Hmmm... it is still social. The only difference between what you are saying and what I am saying is that instead of me paying the difference, they take it out of one's paycheck automatically. You still pay for it (unless you are unable to have income - so you qualify for Obamacare and Medicare anyway)
So screw poor people if they can;t afford insurance. I guess you are opposed to emergency rooms being morally obligated to treat people in medical crisis even if they can't afford it, yes or no?
One reason there is so much chronic illness among the poor is because they have no access to medical care until it becomes critical, and then it is more severe and more expensive. It would be cheaper to just offer free healthcare as a right. Let the wealthy buy health insurance as a bonus of their wealth. Some estimates that what people save on insurance will be higher than the added tax burden to cover healthcare. So you could have more money in your pocket with a universal healthcare policy. You might hate the politics, but you'd probably love the money more. plus, think of your moral improvement as more of your fellow citizens have access to essential healthcare. Jesus would be proud of you. Trump wouldn't. But which one are you following?
Did you read what I just said? I said "It happened to me" while I was talking to my doctor. Did you want me to get a notarized copy of said conversation?
No, you said it happened in Fl. Florida? I have no idea what you are saying hapened in Florida without a citation.
Only legal immigrants, through tightly controlled borders
The Republican Party supports reforming the immigration system to ensure that it is legal, safe, orderly and humane. It also supports measures to ensure that the immigration system is structured to address the needs of national security.
Yet they did nothing with Trump in power. They did break federal and international crimes with how they treated migrants. They separated children from the parents and many still have not been reunited because the Trump administration did not keep records. The gop platform is not legitimate when facts are applied to what they did under Trump, and his rhetoric. Remember border agents removing water and food left for migrants under orders? Humane?
To better ensure that immigrants enter the United States only through legal means that allow for verification of their identity, reconnaissance cameras, border patrol agents, and unmanned aerial flights have all been increased at the border. In addition, Border Patrol agents now have sweeping new powers to deport illegal aliens without having first to go through the cumbersome process of allowing the illegal alien to have a hearing before an immigration judge. We support these efforts to enforce the law while welcoming immigrants who enter America through legal avenues.
Republican Party on Immigration
By law anyone can enter the USA and apply for asylum. There is a lawful process to manage these applicants, and they get court dayes. Our system i highly abused and flawed, and both parties have not formed a solution. They cannot be treated inhumanely by federal and international law.
I don't support Obama's putting children in cages.
The Obama administration faced a huge increase in immigration because migratnts expected a more lenient administration to their cases for asylum. That meant way too many people to process at border entries, so they built temporary holding areas, called cages by some, as these folks were processed. These were only meant as temorary, a few hours.
As we know the Trump administration left people in these cages for multile days, with no bathroom facilities, little water and food. And they were given little to keep warm as they slept. This was a gross violation of federal and international law. The Trump administration tried to keep the press away but the press found out. It was yet another huge scandal. Trump blamed the migrants for coming, which isn't a crime. Just another reason why Trump was rejected in 2020.
Obama never had this problem, yet we see conserative media accuse Obama for the cages. Well Obama had a temorary, ethical use, but it was Trump who used them inhumanely.