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Real Doll Makeovers for Kids...No More Bratz.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Haha :D

Boy, oh, boy....I remember building little torture chambers for them.
Melting them.
Having wars.
Great times!

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Dang, she's awfully judgemental.
Prostitutes & trollops are people too, & are doing nothing wrong.
There's no need to shame them when making dolls more realistic.

But here's something which makes me wanna puke up this morning's haggis!!!

The next step is running for office.

Likely Senate then on to Secretary of State
Dang, she's awfully judgemental.
Prostitutes & trollops are people too, & are doing nothing wrong.
There's no need to shame them when making dolls more realistic.

But here's something which makes me wanna puke up this morning's haggis!!!
It will undoubtedly lead to this...

Barbie I Can Be ... President from Mattel:


Well-Known Member
Obviously you don't know your own teachings Jay, the WT rules out oral and anal sex and masturbation that means someone can not even masturbate while having sex with their partner either. So yes the WT does impose themselves on married couples when it comes to sex.
my guess is that a lot of witnesses probably do those things anyway because it's not like elders will find out unless through confession and good for the ones that do. Although it makes them hypocritical.

As for what you said about LGBT witnesses, I wasn't talking about the ones who are sexually active. Even the ones that aren't are depressed and suicidal. You can listen to plently of their experiences round the Internet.
Although I know you probably only use forums to convert people on the sly so maybe that would not be something you'll even consider looking into.


Well-Known Member
Soldiers generally aren't murderers, even though killing is part of the job.
Really though, the only distinguishing factor seems to be one is backed by a government. If a group of mercenaries, eg Blackwater, raids a village and kills some people, they are murders. If soldiers do the same thing in the same context except backed by the government, they're just doing their job. It's the same with police. If an average citizen couldn't get away with killing people the way police do, even if their lives are legitimately, and provably, in danger.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Really though, the only distinguishing factor seems to be one is backed by a government. If a group of mercenaries, eg Blackwater, raids a village and kills some people, they are murders. If soldiers do the same thing in the same context except backed by the government, they're just doing their job. It's the same with police. If an average citizen couldn't get away with killing people the way police do, even if their lives are legitimately, and provably, in danger.
Aye, killing to fight threats in an organized, systematic is generally accepted...unlike murder.
Of course, there are complications due to misuse of the military & police.


Avid JW Bible Student
Obviously you don't know your own teachings Jay, the WT rules out oral and anal sex and masturbation that means someone can not even masturbate while having sex with their partner either. So yes the WT does impose themselves on married couples when it comes to sex.
my guess is that a lot of witnesses probably do those things anyway because it's not like elders will find out unless through confession and good for the ones that do. Although it makes them hypocritical.

What are these "rules" you refer to H? In all my years as a Witness, the only thing that has been stressed is morality.
Clean sexual behavior is part of being a worshipper of Jehovah. Perverted sexual behavior was always part of what "the people of the nations" engaged in....not the worshippers of Jehovah. If you recall, the very first thing that Adam and his wife noticed after they disobeyed God and introduced a knowledge of evil, was that they were naked. Sexual sin was their first realization. It is a powerful drive in our imperfection, one that satan uses to his advantage.

What made the rebel angels want to come to the earth and materialize? Having sex with human women and having violent domination over men. Perverted sex and violence continue to be their favorite activities....or hadn't you noticed?

If God is real to us then any behavior, even behind closed doors is observed by him. If we contravene our conscience in any activity, sexual or otherwise, we have displeased God, not only by our conduct, but by going against our God-given conscience in the first place. God wants us to be balanced and realistic in our activities and expectations.

Your words here indicate that you believe that Jehovah is not real to his worshippers. If you think that we are only answerable to men, then think again. All men are answerable to God, be they shepherds or sheep. Nothing escapes his notice.

My God is real and is my constant companion in all I do. The elders are the least of my worries. If Jehovah is real, you don't offend him on purpose. If something needs "fixing" then Jehovah will see to it in his own time. Do we patiently wait on him or run around crying foul because things are not done the way we want them to be? Are we "God-focused" or "self-focused"?

As for what you said about LGBT witnesses, I wasn't talking about the ones who are sexually active. Even the ones that aren't are depressed and suicidal.

The only ones who are depressed and suicidal are the ones who want what they can't have and whine about it. They want their cake and eat it too.....sometimes you just can't do that.

Serving God requires sacrifice, so some may have to sacrifice more than others. Keeping oneself busy if the "the work of the Lord" will help to keep their minds on other more noble things than sex.
Refraining from sex is not life threatening. Widows do it all the time. So do those who remain single because they have not yet found a compatible mate. Those who are sexually attracted to children have to do it too. It doesn't mean that they are not among us, but that they must keep a right reign of their feelings. Jehovah will help them by means of his spirit. Do you believe that he can't do that?

I know of a gay brother who serves in a congregation in a country congregation. He left a long term partnership when he realized that his lifestyle was against Jehovah's laws. This was his sacrifice. Did he sit home alone moping and lamenting about his choice? NO! He made it because he loves Jehovah more than himself. He threw himself into helping others and is a much loved member of the congregation.

Sacrifice in Israel had to be the best someone had to offer. It couldn't be lame or blind or of second quality, but the best specimen they had. This was to demonstrate where their heart was. Our sacrifice can't lame or half-hearted either. If it is, then it isn't acceptable to God either.

You can listen to plently of their experiences round the Internet.
Whiners and complainers were among the Israelites too....what else is new?
What does listening to whiners and complainers do for anyone? It just generates negative attitudes in others. Why do you suppose that the Bible recommends that apostates should be avoided? If you feed on poison, it will kill you.

Although I know you probably only use forums to convert people on the sly so maybe that would not be something you'll even consider looking into.

Seriously, what do you think anyone comes to forums like this for? No one can "convert" anyone. That is something only God can do to a person. Conviction is not necessarily conversion. Many people can be convinced that they have the truth and present their beliefs to people who frequent sites like this.
But all they can do is present ideas and evidence from scripture to state their case. What people do with the information is up to them.

By the sounds of your testimony here all you ever were was a member of what you call "the Watchtower".
I am a worshipper of Jehovah who sees herself as part of a global family of fellow worshippers. "The Watchtower" is a facility used to print Bible literature. You don't appear to know the difference.

Jehovah has always had a "people" who served his interests on earth. In ancient times the patriarchs were the spiritual heads of their clans. In time Abraham's descendants came to be formed into a nation whom Jehovah adopted as his "people". He gave them his laws and expected that they would obey him. His purpose in connection with them was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and when that wayward nation failed to accept him, God cast them off as his "people". (Matt 23:37-39)
A new nation was adopted as "sons" and some were chosen to be "brothers" of Christ who would rule with him in his kingdom.

Jehovah has a "people" today who are at present carrying out the most extensive preaching work even undertaken on earth, reaching into every corner of the globe. It was going to be completed before the foretold "end" of the present system of things. I can tell you that it is done. (Matt 24:14)

Where we are at the "end" is where we have placed ourselves.

The difference between one who is acceptable to God and one who is not, is their attitude. Not one "sheep" will be missing when God brings the curtain down on this awful system of things. Whether we are a sheep or a goat is NOT determined by any man or men. Jesus is our judge and he knows the workings of our hearts. The administration of his perfect justice is not altered by sentiment.

If we have been stumbled by men, then where was Jehovah? True servants of God cannot be stumbled by men.
A genuine relationship with Jehovah cannot be severed by anyone.
Humans are not perfect and will let us down at times...Jehovah never will. He will never leave us...unless we leave him first.

"35 Who will separate us from the love of the Christ? Will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 Just as it is written: “For your sake we are being put to death all day long; we have been accounted as sheep for slaughtering.” 37 On the contrary, in all these things we are coming off completely victorious through the one who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers 39 nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom 8:35-39)

Who separates from God and his "people"? Only we can do that.
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Well-Known Member
I was just reading Jeremiah today as part of daily bible reading with the infirm man I take care of. We read a part today that showed that God's people had shepherds that had became evil and he took note. Eventually he dealt with them. We do not need to blame Jehovah for what wicked men that just claim loyalty to Jehovah do.

"'Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!' declares Jehovah....'So I will turn my attention to you because of your evil deeds,' declares Jehovah. 'Then I will gather together the remnant of my sheep from all the lands to which I have dispersed them, and I will bring them back to their pasture, and they will become fruitful and become many. And I will raise up over them shepherds who really shepherd them. They will no longer be afraid or be terrified, and none will be missing,' declares Jehovah." - Jeremiah 23:1,2b-4

The question is, will we prove ourselves to be his sheep and return to the pasture, or will we refuse to be healed?


Avid JW Bible Student
I'd expect her to be just as terrible as the last ones.

Are people tired of putting their trust in those who never keep their promises, in a system where integrity is always overwhelmed by power? Those who go into public office with good intentions, never get to keep them. They find themselves as small cogs in a very big machine and then they have two choices......lick 'em or join 'em.......you know which one they choose......no point in trying to buck the system......it doesn't pay. ( in more ways than one)

Why do you suppose it is that humans can't rule themselves successfully?

Why does power corrupt them every time?

Is there a connection in our programming as children? (Politically, religiously etc.)

What are boy's toys teaching young minds?

Is nationalism also a big part of the problem? Do we see ourselves only as part of our own nation.......or should we see ourselves as part of the wider human race? If all nations came together as one human race, supporting each other and sharing the planet's resources, imagine what could be achieved! Man will never accomplish this, but it is possible in theory.

This is actually the hope that the Bible holds out for all mankind in the future....but only when the peace disrupters are dispensed with.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Are people tired of putting their trust in those who never keep their promises, in a system where integrity is always overwhelmed by power? Those who go into public office with good intentions, never get to keep them. They find themselves as small cogs in a very big machine and then they have two choices......lick 'em or join 'em.......you know which one they choose......no point in trying to buck the system......it doesn't pay. ( in more ways than one)
Why do you suppose it is that humans can't rule themselves successfully?
We're quite faulty in the perception, emoting, & thinking departments.
Why does power corrupt them every time?
I don't believe that it corrupts everyone, but I do see that people discover complexities & benefits of compromise which they never imagined before becoming a politician.
Is there a connection in our programming as children? (Politically, religiously etc.)
Yes. I believe in teaching & exemplifying good values.
What are boy's toys teaching young minds?
The toys teach nothing. Boys just become who they are.
I played with all sorts of war toys.
I then grew up to become a draft dodging war resister who designed weapon systems for military contractors.
Is nationalism also a big part of the problem? Do we see ourselves only as part of our own nation.......or should we see ourselves as part of the wider human race? If all nations came together as one human race, supporting each other and sharing the planet's resources, imagine what could be achieved! Man will never accomplish this, but it is possible in theory.
This is actually the hope that the Bible holds out for all mankind in the future....but only when the peace disrupters are dispensed with.
You ask some difficult & broad questions.
I only advocate a greater sense of humanity, more rational thought, & more personal responsibility.


Avid JW Bible Student
We're quite faulty in the perception, emoting, & thinking departments.

I believe that is an understatement. Humans are just plain lousy at governing themselves....no matter what country.
In Australia, our nation's capital (Canberra) is where all the politicians gather to nut out how they are going to rob the poor to facilitate the lifestyles of the rich. Do they do that in America too? :p

Anyhow, we call it "Planet Canberra" because it is so far removed from the average person's life experience that they cannot imagine why it is wrong to pay children to leave home or to have babies. No one could possibly want that small amount of what is considered pocket change to the average poly. Yet here we have a whole generation of spoilt brats who can leave home and receive money from the government....and their parents can't do a thing about it. They can live with drug abusers or sexual predators and no one can stop them. They can have babies and the government will pay them money to do that too. How could this happen? Because those who live on "planet Canberra" haven't got a clue how it is for those who have no money, and live on planet Earth. :rolleyes: The longer they are in power, the further removed they become. Does power and money make people, blind and stupid? It appears so.

I don't believe that it corrupts everyone, but I do see that people discover complexities & benefits of compromise which they never imagined before becoming a politician.

Well, that is a nice way of putting it. But the "lick 'em or join 'em" scenario seems to apply. It obviously pays to join 'em.
Any proddings of conscience are quickly swept under the $40,000 carpet.

Yes. I believe in teaching & exemplifying good values.

Unfortunately, parents who wish to teach their children anything good are becoming a little thin on the ground. In order to teach children, you actually have to spend time with them. And they have got to want to spend time with you without some device blocking their ears. Good values seem to be evaporating into thin air as our youth engage in more and more unseemly conduct. Alcohol and drugs are not only the problem of youth, but in a lot of cases, are the problems of parents too. :(

I see all these decorated people walking about with no thought of how stupid their tats are going to look when their skin is old and wrinkly.....maybe they don't plan on living that long. :eek:

The toys teach nothing. Boys just become who they are.
I played with all sorts of war toys.
I then grew up to become a draft dodging war resister who designed weapon systems for military contractors.

And you can see no connection between not fighting in a war and designing weapons systems for others to fight in a war? Hmmmmmm......:confused: Teaching can be subliminal too ya know.

You ask some difficult & broad questions.
I have asked questions my whole life. I don't usually rest until I have the answers. That is just me. ;)

I only advocate a greater sense of humanity, more rational thought, & more personal responsibility.

And I guess that is all one can do.....but what if no one else is? What then?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I believe that is an understatement. Humans are just plain lousy at governing themselves....no matter what country.
In Australia, our nation's capital (Canberra) is where all the politicians gather to nut out how they are going to rob the poor to facilitate the lifestyles of the rich. Do they do that in America too? :p
We Americastanians have a terrible place which we call "DC", where tribute to our royalty is paid by citizens & captives.

There, the Iniquitous Ransackery Service (IRS) takes whatever we have...money, property....& failing those, even our young.
Here is one Operative of Ransackery & Crushinating (ORC) about to consume a citizen's offering.....

What wealth isn't destroyed by the ORCs in the extraction process, is used to fuel the lavish & decadent antics of our royalty.

Our emperor craves ever more costly bacchanals to drain our coffers.

Some brave souls dare to expose his horrors...
Judicial Watch: Obama Family’s 2014 Christmas Vacation in Hawaii Cost Taxpayers $3,672,798 in Transportation Expenses - Judicial Watch

But their fate is dooommmmmmmm!