I'm talking about how from Reagan on, regulation has been gutted. Look at the derivatives and default credit swaps regulations. Look at the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act and how it made way for Citigroup.
You name a single piece of legislation, which could've provided more stability to the system, but this would be to focus on a small part of the financial instability picture. Why were the banks at risk in the first place? Because old & added gov regulation created new destabilizing factors in the economy, particular real estate.
- Requirements by legislation (Community Reinvestment Act) & by bank auditors to make more loans in risky areas which were previously "red lined".
- Intentional inflation (currency deflation), which encouraged speculative investing in homes.
- Tax deductability of interest & property taxes, which subsidized speculative investing.
- Fannie & Freddie bought & guaranteed highly leveraged loans, so that banks were encouraged to make riskier loans.
- Tax free capital gains, which subsidized "flipping", & encouraged speculative investing in homes.
- Prohibiting Fannie & Freddie from negotiating principal forgiveness for troubled borrowers, driving many in to foreclosure & bankruptcy.
Some regulation is useful to stabilize the market, such as:
- Licensing of real estate appraisers after the S&L crisis prevented kiting of appraised values, limiting borrowing leverage.
- We need more regulation of hardening of utilities & infrastructure against loss, eg, terrorism, natural disaster. Were we better prepared for 9/11, we'd have avoided that trigger of the 2007 finanacial crash. (2001 was the actual beginning, but those looking at the economy from a Wall St perspective don't see this.)
Note: Regulation at all levels (fed, state, local) has increased continually since before & during Reagan. Looking at the volume of regulation in the CFR (Code of Fed Regs), only briefly during Clinton's reign did we see even a slight slacking of the increasingly heavy hand of Uncle Sam.
As far as Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac, those were lobbied and established by bankers who put their politicians in place, in order to grab what little savings the poor and middle-class had saved.
The federal gov established & runs Fannie (not "Fanny") & Freddie (not "Freddy"), the largest residential lenders in the world. You may blame lobbyists, but the entire existence of these GSEs is due to gov regulation.