Thinking Homer
Understanding and challenging different worldviews
Well, I dont know about the abrahamic afterlife, but in Buddhism the idea is as long as we are attached to greed, ego (termed as lust among other things), we are reborn back into this life. There is a continuation of mind (or some say consciousness) that the thoughts and intent behind good deeds stay in each life even though we have different bodies.
I compare it to a dirty string; the dirt shapes a string so people think there is a string under the dirt. Consciousness is that X to which the dirt shapes; its nothingness.
So, when we get rid of attachments, the dirt, we see there is nothing there. Its an illusion.
Afterlife rebirth is trying to take off the dirt. Not by faith and belief, but by action, prayer, and meditation.
Once there is no dirt and there is nothing, we die; we cease to exist.
As for other religions, Im not sure. Im learning more about rebirth myself-well, in a non-intellectual perspective.
How exactly does reincarnation differ between Buddhism and Hinduism? All I know is that Hinduism teaches atman, whereas Buddhism teaches anatman (Nothing is self)