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Well-Known Member
Straight OR bi in my case. :sad:

I always had more luck at gala events, cast parties, or after-show events at the local dive. But after performances, usually the guys were mobbed by women who wanted to have wild abandoned sex with them while I was surrounded by adoring gay men who would fawn over my hair and my eyes.

Every. Single. Time.

You being bi is so damn cool. I have more in common with gay men then anyone else. Pretty depressing sometime's.


Well-Known Member
i am logging out. Until next time boy's and girl's. Kilgore Trout I thank you again for you reply. I am going to go be hung up on Madonna now.


It's my estimation that girls like guys/girls who do stuff... like a lot of productive stuff. And in the process of doing productive stuff, you will completely forget about sex and a temporary insurance in it.

So it's a win/win. You get stuff done, you don't feel the need to go get laid, and everyone wants to sleep with you afterward.

Of course, if someone isn't attracted to your production, then who cares?

Me Myself

Back to my username
Whoop, there it is. The underlying phallocentric reasoning I suspected all along.

The presence or absence of a penis, erect or otherwise, is a very poor metric for categorizing intentional human behaviors. Wouldn't you agree?

I dont understand your question.

Legally speaking, if there is penetration, there is rape.

ABout sexual arousal, the penis gets up with it. I was simply saying that given most cases of rape involve a penis getting stiff and inside someone`s holes, there is no doubt there is arousal and sexual gratification on such act.


I dont understand your question.

Legally speaking, if there is penetration, there is rape.

ABout sexual arousal, the penis gets up with it. I was simply saying that given most cases of rape involve a penis getting stiff and inside someone`s holes, there is no doubt there is arousal and sexual gratification on such act.

But do you think the presence or absence of a penis, the state it happens to be in, where it gets stuck into and whether or not it ejaculates DEFINES what constitutes sex or rape? The law certainly doesn't. Lesbians certainly don't.

Me Myself

Back to my username
With that kind of logic, it's no wonder why many are under the false assumption that women cannot rape another human being, male or female, young or old. Now, I haven't seen that argument presented here specifically, but I've noticed a stark contrast between qualifying rape as "sexual" when there is a male perpetrator at his sexual peak and qualifying it as not necessarily "sexual" when something other than a penis is used for forceful penetration.

Its not that it isnt sexual if there isnt a penis, it is that it is way easier to see if a man is aroused than if a woman is aroused. No matter who does the penetration or with what, if there is someone forcing a penetration (be the penetrated or penetrator) into someone else, then there is rape.

The thing simply was that if you say a man with an erection, he is sexually aroused. Maybe some pills may make an exception to such rule, but I doubt most rapists need them. I dont know.

I am basically just pointing at an inequivocal case of sexual motivation.


I think I now fully grasp the concept of "ejaculatory bias" feminists talk about. So at least I learned something from this discussion.

Me Myself

Back to my username
But do you think the presence or absence of a penis, the state it happens to be in, where it gets stuck into and whether or not it ejaculates DEFINES what constitutes sex or rape? The law certainly doesn't. Lesbians certainly don't.

According to law yes, but according to deginition of the word in english today, no.

As long as it is sexual and it is forced to one or more of the parties without their consent, it is rape. I was merely answering Mystic who decided to go with the legal definition.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Said the guy who provided no evidence whatsoever supporting his opinion, let alone cherry picked evidence.

You are the one who hasnt provided one single piece of evidence that sex cannot be a motivation for rape.

Consensus today agrees sex is part of the motivations for rape.

If it was only a power thing, why make it sexual? there are a lot of ways to exemplify power without sex.

A lot of people exhert power and anger towards others without sex. Why sex then?


You are the one who hasnt provided one single piece of evidence that sex cannot be a motivation for rape.

Consensus today agrees sex is part of the motivations for rape.

If it was only a power thing, why make it sexual? there are a lot of ways to exemplify power without sex.

A lot of people exhert power and anger towards others without sex. Why sex then?

I provided links to rape myth busting websites ages ago. They were filled with references you could have followed up on if you chose to. In addition, Legion provided detailed psychological research findings on sexual offenders, the majority of whom were trying to live out a deviant fantasy - IOW, a fantasy of raping somebody (not consensual sex).

Believe it or not, your genitals are connected to your brain. Your junk responds to cues from your psychological life, including whatever feelings of anger, inferiority, abusive or violent inclinations, etc. you might have bubbling away up there. For most rapists, the potpourri of anger, violence, power seeking or what have you causes a rapist to be sexually aroused by thoughts of violence toward whoever they blame for their feelings. The penis responds to the mind. If your violent inclinations don't turn you on, you just batter people. If they do, you might rape them.

Either way it's violence. The antics of your penis are very much secondary in a huge majority of rape cases, and irrelevant for rapes that don't involve anybody's penis.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hey, I'm more just an interested lurker than someone with anything meaningful to contribute at this point
Personally, I would say that being interested in a problem and how to address it, and then saying so, has meaning. After all, we're dealing a problem that was far worse not long ago because nobody talked about it, nobody wanted to talk about it, and nobody wanted to hear/read others talk about it. By "nobody", I am referring mainly to the various law enforcement organizations, courts, governmental and commercial institutions, as well as countless families and local social groups. With the latter type, we find the "everybody knows, and everybody knows that everyone knows, but everybody pretends they don't know and everyone else pretends they don't know this is an act. In the former, we a much wider set of apathy and willful blindness (or worse, such as a legal system in which a woman can't be raped by her husband because clearly marriage entails husbands "getting laid" whenever they want).

The first time I recall responding to a post of yours (when I made a complete *** out of myself and thankfully you, being far more cool-headed than I, responded to my completely unjustified attack with aplomb) concerned a thread on an the military instituting programs to address the kind of government willful blindness/apathy I refer to.

It's as much a cliché as is possible, but "the first step is acknowledging that there's a problem" isn't any less true. The second step is figuring out what to do, but we can see in this thread's posts I've read that a whole lot of the research on the natures of the various problems and the possible solutions is kept nicely secured behind paid subscriptions and overpriced volumes. And just to make the situation that much better, it's actually hard not to be exposed to "shocking" news that isn't true and therefore doesn't help.

One of the things I like about this forum is that unlike a blog, a news aggregate site, or lots of other web 2.0 features is that it characterized by interactions (whether browsing or participating), while much of web 2.0 is still information flowing mainly in one direction, just with a much easier "letters to the editor" section.

I'm glad you posted. I found it interesting and educational
Thank you!

Yours were totally deserved
"use every man after his desert, and who should 'scape whipping? Use them after your own honour and dignity: the less they deserve, the more merit is in your bounty"

I find this a very interesting perspective, and marries pretty well with my own thoughts about this topic. It's not appropriate for this thread, but I'd be interested in how/if you marry in any sort of group behavioral theory to this.

As I tend to go off-topic more than I stay on, I would definitely say that me saying anything about that here ensures we'd end up off topic. But because I think it is related and important, if you start a thread on it I'd be glad to learn what you know and share whatever I can.