Then your God selected bacteria that is fatal to humans, as well as the good king. Why is that? What was the intetion of your God to do this when it results in th deaths of humans, including children?
This is a guess. Where is the evidence? Where are the facts? Where is the data?
You make claims, yet there is no genetic bottleneck in genetic maps. And if God is going to use magic to diversify life, why bother with a global flood (of which there is no global sediment layer)? God could have just zapped all the sinners and avoid killing all the life on the planet. And let's not ignore that the Flood didn't work. Sin prevailed. It was such a failure that God had to try fixing things again by impregnating a women so she would have a son that would later be executed as a sacrifice to God to pay for the sins rampant in humanity. And how well has this worked? Not very good. Christians and Muslims fighting for land during the Crusades. Christians killing Jews in what is called the Holocaust (Lutherans and Catholics). And what about that Christians organization called the KKK? And today, Christians can't agree with each other, and you condemn many of them to hell given your recent comments. Not very Christian, to my thinking. But it illustrates the corruption of the religion and how it offers no truth.
As I have said, God is either incompetent, or a sociopath.