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Quija boards, your experience


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
She doesn't care too much for using the Ouija though beause the spirits it picks up tend to be rather troublesome and often like to trick people or mess with their heads.


Are these troublesome spirits deceased humans?


So you're saying some of these internet troll jerks will not know when to stop being jerks.:facepalm:

Not sure what you mean by that.

If you mean that those people who were jerks in their previous life will remain jerks in the afterlife, then yes. It's not until they cross over that they learn something new unfortunately.

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Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
If you mean that those people who were jerks in their previous life will remain jerks in the afterlife, then yes.

Yes that's all I meant. I was trying to be funny.

It's not until they cross over that they learn something new unfortunately.


You've used that term 'cross over' before with me. I consider everything beyond this gross physical plane as crossing over. Beyond the gross physical there's a continuum of subtler and subtler planes. Earthbound entities are just on the subtle plane closest to the dense physical.


Yes that's all I meant. I was trying to be funny.

You've used that term 'cross over' before with me. I consider everything beyond this gross physical plane as crossing over. Beyond the gross physical there's a continuum of subtler and subtler planes. Earthbound entities are just on the subtle plane closest to the dense physical.

Not sure if there are any other planes other than the two that I speak of, but I can tell you that there are some higher up entities that act as sort of overseers of that realm. My girfriend has mentioned them once before. I remember her calling them "The Chosen Ones", but I don't think that's what they're actually called. That's just what she calls them. I asked her if she could see them, but she says very few ever get to see them. Even Andrew who is on the other side has not seen them, he just knows about them. They have the ability to take away her gift of sight. They also have the power to prevent certain individuals from reincarnating. Actually, as wierd as this sounds, Adolf Hitler is one of those few who they say was prevented from ever reincarnating. His spirit is too disturbed and he is being "held" indefinitely in what could only be described as a sort of purgatory.


Premium Member
I'm skeptical but not willing to play with it, because why mess around?
I think this too but then also hesitate to think a game/toy maker can even make a legit Ouija Board. Now some board made by some voodoo witch lady, you first please.


Premium Member
C'mon, when I was a kid, my friend and I had a blast freaking out his little sister and her friends. Little kids are so gullible. Although, apparently some never outgrow it.

You see you made spiritualists for life, lol.


Cosmic Vagabond
Given that the Ouija board was originally made by Hasboro specifically as a toy, I don't think there's anything specifically "powerful" to it. It's just a board with letters printed on it with a class thing.

That doesn't mean that it can't be used as some communication medium by someone who is otherwise skilled in the ways of communicating with spirits but, by that logic, you could write letters on some poster board to make your own and it would be just as effective. I highly doubt that a ouija board actually acts like a "portal". The way I figure, if it does work at all, its simply the act of inviting ghosts and spirits to communicate that actually allows them to communicate, and the board is just the way you've decided to communicate with them. Like writing letters instead of calling someone on the phone.

I've known a few friends who would pretty regularly trick themselves into experiencing "ghosts" and other paranormal things. I've always believed in ghosts and such things, but when we would go places and do things, as they experienced lots of stuff and got all worked up, I never got any feelings. I think that a lot of people trick themselves into experiencing ghosts and other paranormal experiences by virtue of some kind of placebo effect. I guess it's similar to thoughtforms, but I think we can have very real experiences which are totally the product of imagination. I think that's what my friends did without knowing it.

Once, when a couple of my friends were using a Ouija board, I asked if I could experiment just so I could prove nothing was happening. I reasoned that a spirit didn't require them to have their eyes open (because why would it??) and asked them to use the board with their eyes close. I just rotated it 180 degrees and let them at it. Of course, there weren't any actual words formed from that session, and they moved the glass with the same control and speed as with their eyes open. This was right after they did one and got some cryptic responses with their eyes open.


Given that the Ouija board was originally made by Hasboro specifically as a toy, I don't think there's anything specifically "powerful" to it. It's just a board with letters printed on it with a class thing.

That doesn't mean that it can't be used as some communication medium by someone who is otherwise skilled in the ways of communicating with spirits but, by that logic, you could write letters on some poster board to make your own and it would be just as effective. I highly doubt that a ouija board actually acts like a "portal". The way I figure, if it does work at all, its simply the act of inviting ghosts and spirits to communicate that actually allows them to communicate, and the board is just the way you've decided to communicate with them. Like writing letters instead of calling someone on the phone.

I've known a few friends who would pretty regularly trick themselves into experiencing "ghosts" and other paranormal things. I've always believed in ghosts and such things, but when we would go places and do things, as they experienced lots of stuff and got all worked up, I never got any feelings. I think that a lot of people trick themselves into experiencing ghosts and other paranormal experiences by virtue of some kind of placebo effect. I guess it's similar to thoughtforms, but I think we can have very real experiences which are totally the product of imagination. I think that's what my friends did without knowing it.

Once, when a couple of my friends were using a Ouija board, I asked if I could experiment just so I could prove nothing was happening. I reasoned that a spirit didn't require them to have their eyes open (because why would it??) and asked them to use the board with their eyes close. I just rotated it 180 degrees and let them at it. Of course, there weren't any actual words formed from that session, and they moved the glass with the same control and speed as with their eyes open. This was right after they did one and got some cryptic responses with their eyes open.

When one uses an Ouija board it is basically a means for the spirits to communicate through you. They alone don't generally have the power to move the pointer, so they basically draw upon the users own energy and senses. If the user does not see the letters on the board, the spirit will not see the letters on the board because it is seeing, communicating, and moving the pointer through you. The reason why the Ouija can be dangerous for some people is because sometimes those spirits just don't want to leave when they are asked to.

One other thing... You can actually just write letters on a poster board and use a glass as the pointer. It does work.

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Cosmic Vagabond
When one uses an Ouija board it is basically a means for the spirits to communicate through you. They alone don't generally have the power to move the pointer, so they basically draw upon the users own energy and senses. If the user does not see the letters on the board, the spirit will not see the letters on the board because it is seeing, communicating, and moving the pointer through you.

That's a more refined way of saying what my friend said to excuse that event. It does make some sense, but im not sure about the spirits needing to use your eyes.

The thing is, why would the spirits have even tried to move the pointer if they couldn't see anything? If the spirits cannot see the letters on the board, how did they know there was a board there in the first place? By virtue of the people announcing that they had a board to communicate with?

Im not saying it's completely ineffective; a person or people who can communicate with spirits could surely do it in many different ways. Im just suspicious of the ouija board, in and of itself, and I think the format is particularly easy for people to trick themselves with.

EDIT: also note that I saw your edit. Yeah, that makes sense.


That's a more refined way of saying what my friend said to excuse that event. It does make some sense, but im not sure about the spirits needing to use your eyes.

The thing is, why would the spirits have even tried to move the pointer if they couldn't see anything? If the spirits cannot see the letters on the board, how did they know there was a board there in the first place? By virtue of the people announcing that they had a board to communicate with?

Im not saying it's completely ineffective; a person or people who can communicate with spirits could surely do it in many different ways. Im just suspicious of the ouija board, in and of itself, and I think the format is particularly easy for people to trick themselves with.

The spirits can see the board and the letters very clearly when they are just in the room watching, but for them to actually have the energy to move the pointer, they have to basically use the players of the board as a medium through which to communicate or draw that energy. Your eyes become their eyes, they see through you. They move through you.


Cosmic Vagabond
The spirits can see the board and the letters very clearly when they are just in the room watching, but for them to actually have the energy to move the pointer, they have to basically use the players of the board as a medium through which to communicate or draw that energy. Your eyes become their eyes, they see through you. They move through you.

Hmm, ok. Well, that makes as much sense as anything else when we're already talking about spirits, so I think I can accept that :D