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Questions to atheists


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.

I'm game...

Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.

I stick to the rules. Not quite as much of a stickler as my mum, who won't cross a deserted street until the little green man tells her she can, but still...

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.

I hate stupid orders, or orders that are nonsensical, or unexplained. I have no issue with following instruction though.

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc

Yup, more than happy.

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.

Sure, although I think it is important for people to learn how to stand on their own feet. Kinda depends on the context here.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.

I'm a pretty forgiving guy, generally.

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)

Nope. One woman is probably more than I can handle anyways. Never cheated.

Do you feel happy with gambling

I don't have too much of an issue with it, but I very rarely do it. Mostly just bets with mates for forfeits, or bragging rights.

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks

Not sure if I understand this question. I drink, not to excess in my opinion. I lead a generally healthy lifestyle, but I do enjoy a beer/glass or red.

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.

Well...I'm a little past that point, I guess (late 30's with 2 kids of my own). I was a generally good kid, but my dad and I had some issues. Happy to say we have a good relationship now.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.

I dunno if even gossips think they are gossips. But no.

Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat

Yup, big fan.

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.

I have no issue with God. Religion is another matter, but I am respectful of people's choices. Have even bitten down and encouraged friends to go to church when it seemed like something they wanted to do deep down. Pretty sure that was the right thing to do in that situation, but it sure went against the grain.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.

Depends on the secret. I can keep a confidence, but there are some things which need to be exposed.

enough questions at the moment,but please try to answer them with sincerity,i aint going to make any arguement.thanks :)

Ask and ye shall receive, right?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
How did I ever miss this thread?!

i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.
Sincerity with at touch of mirth.

Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.
I judge rules by their fairness & utility. Some are easy, but others rankle.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.
It depends upon their intent.

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)

Do you feel happy with gambling
No, for myself. Others may gamble if they wish.

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks
I imbibe, but I don't prefer them.

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.
I'm good enuf. But I'm not the type to obey.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.
I find it to be great sport.

Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat
Hmmm.....let's see.....pork, bacon, ham.....yes!

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.
I cannot talk against God because I don't believe on exists. I can, however, talk against various mythical gods.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.
That would depend upon the secret, & whether I have anyone's confidence.

enough questions at the moment,but please try to answer them with sincerity,i aint going to make any arguement.thanks :)
Great! You're welcome....I don't have any argument either.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.
*Takes a moment out from filing his sharp pointy teeth*
"Mmmm. Questions..."

Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.
No problem, whatsoever. I do not have a criminal record, of any kind and have never received a single traffic ticket. Yep, it sucks to be me.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.
Not at all. It depends how orders are given however. If someone says, "Do this!" They will often get a somewhat frosty look in response. Then again, I far prefer to be the one issuing orders as my way IS best. I usually start with, "Could you do this for me?"

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc
I don't go out of my way, but have helped the odd person, now and again. My actions depend on many factors.

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.
Oh no, I hate that. Silly poor people. Why would anyone even ask such a stupid question. Seriously.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.
I forgive, but I never forget. :D

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)
Nope... not into that sort of thing.

Do you feel happy with gambling
I do not gamble, though I have been known to take a "gamble" on occasion.

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks
What? Like Holy Water? Ohhhh.... spirits... LOL... Never thought of alcohol as a "spiritual" drink although after a few, I do become quite philosophical... For the record, if you sold booze, you'd go broke long before I came back to make another purchase. I am not against booze. I just don't drink much.
Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.
I was an interesting child and continually pushed the boundaries created by my parents. I learned much and now my parents are dear friends and we have outgrown the need to obey/disobey. That said, any rule put in front of me, I would instantly begin to test... As I said, I was an interesting child.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.
Not gossip, per se, but I will give my unvarnished opinion on almost any subject without little to no warning. :)
Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat
Bacon rocks!!!! My pork tenderloin and BBQ'd pork chops are absolutely heavenly. You have a standing invitation to come sample them, anytime you wish. Tell me, after eating them, they were not the most incredible things you have tasted. I double dog dare you!

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.
Huh? I don't believe in your version of "god", so there is nothing to talk against, per se. It's not like god is real, like unicorns...

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.
It depends on the "secret" and who is being kept in the dark. If you tell me you killed someone 30 years ago you can bet your booties I'll be making a call just after leaving you.


Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.

I have respect for the laws, for the most part.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.


Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc


Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.

Yes of course

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.

If they are sincere

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)

Sure, its human instinct to want to

Do you feel happy with gambling

Don't gamble

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks

Depends on the occasion or situation

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.

Yes i am good to them, but i don't obey them.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.


Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat


Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.

I don't accept the god concept.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.

I keep secrets

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.

I'm not an atheist, really. But I was at one point, so I'm going to answer! I also try my best to answer with sincerity as often as I can manage it. It helps to control the reactions of others. Sneaky little fish, aren't I? :bath:

Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.

I do what I feel is right. In a vast majority of cases this includes the law. But I ride a bike to work at like 1am so I think the traffic laws are a bit malleable >.>

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.

No. If the person is a legitimate authority figure. Boss at work for example. I work for my step father a lot too in his yard and what not. Orders can be givin in lots of ways, but when there is work to be done it serves everyone to get the job lined out expediently. Orders is what you call that. Or at least what I call that.

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc

Yeah, if I can help I try to do my best. I've given tons of people bus directions. Some people just aren't good at reading maps. I am! Why not?

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.

I don't have much, myself. But I give people change and cigarettes (I don't know if that counts as helping, really) when I can, yeah.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.

If someone is rude to me for no reason, I try to settle the matter right away.

Not touching that next one.

Do you feel happy with gambling

Indeed I do.

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks

Nah, I drink all kinds of stuff all the time.

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.

Yes to the first and no to the second, unless there is some immediate reason for that to be prudent. I'm over 30, so... Not a lot of obedience necessary. :shrug:

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.

Boring stuff.

Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat


Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.

Absolutely love to discuss it. The topic fascinates me to no end. The things people decide to believe astound me.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.

I do what I feel is right. Either/or depending. Some secrets should be kept, some shouldn't. My choice, either way.

enough questions at the moment,but please try to answer them with sincerity,i aint going to make any arguement.thanks :)

Done and done. Happy to oblige, friend!


Well-Known Member
I consider myself Atheist (although I'm technically Agnostic) and I would love to participate in this questionnaire, but sadly I'm too busy eating babies.

OM NOM......


Well-Known Member
i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.
I will

Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.

Yes I obey the law easily.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.

Yes, I can take constructive criticism and listen to advice from experienced people but I don't like to be bossed around.

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc

I don't drive and I don't know anything about cars but I'm willing to do similar things.
Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.


Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you

Sometimes yes sometimes no.

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)


Do you feel happy with gambling

No I would rather give my money to charity than gamble.

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks[\QUOTE]

No not necessarily.

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.[\QUOTE]

I'm an adult now I don't have to obey them.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.

I like listening to gossip yeah.

Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat

I'm a vegetarian.

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.

What god?

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.[\QUOTE]


enough questions at the moment,but please try to answer them with sincerity,i aint going to make any arguement.thanks :)

I have!

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.

The answer to all of them is that there are people who are law-abiding, generous, charitable, helpful, and/or reserved, just as there are people who are law-breaking, selfish, greedy, and/or wild. Being an atheist or a theist has little impact one way or the other.


Active Member
i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.

Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.

Yes, I obey those rules.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.

I do hate orders that are not founded in reason. In other words if someone says "you must get in your car and drive to town X, 4 hours away because I want a special type of sausage only sold at the butcher there, and I am above you in status or rank, and you must obey my orders", I'll tell them to **** off, but if they say "you must get in your car and drive to town X to get a special medicine that will save my child's life, and I don't have a car", I would do it at once.

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc

Indeed! But of course skeptical to see that they're not robbers playing an act. But I do try to help my fellow humans. Not being good for God's sake or for the promise of Heaven, but just be good because it is good to be good.

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.

Yes, same as above.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.

Yes I do.

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)


Do you feel happy with gambling

There's nothing morally wrong with gambling, but it is a bit stupid as all games are designed in such a way that the real winner is the casino. It can also lead to bad stuff when people use superstition to think that "i'll win the next time" and then gamle away all they own and more.

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks

Nope, I don't like losing control and do stuff that I normally wouldn't do.

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.

I am good to my parents. But it's not simple obeying, but helping out each other as much as possible, both ways. I am not the property of my parents.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.


Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat

Yes! Yummie! :)

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.

I feel happy to talk against God. I think making people think skeptically and to reason is a good thing to do.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.

I keep secrets if I have promised to do so. Depends on the secret and if I judge it to be better for society or for the peope involved to keep it or expose it.


Active Member
Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.
Laws, in general, create a system of order. A system if order is definitely necessary. Traffic laws create a system in which we can all drive our vehicles and get to where we are going, and thus creating a system of order which is good for all of us to follow. "Prima Nocta", on the other hand, would be a type of Law I would certainly fight against, or hide the fact that I was married at all.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.
Depends on the order. Everybody hates orders at some point or another. I'm betting even you...

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc
I've stopped and helped several people and have felt good about it as well... there are also time that I have not stopped to help people. While I did not feel bad about not stopping to help, I did empathize with their situation because I know how bad that sucks.

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.
Sometimes. If it's somebody who has made "deliberately ignorant" and bad decisions that put them in that position, I feel no desire to help them.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.
Not in my days as a child.... but as an adult, yes. Holding grudges will really only make you more miserable internally.

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)

Do you feel happy with gambling
I typically lose, so.... no

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks
what?? I thought they frowned at dipping cups into the holy Water???

I mostly drink water with flavored packs in them (crystal light, etc). But I do rather enjoy alcoholic drinks when I am relaxing at home or at the bar with friends.

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.
So... what if somebody's parents ordered them to perform oral sex?? in which context does obey or disobey coincide with "being good to your parents"?

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.
Don't care for gossip... thought I do find entertainment in the drama of ******** about gossip. lol

Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat
<<< Bonified Meat-a-saurus

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.
I feel frustrated to hear people who believe in god trying to force their religious practices on everybody else because they believe they are correct. however, I have no problem with believers who believe for their own sakes and do not believe in forcing their dogma on the rest of society. Just to clarify "Do not Murder", is not a dogma exclusively owned by those who are religious.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.
Depends on the situation... Mostly I would say that I do not tell.


Active Member
The answer to all of them is that there are people who are law-abiding, generous, charitable, helpful, and/or reserved, just as there are people who are law-breaking, selfish, greedy, and/or wild. Being an atheist or a theist has little impact one way or the other.



Active Member
i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.

Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)

Do you feel happy with gambling

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.

Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.

enough questions at the moment,but please try to answer them with sincerity,i aint going to make any arguement.thanks :)

I answered yours, now I have a question for you... After reading through your questions it is obvious that you already have some preconceived ideas as to what the answers are from every atheist, regardless of what each individuals reply is.

Your questions alone imply that you think all atheists are selfish, disrespecting, anarchists who just want to do what they want to do regardless of how those actions affect any other person (oh yeah, that's being selfish)...

So, where did "You" get that idea from?


Freedom Of Mind
I answered yours, now I have a question for you... After reading through your questions it is obvious that you already have some preconceived ideas as to what the answers are from every atheist, regardless of what each individuals reply is.

Your questions alone imply that you think all atheists are selfish, disrespecting, anarchists who just want to do what they want to do regardless of how those actions affect any other person (oh yeah, that's being selfish)...

So, where did "You" get that idea from?

Yes, it is true that to some extent i had implied it.

But of course not all atheists are selfish or anarchists..etc,as no one is perfect.

also i believe that there are many religious people whom are hypocrites,they are religious by name but not in reality.

The atheists chose to refuse the idea of God by their claim that there is no evidence for God's existence and had chosen to live their own way of life.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
The atheists chose to refuse the idea of God by their claim that there is no evidence for God's existence and had chosen to live their own way of life.

"Chose" is entirely too strong a word for it. And to expect it to have moral implications, or for such implications to disavow atheism... well, that is simply ill-warranted, sorry to say.


Relentlessly Rational
i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.

This is a bit old, but what the heck. I'll bite.

Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.

As a member of society, I respect society's right to make rules and laws and my responsibility, as a member of that society, to follow the social dictates of the larger group.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.

Nope, not at all. Of course, where I disagree with the orders, I reserve the right to try to change them, through proscribed methods, or to ignore them while agreeing to bear whatever untoward consequences may come of that.

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc

Absolutely, I help people out of a sense of enlightened self-interest, the basis of all morality. I help them because in their situation, I'd want to be helped and by helping them, I hope I encourage them to do the same.

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.

Of course, for the same reason above.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.

I don't think forgiveness is all that necessary. I understand that some people are rude and don't let it bother me.

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)

Nope, not interested, one wife is more than enough. :)

Do you feel happy with gambling

I don't gamble.

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks

I don't drink.

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.

My father is dead, my mother certainly hasn't complained.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.

Don't do it.

Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat

Everything is better with bacon.

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.

First off, nobody can stop me from speaking my mind. I don't "talk against god" because I don't believe any gods exist. That's about as silly as wondering if I enjoy speaking against unicorns. Secondly, I'm glad I live in a nation where I am free to speak my mind, unlike some places on the planet where blasphemy laws and the like exist. Free speech is key to an advanced human society.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.

Depends on the secret, I would say. If I have promised to keep a secret, I will keep it. If I have not, I can do as I feel fit.

So there you go, my answers.


i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.
Not sure why I'd have any need to be insincere over a message board but OK.

Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.
Rules are easy to obey mostly. I do the occasional jaywalking if there are no cars. I'm not a driver. But I don't break rules if they're going to affect others.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.
Hate is a strong word, and I'd have to judge by situations, but sure I can have problems with this from time to time. I can also do pretty well with it depending on the situation.

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc
If I had the know-how this is something I could see myself doing. Again, I'm not a driver, but there are times I've more than helped people who were in need.

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.
I've helped people when I could barely afford it. Of course I feel happy helping people.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.
It's always easier when they apologize for it, but I try not to hold grudges anyway.

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)
This is kind of out of the the blue. Not something I think much about. I see nothing wrong with consenting adults partaking in sexual acts. But I think generally if I have one sex partner that partner expects a degree of faithfulness to them, and so I'm not actively seeking other sex partners in that situation. If there is an understanding and agreement in that case it's less of a problem. But if I'm just out having one night stands with no steady partner I don't see an issue with it at all to be honest - I guess that isn't polyamory though.

Do you feel happy with gambling
I'm not a fan of things like lotteries. I do think poker with friends is a fun way to lose money though. I'm not much of a gambler, but when I do I'm definitely a social gambler.

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks
I have no idea what this question means. You mean spirits like liquor/alcohol? I may have 1 or 2 beers casually, or on very rare occasions get drunk. But my drink of choice as of late has to be coffee, I don't go a day without it.

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.
I don't know. I think a lot of people wish they could be better to their parents even if they are doing perfectly fine at it. I don't know how good I actually am to my mother (my sole parent), could probably be better. As for obeying and disobeying, I'm an adult so even though I do things as per her request at times I don't really think she has much say in what I choose to do with my life. I think I give her more say than I probably should though.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.
I don't gossip at all. I don't like when people gossip around me, but that's going to happen anyway. I'm probably less irritated by it when the gossip is entertaining though. Can't help but like a good story.

Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat
Used to always eat pork chops. Love the taste of bacon. Not really fond of pork anymore. Still love bacon. I never eat any of it anymore, however.

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.
Although I try not to talk against respectable beliefs held by others, there are some conceptions of God I am perfectly happy to attack. For example, any deity who would send someone to hell because they didn't believe. Pretty ridiculous.

And not sure why any self-respecting adult would be happy to let others choose their way. In some cases it is unavoidable, perhaps at your place of work. But any opportunity where you can choose your own way, you should cherish that.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.
Not usually interested enough in the secret someone is telling me to care about exposing it. But I mean if it was something juicy I'd keep it anyway. If the secret brings me to some moral dilemma though, I'd take it case by case. If it were something like someone cheating on their spouse/mate, I'm sure I'd keep it quiet. Not my business really. If someone told me they'd killed someone, sure I'd blab to the police.
Last edited:


Premium Member
i have some questions in mind for atheists and others who refuse the idea that god do exist,hope that you'll answer with sincerity.

Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.
Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.
Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc
Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.
Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.
Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)
Yes but I am married so I have only one but if polygamy was legal I would use it.
Do you feel happy with gambling
Yes in moderation as entertainment
Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks
If spiritual drinks are liquor than No Lemon aid and Ice Tea are my favorites.
Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.
Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.
Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat
Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.
Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.
enough questions at the moment,but please try to answer them with sincerity,i aint going to make any arguement.thanks :)

Answers in Bold


Big Queer Chesticles!
Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.
I see no reason to not obey the rules and laws within reason.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc
I am indeed.

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.
I do indeed.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.
I do indeed.

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)
I do not.

Do you feel happy with gambling
Within reason.

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks
Spiritual drinks?

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.
I am at an age where my parents no longer instruct me.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.
I prefer not to gossip. I think it is toxic.

Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat
I like bacon now and then.

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.
I am happy to share my point of view but do not seek to "convert" people.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.
Depends on the secret.

Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member
Do you obey the rules and laws with ease or you feel hard that you are pushed to do so,such as you wish to park your car in a place where itsn't allowed to do so.
In general, yes.

Do you hate orders,do this ,do that.
I don't think anyone likes being told what do to do.

Are you happy to help someone in the road having some troubles with his car,such as to give some push,or car battery charging....etc

Do you feel happy to help somebody in need,poor family and the like.
Not only happy to, but obligated to.

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who was rude with you.

Do you like to have more than one sex partner (polyamory)
Depends on the partner (sometimes one is enough, sometimes not).

Do you feel happy with gambling
Only when I win.

Do you prefer spiritual drinks than other drinks
"Spiritual drinks"? I prefer gin and tonic.

Do you think you are good to your parents,i mean do you obey or disobey them.
Yes, I certainly try to be- they are my parents, after all.

Do you like gossiping or usually doing it.
Not generally, no.

Are you fond with bacon and similar products of pork meat
More than fond, I'd say.

Do you feel happy to talk against god or feeling glad to let others choose your way.
"Talk against god"? I guess so, although that's a weird phrase. I have no problem talking about the issues I have with the concept of God, or belief in God.

Do you usually keep a secret or expose it.
Keep it I suppose, unless it's dangerous or harmful somehow.