.

Demonstrably false

Lutherans and Catholics are not saved because they trust in works.

So you acknowledge your nonsense about "hitler" and "justice" was just that: nonsense.
Your religion / god doesn't care about justice. It just cares about gullibility / beliefs.

So if by geographic accident you are born in rural pakistan and raised as a muslim, it's to hell with you. Regardless of how you lived your life.

Therefor you worship an immoral god. A celestial dictator who's main attribute is pure pettyness. A narcistic sociopath.

So they count as unbelievers. So there atrocities counts toward the unbelievers like Hitler, Mao, Stalin and the abortionists.
Exactly. It's an immoral to the highest degree. Utterly psychopathic and evil.
There's no justice there. There's no love. There's only narcism, pettyness and immorality from top to bottom.