So you can’t just choose to believe what I’m saying then?
I can't believe that you have made any decisions without a bias attached - I had no such 'teaching' and have come to a very different conclusion. I too had to go to Scout services and no doubt did my bit singing away but by then I had already decided religions were not reflections of reality. Nothing ever changed in that regard since I am more scientifically inclined, and no evidence I have ever come across regarding religion has passed the plausibility test. And I'm sorry, we do make conscious decisions. It's not just down to our unconscious minds. I think what you are referring to is our emotions, where often it this which tends to attract any to religion. I never felt the need. And it's not as if I haven't done any research here. I have copies of the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, I Ching, but they are all pretty much the same. It all boils down to the basic phenomena surrounding most of these and as to whether it fits into my overall understanding of reality. And it just doesn't.