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Religion,homosexuality & prostitution

Ethics and religion

  • Total voters


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I don't know...

Your title speaks about ethics then asks a number of morality questions.
Religious ethics is not the same a morals. Religious ethics provides a code. Is prostitution ok? Ethically no by some religious. Doesn't matter how I feel about it.

Morally it depends on circumstances. I might be ok with prostitution if I was certain no one was being harmed. Personally I'm not comfortable seeing two guys kiss but their relationship is none of my business. Morality is personal, individual. Ethics is not personal. It's a set of laws we support to civilly get along.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Thank Heavens that sexy foxes bonking badgers wasn't included ....... what a turn-on.
I'd feel disgusting, but I'd definitely keep watching.


What two consenting adults do together is none of my business, even if I'm related to them. I don't lie or kill, but I can conceive of circumstances where one or the other might be necessary to save lives or keep good people out of trouble with over-reaching authorities.

That's barely scratching the surface of my ethics, though, and I don't see what any of it has to do with religion.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
What two consenting adults do together is none of my business, even if I'm related to them. I don't lie or kill, but I can conceive of circumstances where one or the other might be necessary to save lives or keep good people out of trouble with over-reaching authorities.

That's barely scratching the surface of my ethics, though, and I don't see what any of it has to do with religion.

Sounds like the response of a typical playgirl.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I believe religion is about human ethics which make us better than animals.

For example human feels a shame of doing things which animals can usually do.

My goal from this thread and the poll is to see the relationship between ones ethics and religion.

Please choose according to your inner feeling and with sincerity.

Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm not an animal too. Sometimes I like to pretend to be a tree, or a rock, or a cloud...

Then I wake up, and I see that, just like all the other mammals, I have two eyes, four limbs, two ears, a mouth with teeth and tongue, and I realise that hey, guess what? I'm an animal too, and I realise that there is NOTHING to be ashamed of in my animal skin

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I'm great with male homosexuality. I'm not straight, anyway. ;) I think people who have problems with homosexuality are irrational and unethical.

The number of sexual partners a person had before me doesn't matter much. As long as they used protection/birth control (no STDs!) and are honest people who I enjoy, it's fine.

Sex work is fine with me. If it's something you really enjoy and there's no coercion and you're ultimately in control of your career, go for it!

I would never kill an innocent person. I would lie to save someone from danger.

I don't believe religion makes a person more ethical. It's usually just the opposite.


yawn <ignore> yawn
I believe religion is about human ethics which make us better than animals.

For example human feels a shame of doing things which animals can usually do.

My goal from this thread and the poll is to see the relationship between ones ethics and religion.

Please choose according to your inner feeling and with sincerity.

I find it difficult or impossible to truly vote on your poll. Part of the problem is probably that English isn't your first language, and some of the choices are awkwardly phrased. But I don't think that is the real problem.

My morality is based on this: Choices that tend to improve the human situation are moral and choices that tend to degrade the human situation are immoral. That is just my non-theist take on morality. I'll try to answer your questions in batches.
There are some normal and healthy human behaviors I feel no need to watch. Going to the bathroom and "kissing like lovers" are among them. So I'd rather not see people do it particularly, gender has nothing to do with it. I don't care if it's a gay couple or a straight couple, I'd rather keep private behavior private.

I don't know what you mean by "playboy" or "playgirl". I think of those terms as referring to people with whom having a serious relationship is difficult or impossible, so your questions are unanswerable. Perhaps you mean something else.

I would rather live in a world where nobody sees loveless sex as a lifestyle choice. From promiscuous sex to prostitution to arranged marriages, it is degrading to the human situation, makes no difference if I'm related to them or not. But that doesn't mean I'd be mean to them for no good reason. One of the proofs that Islam is a primitive immoral religion is the reports I often hear about Muslims stoning, raping, splashing with acid, cutting off noses and such punishments for sexual behavior that isn't as big a moral deal as the "punishments" are.

I consider killing always wrong. The only time it is justified is if it is the only way to prevent someone from killing, thereby saving a life. I am a rather hard-core pro-lifer. One of the things I've noticed about religious cultures such as Islam is that life is cheap. People kill each other quite frequently in the name of Allah.

People lie all the time. Sometimes it is for the good, sometimes not. It is only wrong when the choice is to degrade the human situation. Of course telling the truth in an attempt to degrade the human situation is also immoral. The moral question isn't "Is this true or not?" The moral question is "Am I using my knowledge and verbal skills to the advantage of the human race or not?"

I see this poll as pretty good proof that Islam is a primitive and immoral religion. If this were the only such indication it wouldn't be very important.

But it isn't.

The reason Christianity is morally superior to Islam is because more Christians have adopted secular humanist moral codes.



Freedom Of Mind
Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm not an animal too. Sometimes I like to pretend to be a tree, or a rock, or a cloud...

Then I wake up, and I see that, just like all the other mammals, I have two eyes, four limbs, two ears, a mouth with teeth and tongue, and I realise that hey, guess what? I'm an animal too, and I realise that there is NOTHING to be ashamed of in my animal skin

What about the mind ?

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I find it disturbing that he has two lovers kissing on the same list as prostitution. I suppose in his mind if I approve of lovers kissing I am somehow immoral.

I do think that sometimes religion twists morality into something very weird.

I'm not going to vote in a poll like this.


Daimona of the Helpless
If my daughter ever told me she was working as a prostitute I'd know instantly it was a lie to hide the fact that she was really planning to murder my mom's playboy boyfriend for profit.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Don't you think it is distinctive compared to animals.

No more so than yours is distinctive from mine. I cannot read your mind, so how do I know you have one? You communicate with me in ways I can comprehend. Other animals communicate in ways I can't understand, but I'm sure they can understand between themselves. How can I possibly know the state of their minds?


Freedom Of Mind
No more so than yours is distinctive from mine. I cannot read your mind, so how do I know you have one? You communicate with me in ways I can comprehend. Other animals communicate in ways I can't understand, but I'm sure they can understand between themselves. How can I possibly know the state of their minds?

Don't you think that the way you speak and the way you think is very distinctive compared to animals.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Don't you think that the way you speak and the way you think is very distinctive compared to animals.

I'm sure it is, but no less or more distinct than the way an elephant thinks and communicates compared to the way a monkey thinks and communicates


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
As has surely already been noted, humans are animals, and we are not universally "better" than them. I don't understand why people would want to think that. All things of reality have strengths and weaknesses, whether we're talking animals, plants, microbes, inorganic substances, ideas and ideologies, and so forth. If the point of one's morality is to put oneself on a pedestal above others, well... I have a problem with that line of thinking. I feel any entity should simply be what it is and hold to the virtues that are in keeping with its nature. I suppose for many humans, they find anthropocentric hubris to be a virtue. I do not. That, sir, is an ethic that originates from my religion, and it will tell you far more than the questions of the poll, all of which are quite anthropocentric issues.

But if you must ask about certain human issues, the poll can't capture where I stand. I don't like PDA and find it distasteful regardless of the parties involved, and the specifics of my reaction have very little to do with my virtues and very much to do with personal taste. I would not engage in a serious relationship with anybody who exhibits a number of high-risk behavioral traits, for the sole reason of protecting myself from harm. I have little issue with prostitution of any sort, where it is consented to and parties understand the possible risks involved. Like any human, I'm am more than capable of killing other humans or lying to other humans, and would do so if it was deemed a proper course of action.


Sunni muslim
I don't understand this poll.

We know that the majority of prostitute women don't do it by choice.