You have fulfilled prophecy
So what? So have you. You fulfill my prophecy, which is no doubt the same prediction as a half dozen others here. And you will continue to fulfill that prophecy for as long as you participate on this or any other religious thread.
Biblical prophecy is as weak as mine regarding you. Or did you think predicting that this religion undoubtedly viewed as blasphemous by most Jews then and now would be rejected and its adherents disesteemed by the majority wasn't always obvious?
For quality prophecy, look at scientific prophecy. Spoiler: no gods involved in making these specific, unlikely, and confirmed prophecies. Scripture offers less. Much less, yet educated, worldly people are expected to agree with the faithful who claim that these horoscopes and Chinese fortune cookie predictions come from a superhuman prescience outside our universe.
Lev 11 does not say bird. Fowl did mean that back then.
Fowl wasn't a word then, and it has never meant anything but birds.
Your use of translation apologetics is also predictable. The whole creationist toolbox is well-known and by cliche now. Prophecy: you will continue to use these specious and dishonest arguments wherever you can.
What was the first living creature again?
You have just fulfilled prophecy again. Who didn't know that was coming? See how easy you are to predict? Everybody can be a prophet. The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls. And tenement halls.
I aspire to this. Look at how wise this man is. Who can argue with him? :
CRISWELL: "Greetings, my friend. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future."