I've read of some studies on monks. I recall one where they analyzed brain patterns of buddhist monks and catholic nuns when they mediate and pray, respectively, and found similar brain activity.First of all, anything that can occur is based on laws of nature. So even if scientists cannot currently understand a phenomenon, does not mean they never can.
The issue is that there is very little attention given to eastern religion. There have been some studies involved with Buddhist monks and meditation, but even that has been limited. When something truly phenomenal occurs, it's generally very quickly dismissed by scientists. And when some scientists do try to study a mystical phenomenon, the rest of them immediately dismiss the findings, making some excuses (usually that the people involved are cheating or corrupt, which is a highly unfair and unprofessional assumption).
I think saying that scientists dismiss truly phenomenal things that they find is dishonest. Any genuine scientist would LOVE to find, document, and prove something phenomenal, either for the sheer love of it or even just to make a name for their self.
Have you gone and seen them meditating in caves of the Himalayas?Another problem we face is that there are a lot of frauds around. So you can go to India, find some levitating yogis, and almost guarantee that they are cheating. But you do also come across instances of mysticism, that I absolutely believe are genuine. But the people who devote their lives to Yogic practice don't tend to show off. You are more likely to find them in caves up in the Himalayas meditating. Some remain in trance states for years without moving, eating, drinking etc.
I think that this is something one has to go see and experience for themselves to believe.
What did you see among them that showed they had something truly phenomenal?