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Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, and I guarantee you that the take away message from this conversation that some confused, frustrated, angry, insecure young man is going to walk off with is that sometimes guys need sex so badly they simply have to rape somebody to get it. It's just "male sexuality" in action. Totally natural. So thanks for that, guys. Great role models you're being for future generations.

No... they don't have to. Nobody has to. But they do it anyway, which is what makes them criminals.

If someone walks away from this conversation thinking that what I'm saying is that it's just male sexuality in action and that it's totally natural, they're a freaking idiot who hasn't comprehended a word I've said.


No, it does not.

No, it is not. That's not true. There's more to the physical experience of sex than having a hole to plug into. And you say "but rape isn't sex". Yes it is. It is non-consensual sex.

As I said many times before... control, violence against another human being... sometimes they may be an end themselves. Other times, those things are a means to an end.

No, rape is not sex. Thinking of rape as sex, arguing that rape is sex, maintaining that the uninhibited sexual use of AN ENTIRE HUMAN FEMALE PERSON is a fundamental requirement for the relief of male sexual urges, empathizing with the personal sexual fantasies of male rapists to such an outrageous extent that you are willing to tediously, embarrassingly, outrageously attempt to explain over and over again by use of an endless parade of ludicrous and inappropriate analogies that women are basically inconvenient barrier between any hypothetical aspiring rapist and his perfectly reasonable objective of ejaculating inside somebody else's body to obtain complete sexual relief, legitimizes rape.

Moreover, the specific behavior of you, Kilgore, and MM in this particular thread, where ALL THREE of you completely glossed over and avoided responding to the detailed personal account of a rape survivor in favour of maintaining your utterly absurd position that rape is primarily motivated by a desire for sexual release, really ****** me off. The ONLY acknowledgment of that first-hand account any of you gave was to say "GOTCHA! Since you're a victim, you couldn't possibly create or argue a rational, evidence based position on the subject of male on female rape".

Frankly, I'm completely disgusted with all three of you because of that depressing display of insensitivity, and I don't mind saying so.

I'm also a little bit peeved at the reasonable men who have lurked on this thread without calling you three out on your completely outrageous and unacceptable views, only to send Mystic and I supportive "you go girl" statements by PM and frubal. You know who you are. This **** is not going to change until you guys start openly challenging other men on their unacceptable views of violence, aggression and misogyny. You know these guys aren't going to listen to us. They know we're women. We're not in the club. We're just tellers at the bank of vagina. Some of this ****, men need to hear from other men. That's just how it is. Gather your balls together and speak out.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm also a little bit peeved at the reasonable men who have lurked on this thread without calling you three out on your completely outrageous and unacceptable views, only to send Mystic and I supportive "you go girl" statements by PM and frubal. You know who you are. This **** is not going to change until you guys start openly challenging other men on their unacceptable views of violence, aggression and misogyny. You know these guys aren't going to listen to us. They know we're women. We're not in the club. We're just tellers at the bank of vagina. Some of this ****, men need to hear from other men. That's just how it is. Gather your balls together and speak out.

Hmmm...well, I've been called out, but to be honest I'm not sure you should have. The reason I stopped posting in this thread was that this 'debate' is going exactly nowhere, as I told you.

Given that a Private Message has been brought into the forum, I might as well post it here, and whoever wants to take issue with something I have said can do so...


This is probably un-required, but I'd rather send it and clarify than not send it and be misunderstood.

I've long ago stopped participating in that thread, since I see it as unproductive, and possibly insulting to some people on this board I am learning to respect. Hopefully you're okay with a quick PM, just to clarify my position, without inflaming the thread. If not...umm...delete now I guess??

First, the non-negotiables...

1) Rape is wrong, no means no, and I don't care if the victim runs down the street naked, there is no excuse for it. That all probably sounds trite, but it's actually what I believe. I don't mean it in a pat-your-hand, it's not your fault dear way. Bah...explaining over the net is hard sometimes. Hopefully you can fill the gaps my poor language creates.

2) Rape is a control issue. I don't believe there is an instance of rape where control or power are not the primary factors. However, as I admitted in the thread, it's not an area I've studied any more than a bunch of other behaviours (I'm a psych major, which means I know enough to be dangerous and not enough to really know much...lol). So far I'm pretty sure we agree...and to me, these are the important issues.

3) I think there is an aspect of sex involved too, on occassion (like date rape, perhaps), but I'm not sure how to explain it in any way that doesn't sound like I'm trivialising things. Hence I have stopped trying to (in the thread). I'm happy to say I'm wrong and move on, and will keep an eye on research. The reason I'm happy to move on is that because, regardless of the answer, that in NO WAY moves the blame to the victim in my mind, or mitigates circumstances in the LEAST. So I kinda don't care if I'm right or wrong since it has zero impact on my behaviour, or to the behavior I would hold others to.

Sidenote: One of my pet hates is men acting like *********, and ending up tarred with the same brush. Like when I was a teacher and was told male teachers weren't supposed to hug the kids back, whilst female teachers were encouraged to bond. Phht...the main people I blame for that kinda crap are the pedos...then people get scared and start the tarring.

4) Yep, I know rape goes far beyond the normal stereo-types. Yep, I know I used stereo-types. mea culpa I'm having enough trouble getting my head around the basics, and starting from the most localised viewpoint works for me as a starting point.

5) Me Myself probably doesn't disagree with you guys anywhere near as much as that thread indicates. But he's playing semantics. He probably sees himself as being accurate in terms of word definition, and saying it's not provable that no-one has ever raped due to sexual attraction. *shrugs*
It's all kinda useless, is what I decided. But having said that, I've learnt a bit from the thread, if not the topic.


To be honest, I'm disappointed that this has to be made public on the forum. I have the right to post when I want, and you could have asked if you wanted it public.

I think you guys are arguing on cross-purposes, and you won't agree on this issue. Focus on what you do agree on, close the thread, and move on, is my advice.


Well-Known Member
No, rape is not sex. Thinking of rape as sex, arguing that rape is sex, maintaining that the uninhibited sexual use of AN ENTIRE HUMAN FEMALE PERSON is a fundamental requirement for the relief of male sexual urges, empathizing with the personal sexual fantasies of male rapists to such an outrageous extent that you are willing to tediously, embarrassingly, outrageously attempt to explain over and over again by use of an endless parade of ludicrous and inappropriate analogies that women are basically inconvenient barrier between any hypothetical aspiring rapist and his perfectly reasonable objective of ejaculating inside somebody else's body to obtain complete sexual relief, legitimizes rape.

Moreover, the specific behavior of you, Kilgore, and MM in this particular thread, where ALL THREE of you completely glossed over and avoided responding to the detailed personal account of a rape survivor in favour of maintaining your utterly absurd position that rape is primarily motivated by a desire for sexual release, really ****** me off. The ONLY acknowledgment of that first-hand account any of you gave was to say "GOTCHA! Since you're a victim, you couldn't possibly create or argue a rational, evidence based position on the subject of male on female rape".

Frankly, I'm completely disgusted with all three of you because of that depressing display of insensitivity, and I don't mind saying so.

I'm also a little bit peeved at the reasonable men who have lurked on this thread without calling you three out on your completely outrageous and unacceptable views, only to send Mystic and I supportive "you go girl" statements by PM and frubal. You know who you are. This **** is not going to change until you guys start openly challenging other men on their unacceptable views of violence, aggression and misogyny. You know these guys aren't going to listen to us. They know we're women. We're not in the club. We're just tellers at the bank of vagina. Some of this ****, men need to hear from other men. That's just how it is. Gather your balls together and speak out.

None of what you're saying is coherent. None of it reflects what was actually said by anyone. You keep mischaracterizing my position and misunderstanding my statements. You keep putting words in my mouth. And now you're attacking me for saying things I've never said and having an attitude I don't have. And for this, I am unable to take you seriously. Literally everything you said in this post is wrong. From beginning to end. Your feelings of disgust and indignation are ill founded.

I'm tired of trying to clear up your misunderstandings. As far as this thread goes (or any other thread on this topic), I'm done with you.


Hmmm...well, I've been called out, but to be honest I'm not sure you should have. The reason I stopped posting in this thread was that this 'debate' is going exactly nowhere, as I told you.

Given that a Private Message has been brought into the forum, I might as well post it here, and whoever wants to take issue with something I have said can do so...

To be honest, I'm disappointed that this has to be made public on the forum. I have the right to post when I want, and you could have asked if you wanted it public.

I think you guys are arguing on cross-purposes, and you won't agree on this issue. Focus on what you do agree on, close the thread, and move on, is my advice.

Thanks, lewisnotmiller. You do have a right and are more than welcome to PM me at any time, for any reason. I really did appreciate it, just as I sincerely appreciate the frubals and comments from men who haven't contributed much but are obviously following the debate. It wasn't until after I talked about this thread to my husband that I started thinking "why not say it publicly"? A lot of the venting in that particular paragraph comes directly from him, verbatim. For me, the ground for that particular angle was prepared by a TED talk Sunstone posted ages ago (which my husband hasn't seen). I wasn't calling you out specifically. You were not the only guy who expressed support - privately - but you are the first guy who did so to express it publicly, so I think you're grand. :) For the record, I will never name you or share anything you tell me in private with anyone else on the forum. It's not my style.

Here's the talk in case you missed it the first time.

Violence & Silence: Jackson Katz, Ph.D at TEDxFiDiWomen - YouTube

Anyway - I hope you don't take it personally. It's something men in general might benefit from thinking about, something I've been thinking about since seeing this talk, and something my husband just reminded me of with his own outrage.
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Anyway, I feel like I've said pretty much everything I had to say on the subject and heard much more than I ever wanted to hear. I'm going to drive my vagina over to the Poop-Flinging? thread, where I will joyfully take up the banner of the opposing side. :D


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I'll live. I try to convey what I honestly think, so not like I'm saying anything in a PM I wouldn't stand by anyways.

It wasn't until after I talked about this thread to my husband that I started thinking "why not say it publicly"?

Okay, so you might have meant that rhetorically, but I'll answer it, for clarity. If you could pass it on to your husband, I'd be interested in his thoughts...

I dig my heels in on certain positions. For me, they are non-negotiables, which would require an extraordinary argument or change for my position to change. For example, I'm an atheist. Posting in religious debate threads could then be seen as a waste of time, but I do it. Why?
Because I get to understand other points of view?
Because there are people with more knowledge of the various arguments around this, and I learn from them?

No...I can lurk and achieve the same thing. And I'm not the personality type to want to show off my knowledge in any way (errr...maybe when I was younger...) I generally post when I think I can add something to the debate, need clarification on something posted, think I can provide clarification on what was posted, or am trying to be funny (with mixed success).

I don't believe my continued posting in this thread would have met any of those criteria (as follows);

I appreciated the research and information posted along the thread, and sent some frubals for that. Whether I agree with that research is not the point. I need to actually read it to add anything meaningful. I haven't, apart from a quick skim to determine the outline.

Seek or provide clarification? Well, no, not really. I think I can actually understand what both 'sides' are saying. Hence my comment that you are arguing at cross-purposes.

Trying to be funny? Meh...I have a pretty black sense of humour sometimes, but no...

So I stopped posting. I sent you and Mystic a PM to explain my position, but I don't think it truly sits on either 'side' of this debate.

There are some threads which I think are going nowhere. If you think me posting along the lines of the PM would have helped somehow, then we have a difference of opinion, which is cool. I didn't think that. But it's up there now, so everyone can make up their own minds. And I do think threads (or arguments in real life) can be completely counter-productive.

I posted against an atheist in another thread because I thought he was acting like a 'stereo-typical atheist'. We had the same viewpoint on the topic, but I thought the manner he was arguing it actually hurts the subject matter. I've learnt over the years to hold fire on issues, and speak when I have something definite to say (not including my crap-talking posts). I have found it far more effective to make an argument on the right topic at the right time. Or to take action at the right time. And I find it more effective to move people's position than to hold up my own. If you think this makes me 'silent' on issues, then I could only suggest that most who know me RL would see me as opinionated, but not particularly militant. I'm too 'reasoned' to be radical.


I stand up for things in RL regardless of my own personal comfort level when I think I can make a difference. I am trying to do the same here.

I know you didn't name me, or what I said, but from my point of view, the only way to clarify things was to post the PM. As far as I'm concerned, this is a dead-issue, and I'm going off to poop-fling, or start a second frubal revolution. Or maybe do some work in RL...I probably SHOULD do that...


I'll live. I try to convey what I honestly think, so not like I'm saying anything in a PM I wouldn't stand by anyways.

Okay, so you might have meant that rhetorically, but I'll answer it, for clarity. If you could pass it on to your husband, I'd be interested in his thoughts...

I dig my heels in on certain positions. For me, they are non-negotiables, which would require an extraordinary argument or change for my position to change. For example, I'm an atheist. Posting in religious debate threads could then be seen as a waste of time, but I do it. Why?
Because I get to understand other points of view?
Because there are people with more knowledge of the various arguments around this, and I learn from them?

No...I can lurk and achieve the same thing. And I'm not the personality type to want to show off my knowledge in any way (errr...maybe when I was younger...) I generally post when I think I can add something to the debate, need clarification on something posted, think I can provide clarification on what was posted, or am trying to be funny (with mixed success).

I don't believe my continued posting in this thread would have met any of those criteria (as follows);

I appreciated the research and information posted along the thread, and sent some frubals for that. Whether I agree with that research is not the point. I need to actually read it to add anything meaningful. I haven't, apart from a quick skim to determine the outline.

Seek or provide clarification? Well, no, not really. I think I can actually understand what both 'sides' are saying. Hence my comment that you are arguing at cross-purposes.

Trying to be funny? Meh...I have a pretty black sense of humour sometimes, but no...

So I stopped posting. I sent you and Mystic a PM to explain my position, but I don't think it truly sits on either 'side' of this debate.

There are some threads which I think are going nowhere. If you think me posting along the lines of the PM would have helped somehow, then we have a difference of opinion, which is cool. I didn't think that. But it's up there now, so everyone can make up their own minds. And I do think threads (or arguments in real life) can be completely counter-productive.

I posted against an atheist in another thread because I thought he was acting like a 'stereo-typical atheist'. We had the same viewpoint on the topic, but I thought the manner he was arguing it actually hurts the subject matter. I've learnt over the years to hold fire on issues, and speak when I have something definite to say (not including my crap-talking posts). I have found it far more effective to make an argument on the right topic at the right time. Or to take action at the right time. And I find it more effective to move people's position than to hold up my own. If you think this makes me 'silent' on issues, then I could only suggest that most who know me RL would see me as opinionated, but not particularly militant. I'm too 'reasoned' to be radical.


I stand up for things in RL regardless of my own personal comfort level when I think I can make a difference. I am trying to do the same here.

I know you didn't name me, or what I said, but from my point of view, the only way to clarify things was to post the PM. As far as I'm concerned, this is a dead-issue, and I'm going off to poop-fling, or start a second frubal revolution. Or maybe do some work in RL...I probably SHOULD do that...

Thanks, Lewis. I completely relate to everything you've written. Personally, I enjoy digging in my heels on something and beating it to death from time to time just to practice one of my sillier hobbies, which is sincerely trying to figure out how other people construct their opinions. I don't feel like the job is done until the opinion in question is completely destroyed. It's like a dissection. The topic of the OP doesn't live through it, but it's a very informative process for me.

In this case, though, I spent most of the day trying to figure out how Mystic could describe the details of a violent attack that nearly ended her life and be completely ignored except for one flippant comment claiming that her horrific personal experience of rape somehow invalidated her extremely lucid, well-informed and impeccably communicated opinions on the nature of rape. Then it was immediately back to "So anyway, sometimes men just get so horny they have to rush out and rape somebody. Am I right, lads?" The more I thought about it, the more angry I got.

I'm generally an exceptionally calm and easy-going woman, but I cause lots of trouble when I'm ticked off. I'm good now that I got that off my chest. Thank you for sharing your PM to me in this thread. It does provide context, although I wasn't calling you out specifically. I was swinging my flaming sword around to see what might catch fire. :)



The Root Cause of Rape - A Male Dominated Society - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

This is going even farther than what I was suggesting. I was suggesting that this is only the case occasionally. That is, some number greater than 0. But the point remains.

Wow... that was a pretty specific pick from an article that uses multiple researches to show the opposite of what this one in particular suggests, in the midst of an article about how "patriarchy is the root cause of rape."
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Related to. Not caused by.

The reasons why some may feel like they can get away with it... or why it's not punished as severely as it should, can be accounted for through the reasons you listed... mysogyny, entitlement, etc. "the willingness" describes the how... not the "why".

The third link I provided goes into "why".

Of course they seek to control and dominate. They hope to get away with what they're doing with minimal (none, if possible) consequences for themselves.

As I've stated all along... the dominance... the power... the violence... is a means to an end.

So when the story you linked actually says, "Patriarchy is a root cause of rape," it isn't making the claim that patriarchy is the root cause of rape... but that it's related to rape?


Seriously? First, you'll lose at the dictionary game, and second:

And even if dictionaries went a lot farther
1) You only have the "noun" entry. And it isn't a "mass noun". It's the way an action can frequently be conceptualized abstractly, the way that words like kill, torture, abuse, molest, and many others are.
2) The Oxford Dictionaries are cheap versions of the Oxford English Dictionary. Looking up the entries in the actual OED shows how far dictionaries get us:
1. The act of taking something by force; esp. the seizure of property by violent means; robbery, plundering. Also as a count noun: an instance of this, a robbery, a raid. Now rare (chiefly arch. and literary).

?c1350 Ballad Sc. Wars 212 in A. Brandl & O. Zippel Mitteleng. Sprach- u. Literaturproben (1917) 139 Bot soffid sal be mani of stede, For res þat þai sal after ride; And seen sal leaute falsed lede In rapes sone after þat tyde.
a1456 tr. Secreta Secret. (Marmaduke, Ashm. 59) (1977) 210 (MED), If þe king absteyne him..frome violent rape of þe moneye of heos subgettes, þat is a certaine token þat in hyme is verraye and gret bounte of vnderstonding.
c1475 tr. A. Chartier Quadrilogue (Univ. Oxf.) 199 (MED), I shall..reherce the places and townes where many of thyn haue inhabited as longe as the vitailes and rape of goddes might susteyne thaim.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection iii. sig. PPPiii, All vnlawfull vsurpyng..of the temporall goodes of any person, by rape, pikyng..or any other maner of stelyng.
1596 Spenser Second Pt. Faerie Queene iv. vii. sig. F8, He liu'd all on rauin and on rape Of men and beasts.
a1973 J. R. R. Tolkien Silmarillion (1977) xxiv. 251 Few of the Teleri were willing to go forth to war, for they remembered the slaying at the Swanhaven, and the rape of their ships.

I doubt you'll ever find a bigger fan of Tolkien than I, but even I wouldn't rely on his usage of "rape" in the Silmarillion (and he actually worked on the OED).

More importantly, under the OED definition that refers to the criminal act (def. 2), we find something extremely rare. Not just a definition and examples, but a definition followed by this:
"The precise legal definition of rape has varied over time and between legal systems. Historically, rape was considered to be the act of a man forcing a woman other than his wife to have intercourse against her will, but recently the definition has broadened. Under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, in the United Kingdom the crime of rape includes the penile penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person of either sex, where consent to the act has not been given. This includes marital rape: in 1992 the House of Lords, in its judicial capacity, decided that the previous understanding (i.e. that a wife had given an irrevocable consent to intercourse) was no longer part of the law. Sexual penetration of a child under the age of 13 also constitutes rape irrespective of whether consent is obtained. In the United States the precise criminal definition of rape varies from state to state."

That's the first time I ever seen the OED include something like that under a definition, so apparently the most extensive, comprehensive, and respected dictionary of the English language made a special point of noting that dictionaries aren't the way to go.

I'd go further. I'd say their is no true definition, and not just because in general language doesn't work like a dictionary, but because we're dealing with both a legally defined action and an interpretation. By interpretation, I mean that it could matter less if someone didn't define what they did as rape, and one doesn't need a dictionary to understand the traumatic experience regardless of whether we're talking about rapere/raptus or Lustmord (a German word that means the raping and killing of someone).

That's for the info. I'm trying to save up for a full collection of OED, because.. um.. it's the best resource ever for everything word-related. Your argument is far more convincing then mine, and it goes much farther.


I'm also a little bit peeved at the reasonable men who have lurked on this thread without calling you three out on your completely outrageous and unacceptable views, only to send Mystic and I supportive "you go girl" statements by PM and frubal. You know who you are. This **** is not going to change until you guys start openly challenging other men on their unacceptable views of violence, aggression and misogyny. You know these guys aren't going to listen to us. They know we're women. We're not in the club. We're just tellers at the bank of vagina. Some of this ****, men need to hear from other men. That's just how it is. Gather your balls together and speak out.

I'm not sure I actually frubaled you guys in this thread, but I have in a number of feminist threads.

For me, all these topics have gotten so tiring -- it's incredibly difficult to even get a straight response to anything. I can't even remember when thread it was in, but I had to go back in time to find all the threads similar to just a long prevailing argument that is just far to depressing to keep having against the same lame talking points and over and over. So if I am becoming less vocal about the issues, it's cause a.) I don't have as much time anymore to respond to tens and tens of posts and b.) I'm just burned out on it.


So when the story you linked actually says, "Patriarchy is a root cause of rape," it isn't making the claim that patriarchy is the root cause of rape... but that it's related to rape?

I think both those posts were the result of google bias. You enter something like "the lack of sex causes rape" into google, then skim through the hits to find a specific paragraph or sentence that sounds something like what you originally typed in, then quote that without reading anything else. It causes some pretty funny results. The second link was an very compelling and fascinating article, and was the primary factor in my decision to attempt a little "victim awareness" therapy myself in this very thread.

For instance, in a victim awareness class, the goal is to try and get the boys to empathize with victims without allowing the boys to turn the attention back on themselves. The focus is on how the victim feels as opposed to the crime.

The Root Cause of Rape - A Male Dominated Society - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com


I think both those posts were the result of google bias. You enter something like "the lack of sex causes rape" into google, then skim through the hits to find a specific paragraph or sentence that sounds something like what you originally typed in, then quote that without reading anything else. It causes some pretty funny results. The second link was an very compelling and fascinating article, and was the primary factor in my decision to attempt a little "victim awareness" therapy myself in this very thread.

The Root Cause of Rape - A Male Dominated Society - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

I didn't even see the second. I was just reading through the first after seeing the quote and thought I might have clicked the wrong link or something, cause it seem to basically an entire story against what was being purported by the one story quoted.

I mean, seriously:

"Mary's explanation for why the boys, at her facility, sexually offend is in some ways different than the conclusions that I drew for my research paper. On a fundamental level, however, they are very similar. All sexual perpetrators fail to sympathize with their victim and the pain and suffering they cause them.

The offenders that Mary works with are different than, say, the fraternity brothers who spike a young woman's drink in order to incapacitate and rape her. The young men that Mary sees have severe mental and emotional problems. It is obvious that these boys do not, and even may never be able to, integrate into society, whereas some men, like the fraternity brothers, who do rape can otherwise function in society. However, while there are differences on the surface between different kinds of sex offenders, the fact remains that on a fundamental level, the causes of sexual aggression are the same."


I'm not sure I actually frubaled you guys in this thread, but I have in a number of feminist threads.

For me, all these topics have gotten so tiring -- it's incredibly difficult to even get a straight response to anything. I can't even remember when thread it was in, but I had to go back in time to find all the threads similar to just a long prevailing argument that is just far to depressing to keep having against the same lame talking points and over and over. So if I am becoming less vocal about the issues, it's cause a.) I don't have as much time anymore to respond to tens and tens of posts and b.) I'm just burned out on it.

I don't blame you. You're a very lucid, reasonable voice that consistently calls out unacceptable patriarchal behavior and attitudes all the time.

I'm burned out on it too. It's not only the same endless debate, but it's also usually with the same two or three people, who apparently cannot be budged from a misogynistic world view no matter what I say to them.

On the other hand, I've contributed to a major shift in perspective once or twice before (not to mention having my own perspective shifted) and it's very gratifying either way, so I sometimes just think of it as a challenge.


I didn't even see the second. I was just reading through the first after seeing the quote and thought I might have clicked the wrong link or something, cause it seem to basically an entire story against what was being purported by the one story quoted.

I mean, seriously:

"Mary's explanation for why the boys, at her facility, sexually offend is in some ways different than the conclusions that I drew for my research paper. On a fundamental level, however, they are very similar. All sexual perpetrators fail to sympathize with their victim and the pain and suffering they cause them.

The offenders that Mary works with are different than, say, the fraternity brothers who spike a young woman's drink in order to incapacitate and rape her. The young men that Mary sees have severe mental and emotional problems. It is obvious that these boys do not, and even may never be able to, integrate into society, whereas some men, like the fraternity brothers, who do rape can otherwise function in society. However, while there are differences on the surface between different kinds of sex offenders, the fact remains that on a fundamental level, the causes of sexual aggression are the same."

No, you're doing it wrong. You have to Ctrl+F when you get to the article and go directly to the sentence containing the phrase "sexually motivated". Then you'll see this incontrovertible proof that rape is sexually motivated.

"Evolutionary biologists purport that rape is, in fact, sexually motivated. "Rape [has] evolved as a form of male reproductive behavior. Despite the long-held theory to the contrary, many facts point to the conclusion that rape is, in its very essence, a sexual act" (Thornhill, R. & Palmer, C., 2000)."

It doesn't work if you actually read the whole article.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
No, rape is not sex.

I haven't read many of the posts, but a brief glance at the 'yes it is' 'no it isn't' 'yes it is' 'no it isn't' for 50 pages was enough.......

I don't know about Canada (lie!....I bet I do!) but the in the UK rape is sex (plus violence, or threats, or lack of consent, etc etc).

Here we go.......

From:- http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/pdfs/ukpga_20030042_en.pdf

Offences Act 2003
1 Rape
2 Assault by penetration
3 Sexual assault...Causing sexual activity without consent
4 Causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent..... Rape and other offences against children under 13
5 Rape of a child under 13
6 Assault of a child under 13 by penetration
7 Sexual assault of a child under 13
8 Causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity

and on..... and on.......

If you think our law-writers are daft, just pop down your description of rape and post it up for us. That will be a wonderful piece of work to read.

See? Rape = SEXUAL OFFENCE. Easy. Simple.


I don't blame you. You're a very lucid, reasonable voice that consistently calls out unacceptable patriarchal behavior and attitudes all the time.

I'm burned out on it too. It's not only the same endless debate, but it's also usually with the same two or three people, who apparently cannot be budged from a misogynistic world view no matter what I say to them.

On the other hand, I've contributed to a major shift in perspective once or twice before (not to mention having my own perspective shifted) and it's very gratifying either way, so I sometimes just think of it as a challenge.

Well, I appreciate that sincerely! I shall continue on in real life doing all I can dispel myths.

No, you're doing it wrong. You have to Ctrl+F when you get to the article and go directly to the sentence containing the phrase "sexually motivated". Then you'll see this incontrovertible proof that rape is sexually motivated.

"Evolutionary biologists purport that rape is, in fact, sexually motivated. "Rape [has] evolved as a form of male reproductive behavior. Despite the long-held theory to the contrary, many facts point to the conclusion that rape is, in its very essence, a sexual act" (Thornhill, R. & Palmer, C., 2000)."

It doesn't work if you actually read the whole article.

LOL. Well I was going for the benefit of the doubt, but it does seem too odd..

If you ever need to decompress following one of these threads, may I suggest

Barry White - I've Got So Much to Give (1973) - 03. I've Found Someone - YouTube

Even I'm a slave to the Barry, though I find it incredibly creepy he is, like, handing women over... to presumably you, the listener. Which I suppose is a metaphor for his songs, but the sight kinda rings of Japanese McDonald's Commercial.

Debater Slayer

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Premium Member
Not to stray off topic, but I generally read debate threads more than I post in them; it's not specific just to this thread or anything.

In the case of this particular thread, though, it seems to me that the same arguments have been repeated throughout the thread and repeatedly addressed as well, which makes me wonder if I should really repeat my arguments and say the same things over and over (especially since I think some people here have thoroughly elaborated on the same counter-arguments to the OP's position that I'd make if I posted).

Anyway, back on the topic of the OP: Since it seems to me that the same arguments keep getting repeated here, I'll try to address the main ones in detail. This will most likely include some unavoidable reiteration of things I've already posted, albeit with some more detail this time around.

• I think the comparison of rape to satisfy supposed sexual desires to car theft, bank robberies, or organ-selling is inaccurate. Not only are the supposed objects of desire different but the underlying logic seems flawed as well.

Let's imagine two people, A and B, seeking monetary gain through different means: A works hard at a full-time job to earn money, while B decides to steal money instead of trying to earn it through his or her own work. The means of getting money are different, but the two people still seek the same thing: money. B obtains it through less ethical means than A, but that doesn't change the object they both try to obtain.

In the car theft scenario, it's basically the same thing: A wants a car, and B wants a car. A legally buys one, while B steals one. Again: They both seek to have the same thing but through different means which aren't equally ethical.

On the other hand, a person who desires consensual sex and a person who rapes someone do not have the same object of desire. Clearly, for someone to actually rape another person, they would have to have more issues than being "too horny." Basically, I think that saying people who don't have sex may get "too horny to control themselves" puts all people who don't have sex and/or are celibate in a negative light: if we take that assumption as true, then it seems to follow from it that people shouldn't feel safe around single or celibate people because they might be "too horny" and therefore liable to rape someone to satisfy their desires, especially since outside looks alone aren't usually a definite indication of whether or not someone is a sociopath or has the kind of mental issues that may cause them to rape someone.

• Definitions of some words taken straight out of a dictionary without any context whatsoever are generally not very useful, helpful, or clear. Words aren't usually used in a vacuum, so it doesn't seem to me that the definition of a word copy-and-pasted from a dictionary is necessarily the be-all and end-all of the usage of the word.

So, if a dictionary defines rape as a sort of "sexual crime," it doesn't necessarily mean that rapists commit rape due to their sexual desires completely taking control of them and making them too helpless to resist. Pulling definitions out of a dictionary doesn't really settle that one way or the other.

As an example, this is the definition of sexual harassment taken straight from Dictionary.com:

sexual harassment

unwelcome sexual advances made by an employer or superior, especially when compliance is made a condition of continued employment or advancement.

Now, does that necessarily speak to the motivation of sexual harassment? Because from what I've seen, men who verbally harass women by yelling obscenities at them, as one example of sexual harassment, don't do it because they are "too horny"; they do it to reinforce their sense of control, humiliate the person they're harassing, and make themselves feel assured in their perceived power over said person. It's especially apparent when a person who has committed sexual assault is arrested and claims that they "wouldn't have done it if her conduct weren't so indecent." (I've actually heard things along those lines, and though they were unconfirmed in that particular instance, some people do make such arguments against victims of sexual harassment or assault.) As if a rapist would care about "proper" or "decent" conduct.

Really, if someone is so horny, which is easier for them: to masturbate or to follow women around and harass them, usually in public? Why would they do such thing that potentially puts them at risk if they are exposed if it's just to satisfy a desire that they could more easily try to satisfy through other means anyway?

• Despite being able to see how someone may not intend to justify rape at all when they argue from the position that sexual desire may be the primary motivator for rape, I also can't overlook how such argument could lead to all sorts of justifications for a rapist's behavior. It's a potential excuse for a rapist who "couldn't control himself," for example, or a rapist who found the way a woman handled herself in public to be "too tempting" and therefore sexually harassed her or raped her (as in the example I mentioned above). Since sexual desire is a natural thing for most people, it could potentially be used as a scapegoat to justify this kind of behavior, even if said justification may be unintentional on the part of some people who argue from that standpoint (i.e., that sexual desire may be the main cause of someone's losing control and committing rape).

• Admittedly, I haven't read every single post in this thread in detail, so it's possible that there were arguments I didn't address in this post. If so, then I'll try to address them when/if I re-read through the thread, if they are reposted later, or if someone who holds an opposite viewpoint links back to them in response to later posts in this thread (or in response to this one).