Well-Known Member
Son is the transgression of the law.
The law is the Ten Commandments and any currently-applicable judgments under the law (some judgments change -such as which foods are to be eaten, what is to be done to sinners/stoning/death penalty, etc.)
The commandments are based on God's nature and the nature of the creation.
They are called the law of love -as keeping them would make the world a paradise and prevent most of our problems.
If I may ask, how do you know for sure it's the Ten commandments that's being spoken of in the book of
1st John 3:4--Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law"
There is a law being spoken of, But it's not the Ten commandments that's being spoken of in 1st John 3:4.
If you back up to Verse's 2 & 3, and then read down to Verse 4, Then you will find what law John is speaking about.