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Just because you acknowledge something as non existant doesn't mean you can't understand what it is the idea is supposed to be about. Such as, I have a pretty good understanding of Game of Thrones and can explain why I think Jamie Lannister will be the true hero of it all, but none of it is real.
That doesn't prove the existence of free will. It may just be that every thing we do is the result of web of cause and effect.
I'll never be able to violate the laws of physics, but god's law I violate on a regular basis, and often encourage it.
Why can't we hold them accountable? We do it to various drug addicts, even though some drugs are addictive enough to enslave a user into compulsive usage and engaging in crime in order to obtain money to obtain their next fix..
Many Christians have disagreed with this position, and that god does predestine some for heaven. One of the reasons being that god knows everything, including the future, so you can't do anything he doesn't already know will happen.
We are instinct driven animals. And like other instinctively social animals, we also have group rules and behaviors and consequences for breaking those rules.
All you article did was establish how little the author knows and understands about how the world around us effects us and how our genes and culture prime us into certain behaviors and traits. And if you cannot see where your limits are, you cannot extend them.
I'm curious to know how you know, you can't do anything God doesn't already know will happen.
What if God chooses not to know what will happen, before it happens.
Why is it people seem to think, just because he's God, that God has no right to make choices for himself. Whether to know things before they happen or not to know things before they happen ?
You know there are times God chosen not to know before they happen.