To sum up, we've had a lot of logical fallacies, claims, declarations of victory, declarations of position as fact, but no demonstrations or evidence to convince a rational person that any claim has merit. Most of them don't make much sense and there is every indication that the understanding of science and the particular science of abiogenesis, evolution and cosmology that has been displayed in opposition to science are poorly understood if at all.
I can't imagine claiming God inspires these attempts to deny science when there are so many errors, limited scope, logical fallacies and poor presentation. To me, it seems insulting to God to make such an irrational display so poorly and claim it for Him. All I have seen is so flawed and ham-handed, it wouldn't be useful in convincing someone in Alaska that it was snowing in December.
If I used the tactics and methods of claim and evidence by declaration alone seen on these related threads, I couldn't convince @John53 that he lives in Australia.
I can't imagine claiming God inspires these attempts to deny science when there are so many errors, limited scope, logical fallacies and poor presentation. To me, it seems insulting to God to make such an irrational display so poorly and claim it for Him. All I have seen is so flawed and ham-handed, it wouldn't be useful in convincing someone in Alaska that it was snowing in December.
If I used the tactics and methods of claim and evidence by declaration alone seen on these related threads, I couldn't convince @John53 that he lives in Australia.
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